@R4gn4r0k: I love the Wind Waker as well but fans were teased with a trailer of a more realistic Zelda before they were shown actual footage of Wind Waker. That's what upset so many fans.
@SloganYams: I don't recall Mario ever sword fighting, or using tools of any sort. He jumped on things. Ocarina of time took everything great about Zelda and used it in a new way never seen before. You had similar items as link to the past but you could use the items in entirely new ways. Enemies required entirely different strategies to kill, the shield actually meant something. Doesn't have to be your favorite but it's ridiculous to ignore how revolutionary it was.
It's simple, all they're doing is selling you the name. It's the same thing they do with the hundreds of sequels and remakes. If a name is popular enough you can sell a movie just by the name. It works in reverse with movies too. If a movie is well liked enough all you have to do is attach it to a mediocre game and people will buy it.
@kaalkurayami: Super hero is a vague term applied to anyone with super human powers. Doesn't necessarily make him hero but he's not really a villain either.
@Born_Lucky: It's different. It's entertaining. It's fairly obvious that anyone who does not like "vulgar" comedy will not like this movie. But there are plenty of super hero movies out there that do not use this style. So why not let fans have this one?
As much as I love that they made an HD port of the game, they didn't really put anything new in it that is interesting. The Wind Waker HD had the swift sail which made sailing a hell of a lot easier. It also made the trifoce quest a lot easier. Why would I want a dungeon where you can ONLY play as the wolf? Why did they mirror hero mode? It's pretty pointless. If you played the Wii version it's no different. I was hoping they would at least give you the horse call earlier or something.
mirage_so3's comments