@Sajius @too_handsome The side quests were definitely a case of "quantity over quality" The side quests and the way the main story progresses through unlocking parts of it it with "power points" are what keep me from loving this game. Also the lack of diverse armor. God am I sick of picking up 100 different "defender armor" with slight differences.
This game is a huge improvement on Dragon Age 2, they put back many of the things that they took out. However I still have issues with this game. The armors are different but it's mostly just that higher level armors had slightly more to their design, there's hardly any variety in the armor. You're also stuck with one kind of armor depending on your class, warrior gets heavy armor rogue gets medium and mage gets light armor. I like options in my equipment and the equipment is better than Dragon Age 2 but still fairly limited. They also try and impress you with "200 hours worth of content." There are so many pointless quests in this game I gave up on doing side quests. I can't tell you how many times I gave one npc some token from another npc that died. Gets dull pretty fast. I also don't like how the main story progresses, you have to unlock each new part of the story through power points earned from various side quests and such. This wouldn't be so bad if there were more to the main plot in each area. One example was an area I unlocked for one brief cutscene and a short battle, and immediately after I had to unlock a new area to continue the story. There is still however a lot of good in this game: Much better companions, a new more interesting story, and a lot more companion customization. You can talk to your companions and ask them questions anytime you want again. Overall I like this game but I find the main story difficult to enjoy with so many interruptions what with having to unlock each new part of it.
Can't decide if I like this more than 4 or not, I like the story in this better but I think I like Edward better. Other than that they're basically the same.
I think the real problem with the Assassin's Creed games is that Ubisoft has proven they will do anything for money. They will gouge you as much as they can and not feel bad for it. Glitchy games, carbon copies of games already made, very short games released every year, and now sometimes 2 a year, and micro-transactions as well. "Don't want to collect stuff for your ship? Pay us 20 bucks and you'll have enough money and materials to upgrade it fully." They even used their review embargo to make sure people rushed out and bought it on the first day before finding out how glitchy unity was. Not to mention releasing Rogue only on ps3? Obviously there will be an HD version down the line for full price on the PS4. You get people with both a PS4 and PS3 to buy it twice, you get people with only a PS3 to buy it since they can't have Unity. And all the people who sold their PS3 can buy unity until Rogue comes to the ps4 then they can buy it too.
There were a lot of little things about this game that just bugged me. Like Shay said all the exact same things as Edward when he was steering the ship but with no emotion at all.
@python1026 @mirage_so3 @uchihasilver Something about him attacking other ships just doesn't make sense to me. Edward was a pirate so that made sense, but this guy was a templar trying to "maintain order." You could say he was fighting against the french but that wasn't his main purpose in the story.
mirage_so3's comments