@ltjohnnyrico: I pointed out he was acting like a dick because people were disagreeing with his view on the movie. I didn't even mention what my view was.
@gentlemanrogue: That's not what it shows at all.... Everything I pointed out there shows that you can rehash the same plot with new characters and people will still like it. I liked a lot of the new characters but that doesn't mean that the plot wasn't a copy of the first movie.
@Bread_or_Decide: You think pointing out that there is a war going on somehow disproves what I said? Doesn't it just further the point? Luke was supposed to bring balance to the force but it didn't really do anything. It's over looked so they could make a new movie but it's still a plot hole.
@Shenmue_Jehuty: He better fricken be force sensitive. I was waiting the whole movie for him to reveal himself as a jedi. He was my favorite character and I thought a storm trooper that managed to break free was a much better idea for a jedi than, surprise surprise, Luke has a daughter who is force sensitive.
@virtuasega: Fun is relative, but games are much more interactive and customizable now then in the era of cartridge games. One example is think of the computer games we have now. There is so much you can do to them. You couldn't do anything to a cartridge game. Games can have updates, expansions and various other things that they couldn't when they were cartridges. People complain about buggy games being released now, well imagine having that be permanent because you can't mod a cartridge.
@consolehaven: Well, the death star planet was a major plot point so it's not exactly a small detail to be ignored. But when you're really looking for it everything is mirrored.
1. There’s a droid carrying valuable information who finds himself on a desolate desert planet.
2. There’s a Force-sensitive, masked, and darkly clothed antagonist who arrives on the scene shortly after the information is handed off, looking for the droid.
3. There’s a desert settlement that is wiped out by stormtroopers.
4. There’s a hero who’s tortured by the bad guys to retrieve the information.
5. There’s a lonely, Force-strong desert dweller who dreams of more.
6. There’s a worldly old warrior who has to explain the Force to the next generation.
7. There’s a cruel military officer who holds a comparable level of authority to his Force-sensitive, masked, and darkly clothed colleague.
8. There’s a mostly unseen supreme evil that’s pulling the strings from the shadows.
9. There’s a criminal element that’s owed a debt by Han Solo and attempts to kill him after he screws up their arrangement.
10. There’s a cantina filled with various alien creatures.
11. There’s a moment when one of the heroes abandons the fight as a self-preservation measure, but he eventually returns.
12. There’s a massive spherical weapon that’s used to destroy a planet.
13. There’s a base belonging to the rebel forces on a forest-covered world.
14. There’s a surrogate father figure who is cut down by someone previously close to him, who has turned to the dark side.
15. The hero watches helplessly from afar as the surrogate father figure is slayed.
16. There’s a coordinated aerial attack on the massive spherical weapon that’s monitored from a control room by Leia.
17. There’s a trench that X-wings flew through in order to fire on a vulnerability in the weapon and destroy it.
18. There’s a massive explosion that gives the rebels a major victory but likely allows the Force-sensitive, masked, and darkly clothed antagonist to survive to fight another day.
One problem I had was: Wasn't Luke killing the Emperor supposed to bring balance to the force? I mean, it doesn't look like Luke had any effect on anything. He removed one villain just to have another almost immediately take the place of the Emperor.
@ughz: Mario 64 was an amazing transfer into 3d that set the standard for many other games. I loved a lot of the original games but I would never want to go back to the 2d play style.
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