@python1026 @mirage_so3 @uchihasilver Well it doesn't take much to be better than black flag. I've played black flag four times and I can't tell you much more about the story than "Lulz i'm a pirate. Lulz I'm an assassin now."
For some reason it bugged me he wore a templar outfit most of the game but he still "put on his hood" Why did they even put a hood on him on the cover?
@python1026 @mirage_so3 @uchihasilver I felt the story was lacking, the premise was interesting enough to make me try it but I feel like not much really happened. He switches sides and kills all his old friends without much provocation, they were basically just in his way.
@CapnXtraObvious @mirage_so3 In the beginning of the game. "I belong to a secret order of assassins we're so noble and secret. Now I'mma go attack every ship I see because why not."
@uchihasilver I think the problem with this game is they sold us Black Flag again with a slightly different setting and a flimsy premise with recognizable characters to make it just interesting enough to buy.
I just finished this game. It is Black Flag except you become a templar instead of an assassin. It also doesn't make sense to me why Shay is attacking other ships in this game.
@sirevanohio Because it's impossible for there to be a good story based on revenge and a bad story based on revenge. No if one revenge story is good they must all be good.
Another popular game another set of arguments: half of them supporting the game complaining about people who don't like it, the other half disliking the game complaining about the people who like it. God the internet is repetitive.
mirage_so3's comments