Okay, time to express my growing frusteration with this outage.
This disaster is a mess for EVERYONE associateed with the Playstation brand. Us gamers, we can't play our games online, we can't access the store and buy new games. It really sucks that we can't play new games with online functionality, like Portal 2 (which I'm a victim of not being to play with my GF), Mortal Kombat, and the upcoming (or already out) Brink.
It messes up all the small delveopers who develop for PSN only, they're losing revenue, this outage is causing people to lose their money and possibly not be able to support themselves. Not to mention big developers who are developing and making exclusive content for Ps3, again, like Valve and Portal 2, with Steamworks.
This whole thing just sucks and Sony really needs to do something to make up for this damage.
Me personally, I have been backlogging abit, but if Sony wants people to get spending on the store again so that nothing else comes worse of this, they have to compensate us well, or atleast have incentive for people to trust Sony again.
I'm just mainly fearful that hackers will attack PSN again once it goes back up, for no legitimate reason.
/end rant
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