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#1 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts

[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]Move supperior to kinect because it has more hardcore title for it starting lineup?? WOW i see GAMESRADAR has no respect for CASUAL gamers!! Sega has said countless times that kinect is 1:1 accurate & that any lag will be a fault from a game's software optimisation not kinect hardware. Link: Ubisoft said knect uses less than 1% of the XBOX 360 cpu & high qualitiy good looking hardcore games can be made to utilize kinect with out any drawback. Link: Sega,ubisoft & other publishers are also working on hardcore titles for kinect that will be coming around late 2011 or early 2012. Link: So just stop the whole crap about kinect please. i am "MONKEYSMOKE" i luv to prove COWs wrong.Eltormo

No dude Move is better because it work with harcore games,Kinect just can't work like Move,which is why games like R.U.S.E will have not kinect support while they will support move,shooter is something that work incredibly well with Move,an again will not work as good with Kinect,and you know how popular shooter are,imagine the next COD game releasing with move support and no Kinect support.

If funny 2011 2012 dude Killzone 3 will release like in 6 months,Socom 4 as well,RE 5 gold edition will get a patch to work with move and is already working great from what i read,why do you need so much time for hardcore games for Kinect when both move and Kinect games had more or less the same time on the making,MS could be saying that hardcore games will come,but wihtout even a hint or pick of anything how can you know.?

Another things is older PS3 games can be patch to work with move,while patching older games for Kinect would be close to impossible,that is why the tech is better.

I wonder how awful a lot you do think. MOVE is getting hardcore titles earlier because it's a Wiimote ripoff that devs have already gotten use to for programing. KINECT is still new to devs so it will take them time to put up hardcore title for the CAMERA. KINECT has more potential & dev will finally get use to it by late 2011 & more hardcore will no doubt be announced then. KINECT is lag free,less cpu conssumptoin & now the latest patent shows that kinect can recognise sign language & "FINGER" motions all these are proof that FPS titles can be made to suport kinect later.
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#2 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
I prefer the xbox 360 because: #1 It exclusives (GEARS OF WAR,HALO,ALAN WAKE...) & has more superior multiplats. #2 The XBOX 360 has superior online service for just $50 a year. #3 The XBOX 360 has the best & more attractive user interface(NXE) with feaures like AVATARS & CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS. #4 The XBOX 360 because XBLA has the best Arcade games (SHADOW COMPLEX,PERFECT DARK,LIMBO...) compared to PSN games. #5 The XBOX 360 still supports BACKWARD COMPABILITY for the original XBOX while the PS3 doesn't anymore. #6 The XBOX 360 because M$ doesn't release firmwares that breaks the XBOX 360 like firmwares does to PS3.
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#3 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Move supperior to kinect because it has more hardcore title for it starting lineup?? WOW i see GAMESRADAR has no respect for CASUAL gamers!! Sega has said countless times that kinect is 1:1 accurate & that any lag will be a fault from a game's software optimisation not kinect hardware. Link: Ubisoft said knect uses less than 1% of the XBOX 360 cpu & high qualitiy good looking hardcore games can be made to utilize kinect with out any drawback. Link: Sega,ubisoft & other publishers are also working on hardcore titles for kinect that will be coming around late 2011 or early 2012. Link: So just stop the whole crap about kinect please. i am "MONKEYSMOKE" i luv to prove COWs wrong.
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#4 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts

Little big planet 2

fable 3

call of duty black ops

Assassins creed brotherhood

God of war ghost of sparta


TRUE CRIME Hong kong






ANDDD... The release of kinect.

:o Your wallet is gonna be like it swallowed a tape worm.

#1 Ghost of sparta (PSP) #2 FABLE 3 (XBOX 360) #3 FALL OUT (XBOX 360) #4 KINECT (XBOX 360) #5 COD:Black Ops (XBOX 360) #6 AC:Bother Hood (XBOX 360) Are all a must purchase for me. No doubt my wallet is gonna get choped off by NOVEMBER all release!!! It seems Wii owners doesn't have much look out for in November.
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#5 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Cows are gonna punch themselves if HALO REACH truely runs in 1080p native res with all it heavy features. Link: killzone 2 doesn't feature a peny of what reach features.
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#6 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
I personaly prefer photo realistic vissual over style concept.That is why i rate ALAN WAKE as my best looking game on console now. Uncharted 2 looks great when i play it but it a bit cartoony & not photo realistic at all like alan wake that has a very realistic look both in physics,colours & foilage. My overall best looking games are Crysis for pc & alan wake for consoles. See these vids for your self arcodingly: #1.Crysis PC #2.Alan wake XBOX 360 #.3 Ucharted 2 PS3
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#8 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts

[QUOTE="The_RedLion"]That's something too subjective for everybody to agree with. You can list games, features, etc, but that does not and never will make it a fact.Heirren

I'm not so sure. I agree to an extent, but there is a factual side to it as well. The ps3 just offers things that the xbox doesn't have. Blu Ray? Lossless audio? The whole console setup is just more professional. If you have a mild home theater setup, there's absolutely no question the 360 is the better console.

Oh I just can't resist.. it plays blu rays, is a fact yes.. too bad not everyone cares. Best looking and sounding games of this generation.. is YOUR OPINION, not a fact as you claim. XMB is the smoothest.. are you kidding? thats not only an opinion, but a horrid one at that, it has the worst interface of any console. Maybe your experience is "no mic" is a myth, but it's definitely not a fact when MANY people have complained about it, more then claim it to be a fact people do. Sure, your not required to buy a play n charge kit (neither is an xbox owner actually) but yeah, thats a fact.. big deal? I'd MUCH rather have a user changeable battery (like the 360) then that crappy built in one, you pretty much are forced to buy a second controller if you want to stay wire free, i'd rather change my batter, alot cheaper and easier. So its your OPINION that thats good, not a fact, yet again. Oh, and yes it's a fact that the 360 has a much higher failure rate.. it's also a fact that if you have a problem with your 360 your going to get outstanding customer service.. have a problem with your ps3? TFB. YLOD? TFB. So.. nice opinions you claim as facts.. fastr

Not everyone cares about blu ray, but it is still a feature the ps3 provides that xbox doesn't offer.

Uncharted, Killzone, and GOW are the best graphical showcases this gen.

XMB has actually won various awards. The xbox setup is downright horrible--THAT is a fact--an interface covered with ads? please.

I don't know anyone that has had a ps3 controller die. While I just bought mine about 8 months ago, I have friends with launch model controllers. However, two of my three xbox controllers need new charge kit batteries, or require me to use AAs -- or be plugged in.

Outstanding customer service? Really, because I sent mine in and while it is working again, it doesn't function properly. DVD tray problems. HDD read errors.

It is not every body that cares about blue ray "YES i don't either". KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOW 3 may best your best looking games but it not every body that thinks so becaus i think MASS EFFECT 2 & ALAN WAKE looks as good as any game on PS3. XMB is good for handheld PSP but worse on PS3 as console because of the tiny fonts & it's not user friendly as the NXE. The XBOX 360 controller setup is better than the ps3's dual shock setup because you can swap AA,rechargable AA & the original rechargable batteries on the XBOX 360 controller while the PS3's dual shock 3 rechargable battery is fixed which means if the battery totally dies out someday you'll have to buy another over $59 dual shock 3 controller like a friend o mine did. And hey the shop i go to fix my ps2 slim whenever the lens craps out now has bundles of more broken(YLOD & craped LEN) PS3s than the XBOX 360 because of sony's pathetic 1year warranty.
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#9 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts


The facts point to the PS3 being the best console,yes.


no not really facts....more of opinions :P

1. The system plays blu rays.

2. The XMB is the smoothest interface of all three consoles.

3. It has produced the best looking and sounding games of this generation.

4. It supports LPCM sound.

5. I like xbox live. In fact, Halo is my favorite thing this generation. Howerver, I've recently discovered that the "no mic" thing on the ps3 is a myth. What happens, is if you have a mic, you are paired with other mic users. While this may cost extra money and negate the $50 xbox live fee, which I don't mind paying anyways, it also creates a more respectful online community. I'm still on Halo like crazy, and looking forward to Reach more than any other game, but the xbox live community is not what it once was.

6. The PS3 does not require me to buy a silly device called a "play and charge kit".

7. It has a large number of games which don't necessarily require online functionality. Other than Mass Effect, the 360 is mostly FPS that people play for a few weeks and then move on to the next one.

8. The PS3s failure rate is not disastrous like the 360s. Personally I don't know anyone that has had their system fail. They aren't even aware of such a thing, actually. On the other hand, everyone I know with a 360 is either on their second console, or has sent it in for repairs at least once.

9. Sony puts more money into producing the best games. Microsoft is putting their money into trying to reach an entire new market.

You think ps3 is a better choice? These are reasons why i think the ps3 is crap. Why should anyone buy ps3 which has the highest amount of crappy multiplats. LIST OF CRAPY GAMES ON PS3: #.1 Bioshock #.2 Lost planet #.3 F.E.A.R #.4 Assasins creed 1 & 2 #.5 COD4:MW #.6 Gta4 #.7 Ghost bursters #.8 Fallout 3 #.9 Bayonneta #.10 Read dead redemption #.11( am tired of listing because i can't list the 99% of multiplat that looks worse on the ps3) Why should anyone buy PS3 that always have problems with firmware updates & HDD problems. Why should anyone buy PS3 that always have crappy oline play for games (e.g MODERN WARFARE 2) & takes months to patch unlike XBOX 360. Why should anyone buy PS3 which it games doesn't suport online cross game chat. Why should anyone buy PS3 when PSN games can't compete with XBLA GAME (SHADOW COMPLEX, PERFECT DARK, LIMBO). Why should anyone buy PS3 which doesn't have BACKWARD COMPABILITY for PS2 games any more. I beleive the wise gamers that owns the 2 consoles has more time for the XBOX 360 than the PS3 because 3 PS3 exclusives(Killzone 3,Uncharted 2 & God of war 3) can't go against all the multiplats that look better on the xbox 360 plus it exclusives like Halo 3,gears of war 1&2,mass effect 1&2 & alan wake. XBOX 360 is the best console to own NO DOUBT!!!