@EXxile: A lot of it is personal taste honestly. I've liked all of the Zelda games but I haven't loved all of them. In all honesty Skyward Sword is one of my least favorite and Twilight Princess is one of my favorites. I just didn't enjoy the "Your princess is in another castle" style adventure from Skyward Sword.
@catsimboy: Wind Waker was a different style though. Making cell shaded games like Wind Waker would still be acceptable today, however they couldn't exactly redo all of Twilight Princess. It's graphical style is simply old. It looks a lot better than it did on gamecube and it's widescreen finally with a better controller.
@Byshop:And? Did I say I had a problem with female characters? No I did not. I believe I said the opposite. Not sure what you want from me. I still believe it was ridiculous to be so upset over that board game. I do think it was stupid to leave her out but I don't think it was a huge deal.
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