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#1 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts



Mostly because both boost great animation.

Killzone 2 was so damn impressive that 360 fans

abandoned GOW and use Crysis as cover because

on the console market there just wasn't anything

close,Killzone 2 to this day beat any 360 game

quite easy,the animation,lighting and all is just

to great.

You need to watch/play Alan Wake. It

destroys KZ2 in Lighting, draw distance, fidelity,

shadows, particles effects. Everything but


No no no no no no no no no.

There's also very little going on the screen at

any given time in AW. Also critics didn't praise

the graphics much...

ALAN WAKE was praised heavily for it vissuals.

What makes you think it has little going on screen have you seen the latest DLC THE SlGNAL? It has swarms of enemy on screen including flying posessed objects & cars,you'll see realistic shadows crawling arround the background,wind blowing Alan's cloth,the vegetation foilage & the fog to different directions all at thesame time. No doubt alan wake is a game that stresses a cpu.

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#2 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts

[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"]The link said the game will run smooter on the 360 "am i sensing another crappy framerate issue like bayonneta for the ps3 version?? If the ps3 is more powerfull it will games smooter compared to the 360. And for you "dragonboot" stop deceiving yourself thinking you're deceiving others.The ps3 is not powerful than the xbox 360 in any way since all these games listed below runs & look better on the 360 but craped on the ps3. LIST OF CRAPY GAMES ON PS3: #.1 Bioshock #.2 Lost planet #.3 F.E.A.R #.4 Assasins creed 1 & 2 #.5 COD4:MW #.6 Gta4 #.7 Ghost bursters #.8 Fallout 3 #.9 Bayonneta #.10 Read dead redemption #.11( am tired of listing because i can't list the 99% of multiplat that looks worse on the ps3) stop bringing up KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOD OF WAR 3 because if you take off your fanboy googles MASS EFFECT 2,METRO 2033 & ALAN WAKE on the 360 are as good looking as those games. You can't force people to accept your opinion "dragonboot.dragonboot

Virtually all of the eleven games you listed received the exact same scores on most websites for both the PS3 or the 360 versions. The differences, if you read the reviews, are basically insignificant, except for maybe Bayonetta. IGN actually prefers GTA4's graphics on the PS3. You also didn't mention Dragon Age, Final Fantasy 13, or other games that are better on the PS3.

If you read my initial post in this thread, the developers would rather make the 360 version better because the 360 has a larger install base. Furthermore, most of the games you listed were all developed on the 360 as the main console. If it's the other way around, like Final Fantasy 13, the PS3 version is better. How a mulitplatform game looks depends not on the power of each console but on which console is the priority. Multiplatform developers tend to give the 360 priority because the 360 has a larger install base. However, this advantage is decreasing because the PS3's install base is now only about 4 million less. Furthermore, the PS3's install base has now reached critical mass such that even Valve has appologized to PS3 owners and decided to make Portal 2 the better version on the PS3.

I think you lost your credibility when you said Mass Effect 2, Metro 2033, and Alan Wake are graphically equal to KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOD OF WAR 3. If you intend to respond to me, please take a moment and read the reviews of several sites about the 6 games, paying particular attention to how the games are lauded for its graphics. Be prepared to be disappointed in how much reviewers love the graphics of the PS3 games' relative to the 360's.

I can't force people to accept my opinion, not if they stubbornly ignore the facts, not if they keep believing in professionals who have produced nothing on the 360 that can match the PS3's best. Nothing in 5 years.

Game reviews are always mixed with negetive & positive reviews so i can't go by them to jugde a game's graphic it all comes down to my own taste & opinion. Don't expect every body to see things the way you see them "dragonboot" Where i live alan wake recieves the highest praise of vissual & is regarded graphic king now. Uncharted 2 looks great but has a cartoony artstyle & not photo realistic while alan wake has a very realistic look both in physics,colours & foilage. My girlfriend do watch me play games alot (even ps3 exclusives like uncharted 2 & god of war) but she thinks alan wake look so much like a real movie out of all the games i play. I rate my graphic king by realistic looking not by overtoned coloured game like uncharted 2(thats how graphic king should be rated). My overall graphic king is Crysis pc & alan wake for consoles. See these vids for your self arcodingly: #1.Crysis PC #2.Alan wake XBOX 360 #.3 Ucharted 2 PS3
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#3 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts



Yah but compared to alot of PC games KZ2 is nothing great in graphics.

The lighting is mediocre, textures are low res and bland, draw distance is bad, LOD is low, pre-baked shadows etc. etc.



Kinda overrated?

I still remember the numerous threads comparing Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 to Crysis...and saying that those games surpassed it...


Mostly because both boost great animation.

Killzone 2 was so damn impressive that 360 fans abandoned GOW and use Crysis as cover because on the console market there just wasn't anything close,Killzone 2 to this day beat any 360 game quite easy,the animation,lighting and all is just to great.

Nope.That's your opinion. Alan wake destroys killzone 2 in every aspect (lighting effect, shadows & volumentric particle & fog effect) except may be animation.
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#4 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Xbox 360 is the best choice for fps & shooters in general. In multiplats xbox 360 will offer you the best version of fps like COD4 & Modern Warfare 2 plus great exclusives like HALO 3,HALO REACH & METRO 2033. If you like 3rd person shooters XBOX 360 will offer you the superior version of GTA IV & RED DEAD REDEMPTION plus exclusives like GEARS OF WAR 1,2,3 & ALAN WAKE. If you like RPG the XBOX 360 will offer you the superior version of BIOSHOCK & FALLOUT 3 plus exclusives like MASS EFFECT 1,2 & FABLE 2,3 If you like arcade titles XBOX 360 will offer exclusives like SHADOW COMPLEX,LIMBO & PERFECT DARK. Xbox 360 is the best console anyone can get. You should get the new 250gb xbox 360 slim for $299 or wait for the 250gb plus 2 controller & halo reach bundle for just $399.
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#5 monkeysmoke
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ALAN WAKE till //sep-14-2010\\
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#6 monkeysmoke
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"He outlined that both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have their share of "issues... but you have to work around them." The solution Mercury Steam is using involves offering an installation option within the first disc on the Xbox 360 version, so that players can enjoy the entire game by simply loading the second disc."

ah..guess i'll still be getting the 360 version then.

you better do or you'll surffer the ancient curse of bad framrate on the ps3 (bayonneta)Hahahahahaa...
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#7 monkeysmoke
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[QUOTE="savagetwinkie"][QUOTE="TintedEyes"] ok if you dont think it looks better they will always win graphics awards though.TintedEyes

but graphics awards doesn't mean more powerful, i mean think of it this way, you will always be able to design a game that will look better than 360, but you will always have to design everything in line to meeting conditions for peak power but... and this is kind of ironic with your sig, while the ps3 might be able to reach peak adhering to those conditions, 360 does everything else better

does everything better but games on ps3 look better go figure

Sandbox games looks worse on the ps3 (fallout,assasins creed 2 & red dead redemption). Killzone 2 is super linear corridor shooter which can't even handle 2 players co op campaign like most xbox 360 games. God of war 3 is like 2d since you can't controll the camera the game hides bad texture where the camera is not viewing to make up for the vissible onscreen texture.
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#8 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
The link said the game will run smooter on the 360 "am i sensing another crappy framerate issue like bayonneta for the ps3 version?? If the ps3 is more powerfull it will games smooter compared to the 360. And for you "dragonboot" stop deceiving yourself thinking you're deceiving others.The ps3 is not powerful than the xbox 360 in any way since all these games listed below runs & look better on the 360 but craped on the ps3. LIST OF CRAPY GAMES ON PS3: #.1 Bioshock #.2 Lost planet #.3 F.E.A.R #.4 Assasins creed 1 & 2 #.5 COD4:MW #.6 Gta4 #.7 Ghost bursters #.8 Fallout 3 #.9 Bayonneta #.10 Read dead redemption #.11( am tired of listing because i can't list the 99% of multiplat that looks worse on the ps3) stop bringing up KILLZONE 2,UNCHARTED 2 & GOD OF WAR 3 because if you take off your fanboy googles MASS EFFECT 2,METRO 2033 & ALAN WAKE on the 360 are as good looking as those games. You can't force people to accept your opinion "dragonboot.
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#9 monkeysmoke
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What are cows complaining about? PC gamers has been swaping disk for long without compains. Blue ray disk is not realy necessary this gen since hdd size is hugely increasing in consoles all devs need to do is use installation method like pc.The xbox 360 would'nt have been so cheap if microsoft had included blue ray drive to the console. Crysis is still the current most stunning game overall yet it did'nt filled up 8gb dvd. There is no swaping disk for xbox 360 castlevania,just install the disk 2 to hdd then play the whole game through with disk 1. This game will own GOD of WAR in every aspect.
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#10 monkeysmoke
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As of June 30th, 2010 the Xbox 360 has sold 41.7 million units, and as of last week Sony released it's figure and sales of the PS3 are 38.1 million.


Ah, alright. I had old figures. Still, the Xbox 360 S had only had 12 days of sales at June 30 (and hadn't even been released in AU, NZ, or EU), so it's possible the gap is wider.

I don't think it will get wider, I think it will slow down the Ps3 rise though.

the sales figure m$ released for xbox 360 had only 2 weeks of the new xbox 360 slim & it has not been launched in EU & AU then. So as of now the new xbox 360 will have widen the sales gap more between the ps3. The 4gb 360 will also boost market sales because of the price. And there is definatly a potential $50 price cut for the xbox 360 in the future "clue" 4gb xbox 360 = $200 kinect = $150 4gb xbox 360 + kinect bundle = $300 so clearly m$ still has a potential price cut to hurt sony may be next year.