Sorry for you but i spend most of my gaming time on PES and FIFA. After i beat my shooters and adventure games i always revert back to PES and sucks and so do soccer games.
monkeysmoke's forum posts
Killzone 3 is more impressive than Gears of War 3. Killzone 3 has better detailed high res texture, better animation and MLAA. Killzone 3 has more actions going on screen than gears of war 3.Killzone 3= Gears of War 3 graphics wise for me. I consider them both to be cream of the crop exclusives.
I know the new precision dribling and impact engine are great addition but seriously lack of cutscenes makes wining leagues and cups less fun and realistic compared to PES series. EA should start using cutscenes because the liscence right will make beter than PES cutscenes especialy in manager mode.[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"][QUOTE="razgriz_101"]
to be honest its un needed, the new defence and player engine that we've got this year are better than some silly cutscenes.
12 is defo a good contender fo a GOTY somewhere but alas it wont happen here as the furor by Americans saying footy is too simple a sport will be too high for any form of backlash :(
thing is its a really pointless waste of man hours in my honest opinion, would much rather see a much more cohesive gameplay unit than some cutscenes, the way it is for me is just fine its not something i bother about or anyone should really bother about cause in a sports game its insanely minor especially fifa with the amount of leagues etc there would need to be roughly something like 60 cutscene's made and animated in engine etc its a lot of work for something minor to be brutally honest.
For me it matters a lot or wont you like to see a cutscene of your best player been handled the european or world best player award. PES does all that and its adds realism and imersion to the game for me. Though fifa got me with all it liscence and animation but it would've been more complete with more cutscene....Please since you've played Fifa 12, tell me have EA finaly added cutscenes for wining leagues and cups . Thats what Fifa always lack to PES for me...[QUOTE="monkeysmoke"][QUOTE="lostfan132"]
Im an avid fifa gamer and have to say that i never understand why alot of gamers discount sports games as yearly rehashes that appeal to the lowest common denominator. Fifa 12 now with its tactical defending is a true test of skill. Every button on the controller is key to success, the difference between an expert fifa player and a novice will be glaringly obvious. A fifa match becomes a chess match where you try to keep your shape on the pitch to get the ball back. decide when to send your wing backs forward to attack thus leaving a ton of space for the other player to potentially counter. IMO these kinds of sports games require as much skill and intelligence as any game that the hardcore gamer lauds. I only write this because i constantly see sports games trashed on these forums, while some do deserve it, games like fifa and nba 2k are legit goty conteders for me, for what they bring to the table.
to be honest its un needed, the new defence and player engine that we've got this year are better than some silly cutscenes.
12 is defo a good contender fo a GOTY somewhere but alas it wont happen here as the furor by Americans saying footy is too simple a sport will be too high for any form of backlash :(
I know the new precision dribling and impact engine are great addition but seriously lack of cutscenes makes wining leagues and cups less fun and realistic compared to PES series. EA should start using cutscenes because the liscence right will make beter than PES cutscenes especialy in manager mode.Please since you've played Fifa 12, tell me have EA finaly added cutscenes for wining leagues and cups . Thats what Fifa always lack to PES for me...Im an avid fifa gamer and have to say that i never understand why alot of gamers discount sports games as yearly rehashes that appeal to the lowest common denominator. Fifa 12 now with its tactical defending is a true test of skill. Every button on the controller is key to success, the difference between an expert fifa player and a novice will be glaringly obvious. A fifa match becomes a chess match where you try to keep your shape on the pitch to get the ball back. decide when to send your wing backs forward to attack thus leaving a ton of space for the other player to potentially counter. IMO these kinds of sports games require as much skill and intelligence as any game that the hardcore gamer lauds. I only write this because i constantly see sports games trashed on these forums, while some do deserve it, games like fifa and nba 2k are legit goty conteders for me, for what they bring to the table.
by taking out AA and VSYNC so we can get jaggy and screen tearing like Gears of War 3 ehn?I agree. Current gen consoles can be improved upon.
Awful? Are you kidding me? It looks way better this close than gears from far away! Gears 3 textures are just a solid color. And The reason jaggies are apparent(not a surprise since it's very close) is because it uses the same AA implementation as Gears 3 which is... none lol! The SP on the other hand uses MLAA which Gears can't touch. I wouldn't say it's awful, but there's some noticeably bad textures in some pics, and nice use of photomode again.:lol:And my god, the jaggies. Those textures are beyond anything on the 360 and Gears of War 3's texture are not realy impressive compared to Killzone 3's textures. Textures on Uncharted games are always more detailed than any Unreal engine texture. When i first played Unchated 2 the modern warfare level, i was blown out by the details on each wall's texture like they didnt even repeat a single texture work.[QUOTE="Cow4ever"]
What game is that? Glad it's not Gears 3, textures look awful. And jaggies are very, very apparent.
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