It's crazy we have to be so divided over this. Strong male characters should not be a threat to women. Strong female characters should not be a threat to men. Let the story be told the way the designer want's it to be told. Just don't cut out one out for the other. My favorite PS3 game is heavenly sword. A major plot point of that game focused on the fact that a woman can be just a strong, if not stronger than a man. But it didn't beat you over the head with it.
@Desmonic: I think you're over simplifying. Women should be equal and be allowed to do whatever they want. People aren't necessarily mad that women are a part of things. These people are afraid of "Social Justice Warriors." They're afraid women will be given preference over men in order to meet some kind of "gender equality quota." I don't necessarily agree with them but don't just brush it off as they hate women being out there.
@Byshop: The way you explained it that would be called marketing. Corporations make tv shows to make money. When a show doesn't make enough money it gets canceled. If the demographic the show was pulling in wasn't what they needed to push toys and make the kind of money they wanted it gets canceled. Might be disappointing for people who enjoyed the show but tv shows are not done for charity.
@Byshop: They really should have put her in but people shouldn't have made such a huge deal out of one game. They acted like there was no merchandise of her anywhere when there clearly is.
I wish we could have things like this happen and not have it be a big deal. I don't mind female characters. What I mind is when there is a female character and then everyone's like "SEE! SEE! WOMEN ARE JUST AS GOOD AS MEN!!! SEE!!!" And then they're left out of one monopoly game and people go apeshit. Put women wherever you want just stop trying to make me feel about it.
mirage_so3's comments