Who said anyting about conspiracy? Deals between publishers and consoel manufacturers are done all the time.
Lol, grow up kiddie.
They did a deal with both console makers to keep the game off PC? Nobody said they don't do deals, like for the timed DLC sony is getting or the deals with MS on timed DLC for COD. You have no evidence for the sort of deal you suggested, however. And, it doesn't make any logical sense.
Reality is, console is priority for the blockbuster, record-breaking games like Destiny, GTA5. Steam sale and pirate culture don't cut it compared to the history-making money they earn on playstation/xbox.
Lol, the game that has made activision/Blizzard the most money is a PC exclusive online only game. Get your head out of your ass.
Pirating online only games... What an idiot.
Go back to playing your mediocre, dumbed down ports on your outdated, wishes as hell it wasn't a low end PC from 2010, toy.
Haha. Not only you mad, you went full rtard. Steam sale and pirate culture are well documented on PC, and is the main reason you have to wait for console ports. GTA5 had a record breaking release, and Destiny has record breaking pre orders. Stay bitter hermie.
Oh, and you totally bailed on your conspiracy theory... dat ownage. Consoles breaking sales records, PC breaking beg petition records.
Yea, the genre sucks but what else are hermies gonna play while they wait for console ports? Moba and overhyped flash games.
1. He's a hardcore RTS fanboy who is hating on Mobas for a completely different reason you hate on them. Do you love RTS too?
2. Stay forever behind in aaa/aa scoring games and stay forever getting the worst version of multiplats. Leave the real gaming to "hermies".
1. RTS and mods were the only thing that made it worth owning a PC back in the day. Now, moba is taking over and broken ass mods like DayZ are being sold as actual games.
2. Stay waiting for those GOTY and GOTG and begging for those console ports. Unfortunately, hermies either wait for dirt cheap steam sales or pirate the games, that's why the big devs make you wait or don't bother porting at all.
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