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#1 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
RDR is the best open world gameplay i played this Gen. IMO Red Dead Redemption >>> GTA
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#3 monkeysmoke
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[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Still going with Killzone 3.The_Djoker
are you joking? that game looks like grey piece of ****

I think Killzone 3 is a realy great looking game especialy the particle effects, textures and lighting. Though uncharted 3 looks better because of its details.
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#4 monkeysmoke
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No, it looks banana-fana-tastic. Such incredible lighting, texture quality, and animation.


GEars 3 looks a lot better in game

Uncharted 3 uses pre-rendered cut scenes, so it could look lile Avatar, but it is not real time


Gears 3 uses a mix of real-time and prerendered cutscenes as well. DF noted that there was poor compression quality on the Gears 3 pre-rendered scenes.

The point is that noone cares for cut scenes, just how the game looks when actually playing and Gears 3 looks leaps better in shaders, resolution, AA, vegetation and overall image quality

Also far more are happening on screen at once

So, artistically U3 looks good, but technically is way behind Gears 3 imo

You just proved you clearly havent played Uncharted 3 or you are just being biased. Gears 3 has no AA at all and is a jaggy mess DF comfirmed it while uncharted uses a superior MLAA yet you concluded gears 3 has beter AA :( Uncharted 3 vegetation clearly is crisp and better than what Gears 3 vegetation. Uncharted 3 has the best lighting yet, best water effect, dinamic texture rendering, better particle effect, incredible animation, no install, no load screen. and better stereoscopic 3D than Gears 3 and yet you concluded that Gears 3 is better technicaly :( . Noting on console comes close to Uncharted 3 vissualy. Seriously you have to play it!
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#5 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Its in last place in high rated games, last place in hardware and software sales, inferior online and the most expensive console. Why does it deserve respect again?Miketheman83
so you buy your console based on sales figure?........ :| (shakes head)
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#6 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts

Before anyone calls me a PS3 Fanboy i just want to say i love a lot of xbox 360 titles as well like Halo and Gears of War im a big fan of the 360 as well. I just really don't like how people who have no idea what their talking about bash on the PS3 and Sony so i want to list some things im hopeing somebody who completely hates the PS3 because they have an xbox reads and show Playstation a little more respect as a great console

1) First and probably the biggest thing about the PS3 is the vast amount of A+ exclusives in the Playstation Library making Playstation the obvious king of exclusives

1.Uncharted 1,2,3

2.Killzone 1,2,3

3.Little Big Planet 1 and 2(At first glance looks like a little kids game but is really great for all ages)

4.Infamous1 and 2

5.God of War lll

6. Sly Cooper

7.Gran Turismo


9.DC Universe Online (FULL GAME FREE TO DOWNLOAD ON PSN ADD My Hero PyroManiacMan)

10.Twisted Metal 2012

11.Starhawk 2012


Reason 3) Blu-Ray disks provide protection from scratches and you can pay 100-200 bucks for a Blu-Ray disk player alone

Reason 4) Runs extremely queitly Example: as i was writing THIS i looked over at my ps3 a foot or two away and saw its still on after 4 hours

Reason 5) Doesnt overheat easily this kinda goes with 4 i felt it and it was actually cold and well downloading the NOW FREE!!!DC universe online full game that unfortuanitly took 6 hours to download (a friend of mine and I tried to figure out a rubix cube well patiently waiting without any luck i mighty add )but anyway after the download i felt the system it wasnt cool to the touch but wasnt far above room tempature!!! NO RED RING OF DEATH!!!

Reason 6) The SIXAXIS Controller motion sensitivity is great for drivingin games like grand theft auto and the ability to move your characters head in Little Big Planet although use less is a cool edition to a great family game

Reason 7) PS Vita!!!! who can say their not excited for the Next Generation Portable im hoping ill be able to use my same PSN as my PS3's and show my trophies from my PS3 games on my Vita and my Vita trophies on PS3

So please no more disrespect for either of the 2 greatest consoles (sorry nintendo your wii and 3ds fail and adding a wannabee tablet or extra joystick wont make a difference to serious gamers )

add my PSN ThE_HanGoVeR43

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, and DC Universe Online

1) Subjective lack of Peter molyneux. 2) Credit cards, Lulsec, Ananoymous, poor loading, poor downloading, 77 million, lack of peter molyneux. 3. Dvds load faster and are easier to use and Pc's still use them for a reason. If outdated then why do the 434344x09505 at 393-fps PC don't need Blu-ray? 4.Xbox slim, problem solved. 5)Xbox slim, problem solved. 6. 6 Asis has no games. 7. Widows Phone 7 and PC integration>>>> Vita integration. 8) THe rest of your post proves you are trying to pretend you have a crystal ball.

my xbox slim rrod 1 week after purchase. Microsoft didnt fix anytin they are just awful at hardwares.
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#7 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
Ok let see..... Gears only does cover and shoot. Uncharted does cover,shoot,puzzle,plateforming. It always wise to go with what offers more. Unchated wins there is no competition here.
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#8 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts
This idea realy makes sense because God of War games are starting 2 look so identical. God of War has some of the best and most brutal fighting system in any game but the linearity kills but if it can be given an open world aproach like darksiders it will be the best hack n slash ever!
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#9 monkeysmoke
Member since 2010 • 457 Posts


IGNORING the friendly AI... It's the way all the Covenant races act, and evolve, and interact with one another and yourself. Shear variety.

Examples like Grunts Suiciding and panicing when their leader dies, Elites flipping and diving to throw of Needler rounds. Hunters nuttin' the wall when their partner is killed. The Brute pack, Skirmishers'll dart around the map, leap and block and dodge your bullets.

You've really gotta play it though.

This is 100% why i said halo reach LOL! @luck_star, It would be a simple case of linking you to any halo reach / halo 3 youtube video. often times they are milling around up to their own stuff. they dont wait in the corridor just for you. its complete unpredictability, it works superbly well, your approach is different, they behave differently. like coyful said, you really have to play it to understand.

I typed halo reach AI in to youtubes search and these are the first one that popped up: Halo Reach funny AI moments Halo: Reach AI Fail montage Halo: Reach AI Fail Community Montage Halo Reach: The AI is Stoopid Halo Reach: Don't let the AI Drive Halo Reach - Kamikaze Banshee AI Fail Anyway for which game having the best AI? KZ2 had pretty good, havent played 3. LoL bots on hard. :P

lol though reach has a decent AI but killzone 3 has the most smartes and realistic AI i've seen on console FPS this gen.
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#10 monkeysmoke
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What you stated doesn't even matter, it's simply a repeat of someone from DF stating they don't believe Gears of war 3 contains FXAA.


no its the fact that epic didn't state it used FXAA, which they would of stated if it was implemented. Its as simple as that. I am sorry. Go email Cliffy B or tweet him, prove me wrong. Till then stop it. I am done with this.

It's obviously a fact. But wait, it's not; because the photo below clearly dipects A.A breaking.

You're honestly denying blatent proof, I'm asking you; how does A.A break if it's not implamented or there in general because clearly you can see it in that photo breaking on the tip of his fingres.

Gears of FXAA 3

For christ Jesus Please stop for once, you're almost embarasing yourselve whenever you jump into any thread and start saying Gears 3 has AA when it clearly doesnt have any. The tech experts at digital foundry with their advanced screen capture technology has comfirmed that Gears 3 has no for AA not even a trace of FXAA. You're yet to proove or show a credible source to back up yor arguement of gears having AA. And dont expect anyone to beleive you a random GS poster with terrible gears pics over the Credible tech experts at Digital Foundry....