@tre_selor: And? What's your point? My point was that they are not typically considered Nintendo characters and usually people associate them with Sony. It seems to me people are getting bored of Nintendo characters so Nintendo is trying to reach out to other characters in order to bring more interest into it.
@tre_selor: Playstation characters? I know they're not owned by the same company but they're characters of playstation games. First they used Snake now they're using Cloud.
@Cataclysmic0001: "The hand that feeds them" is not an appropriate analogy here. It would actually be more the other way around. They give us something in exchange for our money. If they make the consumer mad then the consumer won't pay for their product. Thus hurting them, not the consumer. A consumer can survive without buying a "luxury product," which most entertaining things are, but a company cannot survive if it can't sell enough product. Criticism is the only way anything ever evolves. "Shut up and like it" is too stifling.
@Suaron_x: You completely missed the point and went straight for the "ff7 praise" FF7 was by no means a perfect game, there are plenty of upgrades they can make to it. Imagine Skyrim being sold in parts. That game is huge but it's not sold to us piece by piece. The point is if they can find a way to sell us less, in parts, they will.
@GunEye: Seems like you hate most things gammers liked about it. Too many random battles can get annoying but you aren't forced to play games at the saucer and you aren't forced to breed choccobo. Old video games needed save points, new ones don't anymore so it's obvious how they can be annoying. New games have better ways of doing the battles rather than random battles so it's obvious why this could annoy people now. But when this game first came out it was amazing for gammers. You might call it nostalgia but these people want their favorite game to be made in the graphics people take for granted now. I agree you could remove random battles and save points and it would make the game much better. But there's no point taking out the side quests and games.
@Suaron_x: You pay full price for part of a game. It's like DLC. Used to be you could unlock new costumes and stuff by playing the game well. But now it's you can buy new costumes and stuff but you can't just unlock it. If people will pay for this kind of thing it will happen more and more until it becomes common and that's "just the way it is"
@Ayato_Kamina_1: For me I'm not a huge fan of amazing graphics. PS2 graphics are fine with me honestly. What brought games to life for me was the 3d animation and the voice acting that came with the gameplay. I was so amazed at final fantasy 10. But I don't need games to look like I'm playing a movie to have fun with them.
I just don't get this myself. Seems their explanation is the game is too big for modern standards. But wouldn't that mean standards for games have gone downhill since FF7? The graphics here aren't really any better than other games in this age and they fit on one disk. Wouldn't that imply that we get a lot less in games now then we did before super awesome graphics? Seems to me either way we're getting screwed. "Our game is too awesome we can't sell you a whole product" or "Our graphics are too good so we can't sell you as much gameplay."
mirage_so3's comments