@SoulxReaperx366 Right, so you think you can actually buy an Xbox where Internet is an issue? No. The point is they could not buy the console in the states and take it with them to locations with no Internet.
Yes, they will have to activate it before they leave. That's new to consoles but not a new problem. Windows and other software has to be activated ahead of time, so the activation, while inconvenient, it isn't a deal breaker.
@yourdem1ze Don't try to reason with people who have no intention of buying an Xbox One commenting on a post about Xbox One about how they will never get an Xbox One. Sony fans were loving it because all the Microsoft fans were moving to. Now they just can't stand it that since Xbox fans got their way that they might actually forgive Microsoft. Only Sony deserves forgiveness because only Sony is pure and good and righteous.
I don't know which one I get but I am starting to feel like buying a PS4 involves joining a cult.
PS4 is going to have superior graphics!" - Every PS4 fanboy
People that know what they are talking about (people breaking down the specs in the press) are saying that Sony has an ever so slight edge, but no one in the press has suggested that PS4 graphics will be "superior" to Xbox One. That's a Sony fanboy myth. That differences will be indistinguishable.
That fact is, RAM speed just doesn't have the impact many of you think it will. Plus, whatever small benefit it might bring, for cross platform titles, developers won't be able to take advantage of the extra speed because Xbox One and most PCs won't have it. They have to program for the lowest common denominator. So any benefit you see will be in exclusives, and since you won't have anything to compare it to, my guess is you wont even notice.
Go ahead and get your PS4. I am not going to down the system because I will probably get one, but stop kidding yourself about how much better the games will look. A year into the next generation, this discussion will be over as people realize games look nearly identical, just like last generation.
@midnitereaper By reversing their decision they have done exactly the opposite of disrespect the gamer. They have respected their wishes. It takes balls to admit a mistake and change a policy. Sony had nothing to change and got it right the first time, so I am not suggesting Microsoft is better than Sony.
What you're asking for with the warranty and $299 price is something not even Sony is doing and something they would never do. If they had reversed this 6 months after releasing Xbox One customer would be owned something. As it stands, they reversed it a week after announcing it at E3. Reversing so quickly is retribution enough for me.
@Techn1c4l They have said you can turn it of and even "pause" it while gaming (whatever that means). Sony fans refuse to let this one go. Ignore them. They are posting lies about a console they would NEVER get.
For the record, I am not even sure which one I am getting, Frankly, I am leaning PS4 for the price, but I can't stand people lying over and over again about this.
If I had to put money on what console company would still be around in 10 years I'd put it all on Nintendo. They've been around longer than anyone and know how to weather the storms.
Nearly every hardware innovation in the console industry has come from Nintendo. Loosing there hardware would be a huge setback for console gaming. No, them doing software only is a horrible idea. .
@Flash783 There's so much wrong with what you're saying. First, Nintendo did open the door for Sony, but some of the greatest games of all time appeared on the N64, so I would hardly be dishing on that platform. (Nevermind that the Playstation was co-designed with Nintendo as SNES-CD. The Playstation would have not existed without Nintendo).
Second, Nintendo has ups and downs. They've been in the business longer than anyone. They ALWAYS bounce back.
Third, you forget Nintendo is selling the 3DS like crazy, so no matter what happens with the Wii U, Nintendo's future is assured. Neither Sony or Microsoft can say that yet. Sure, I believe Sony is safe and will outsell the Xbox One, but we don't KNOW how the sales will be. With 3DS, they're good and we know it.
Nintendo plays it safe. Too safe sometimes, but it keeps them in business. They always have profitable consoles but don't always have the top selling console. Sometimes their success is moderate, and sometimes their success is phenomenal. Nintendo focuses on innovating gaming while other gaming companies just bring innovations from other technologies (such as the PC and Mobile) to the console market. They let other companies handle adapting technologies will they create news ones. Game controllers, analog sticks, dual game pads- all Nintendo innovations. SNES was the first console to have special 3D hardware and to start digging into 3D gaming. So, 3D gaming, thank Nintendo.
Microsoft is blowing it, and the market is big enough for two consoles. There's one company that could quickly and easily show up with a competitor for Sony if Xbox One tanks. That company is Nintendo. So my guess is either the Wii U rebounds in sells, or Nintendo comes back swinging sooner than anyone expects.
I, for one, can't wait if that happens. When Sony and Nintendo are going after each other, amazing things happen. That match up has produced some of the most innovative and amazing games of all time. Nintendo challenges Sony, and Sony is up to that challenge. Microsoft doesn't challenge anyone.
@Tremblay343 When they originally announced this, I believe they said it was so they would have more time to work on the next Zelda. It was an admission it was taking longer than expected.
Cut them some slack. They were screwed either way. If they didn't do the remake and waited to get the game right, people would have complained about the next Zelda taking too long. Now they are trying to give the Wii U a Zelda game to tie people over and people like you are complaining it is a remake. Either way, you upset someone.
Zelda is my favorite series of all time. Period. I, for one, am happy to wait for a new game with true innovation and not just a rehash.
@rayonmachristie @odimusprime No, because Microsoft has programmed an entire system that publishers may opt into that prevents trading games entirely. Plus, it has to check in online every day.
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