@mattsp10 and do PC gaming instead? PC games are DRM'ed to heck. PC games are the reason for the mess in the console market. Publishers are sick of the freedom on consoles to trade, share, and resell games. They want it to be like the PC games: controlled and protected.
Sony themselves has said blocking used titles will be up to publishers. So go ahead and buy the PS4, but don't be surprised when you cannot buy major PS4 titles preowned. The trend is to stop preowned titles around the industry. Publishers are demanding it, and Microsoft and Sony are complying in their own ways.
Microsoft has come up with a way to handle preowned titles that publishers can live with.
Sony is leaving it up to publishers, who may just block preowned titles on PS4 with no way around it.
We know VERY little about the future of preowned games in this generation, but my guess is they may soon be a thing of the past for both consoles.
Personally, I am shocked that the comments here. I was impressed. Time will tell. E3 is where we will learn more about PS4 and Xbox One. I sure hope I can make a decision after that.
Microsoft is going to allow you to install the game and toss the disk. As a side effect, the game will be locked to your account. That kills used game sales TO GAMESTOP. Apparently can be installed on another Xbox account for a fee, which has not been announced. Will it be discounted? No one knows.
If you're not OK with that, buy a PS4, but you'll have to deal with it too when the PS5 comes out if not before. It's how software works now. It is tied to an account and licenses are more restrictive.
mlavinder's comments