What's there to debate? Used to be any expansion was on computer and it was a large expansion that was worth the money. Then some genius had the idea to sell "extra content" for games. Extra content soon became cut content, expansions soon became cut content, then they decided to sell the new FF7 in parts just because. Seems clear to me.
As much as I do love that I finally get a HD widescreen version where I don't have to use the wii mote, I do think they skimped on adding anything new. The new dungeon is stupid, being wolf link is my least favorite part of this game, why would I want an entire dungeon based on it? Majora's Mask 3d had a huge improvement with the double song of time letting you choose which hour you wanted to jump to rather than just skipping to the next day or night. Wind Waker had the swift sail which was a god send given how long it took to sail and how annoying it was to have to change the direction of the wind. But I don't really see any cool improvements to this one. And why mirror hero mode? That's just stupid.
I've always said they'll use the new Zelda to sell their NX. It better come out on the WII U, I do not want to buy another console. Nintendo really banks on their old games to keep them afloat. Make something new already.
mirage_so3's comments