@neoprime: Women can do anything a man can do and what not but that doesn't necessarily mean that changing the whole cast is irrelevant. It's weird to take an old movie and gender swap all the characters. That doesn't have to mean everyone hates women. A lot of what made ghostbusters fun wasn't the story but the characters. Change all the characters in such a strange way and people will react to it. If it were a completely different movie nobody would really care except for hard core jerks.
@neoprime: You've got a real issue with defending a movie that hasn't even shown a full trailer yet. People have their opinions and they may not be the same as yours but whatever. Your opinion is not THE correct one, nobody's is.
@jay606327: Why does it need a female cast? If it were a new movie fine whatever, but why take an old movie and gender swap the characters? It's essentially bad fan fiction.
mirage_so3's comments