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ms_hijikata Blog

Time for an upgrade

What do you get when you combine an adorably chubby kitty with a precariously perched original DS purchased in 2006? 

Nothing funny I assure you. 

You get a broken DS, that's what. Although to be fair, it isn't technically totally broken. It just won't function in a proper open/close manner anymore. The top screen is now seperated from the bottom, connected still by a few lonely wires. It still will turn on and work, but.... it's not any fun to try to play. 

And even though my husband is very sad because he was the one playing pokemon and leaving the DS in places where the cat could easily reach and bat things to their doom, I see this as an opportunity. I'm going to get a 3DS, eventually! 

Next pay check, I imagine. I have a hundred bucks or so right now that I'm going to stow away, and maybe I'll check in at Gamestop and see if they have any trade in values or if I have any games of merit they would like to have in exchange for some store credit. I know, Gamestop sucks. But I'd rather not pay a ridiculous amount of money for something, either. 

At first I was worried that there weren't any games I actually wanted on the 3DS, but I found some. Also the 3DS can play all the old DS games, but they won't be in 3D? As I understand it. And I don't really give a crap about that. "They look terrible" as some people claim, but whatever. 

So, yea. I never bothered to upgrade my original clunky grey DS to a DS lite or a DSi or whatever the crap else Nintendo came out with that was essentially the exact same damn thing I already owned (except with a camera HOLY CRAP CAUSE I NEED ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE ATTACHED TO SOMETHING AMIRITE). And now it's finally paid off! I think I remember saying once that if my DS ever broke, then I would upgrade. And look, the future of gaming is here! 

Naturally this is leading me to believe that I should also get a PSVita and a WiiU and everything else crappy. Which means I'll have to work more. I guess we'll see about that >.> 

I do what I want

I don't know why everyone was freaking out over the new Dante in DMC. I rather enjoyed it. The new Dante is sort of fun. I mean, no one will ever match the original Dante, but for a reboot the new one was pretty cool. And the new Vergil was pretty cool too. I was gonna score it an 8, but the last few missions were a lot of fun. And the ending, although sort of predictable, was a nice way to set it up for more games. Overall it was a lot of fun, like the old games, and done well. 

I bought Dishonored cause it was on sale on Steam this weekend. Woo! And now I'm broke. Go figure. I should really stop buying so many games, but I can't help it. I get my paycheck and I'm all, Yea, responsibility! and then 30 seconds later I'm surrounded with video games and cackling. Like a crazy cat lady. Except with video games. 

So anyway, reboots are pretty cool. They seem to be going around a lot lately. I think they can be a good idea, if a game series is cool and popular but the story lines are getting dumb. Or if they're old enough. People have been telling me to try to the new Tomb Raider, but I don't like Tomb Raider games. I played one of the originals and I don't know what was wrong with me, but I was trying to jump a gap and I died probably about 40 times trying to jump that gap and I felt like I was doing the same thing the game was telling me to do. I would blame it on the fact that I was only a small child, but unfortunately the exact same thing happened the other day when I was playing Castlevania: I swear I was doing exactly what the controls said, but the thing that should have been happening wasn't happening. 

Am I broken? 


Oh, and I was also really turned off by the whole "Let's make Lara Croft an interesting character by abusing her and having her almost get raped! that'll make her strong!" Idk. It was one of the earliest things they released was a video and game play of Lara all beat up and escaping huge burly men trying to tear her clothes off and I was like ... wow. What? I don't know if they kept it in the game or not because I never heard anything about it again, but whatever. I have enough games to play as it is. If someone for whatever reason gave it to me as a present, sure. 

My old college roommate will be visiting soon and I'm ever so excited. We have lots of drinking games to try. So I'm gonna be fairly drunk for a solid week or so while she's here and I'm looking forward to it. I haven't drank in a while. Well, I haven't been drunk in a while. I drink often. Not much. Sometimes. 

Another game I missed while I was hiding was Disgaea 4. Never knew there was a 4th one. I played through the first chapter and I'm glad to see it's as annoying and adorable as ever. In a good way. Even if it is the same game as the first three. But it was cheap and I can't complain. Cheap things are nice. It's nice to not know about all these games I missed because now they're super cheap! 

Oh, and, although I know I've been refraining from WoWspeak, I did sell my account to a friend. She gave me 60$ for it and said if I ever wanted to play again, she'd let me have it again. Which is neat, the more I thought about it, the more I thought, if the next expac is awesome, I won't want to start from scratch. I will just have to see what they do for the final boss of Mists, though. I have a theory but I won't be around to see it. Oh well. I probably could have sold it for more because I had a butt load of rare mounts and pets and gold and achievements but whatevs. I'd rather see it the hands of a friend than someone who's gonna move my action bars around and touch stuff. Rude. 

So apparently spring doesn't exist anymore in northern MN. It's pretty much going to snow until mid-May. It's upsetting. 


Hooray for patience

Yay for Bioshock Infinite! It was a great game. I have very little to complain about. Maybe that it was too short? Yea, that's probably it. Except for the 1 hour I played the moment I could play it (then I went to bed cause I was waaaaay too sleepy), I played through it in one sitting. I tend to do that. But it was so great and I had a really hard time pausing and doing important things, like eating. 

So, I waited how many years for it, and it's over already? Totally worth it though. Loved it. 

Although I am doing a second playthrough, and oh my, the things I missed on the first playthrough. Not just items and places to explore, but also tiny story details. 

OH, and I totally called the ending. I've seen enough time-y space warp steampunkish movies/games/books to know where that was going. 

I got part of my tax return the other day. I was planning on getting a tattoo, which I estimated to cost about 150$ but I talked to the tattoo artist, he said it would be closer to 250$. So I was like HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO. *insert NO meme face here* (you know the one I'm talking about).

I am probably just going to get some games instead. Like the ones I missed out on in the last few years.

Or I could do the responsible thing and save it.




[spoiler] ahhhhhhhh a whole blog without talking about WoW hooraaaaaaay cake for everyone [/spoiler]

Games and reading and stuff

I got paid today and my money is already gone. Mostly I bought food. Then I bought some fabric and fun yarn that I will probably never use but it's really really cute to look at and maybe someday I'll think, hey I should do something with that. But then I bought games too. 

I started by buying the season pass to Borderlands 2. Yay! My playtime has decreased significantly over the last few days, but my husband and I are managing to play some side quests and the story line together, which is really fun, and less frustrating than doing it yourself. Also, he kamikazed someone one day while we were playing while screaming "YOLO" and although I usually hate everyone involved that acronym, I have to admit, I laughed really hard. So, there's that. 

Then I also bought Alice: Madness returns, because, duh. I saw the article about the possibility of a 3rd game, and watched the video review for it. I've always wanted to play it. I know it's not super spectacular but I really like games that involve an abundance of jumping and platformers will forever be awesome to me. I really like jumping. 

And it's been... I don't know.... three or four weeks since I've played WoW? I can't say I don't miss it. Sometimes I'll be reading or doing something totally un-WoW related and I will just start thinking about my favorite dungeons and other stuff and I'll be like "yeaaaaaa I love dungeons" 

But then I remember I hate everyone else. 

Seriously how fun are dungeons though. I loved healing and tanking things. I always tanked like an ass cause I'd pull huge groups and I always healed like an ass cause I see if I could let people's health drop a certain % and heal them back up before they died. I don't know if you know this, but I was pretty good at doing stuff. 

Nope, no more WoW related talk. Back on track. 

I started reading books again and they are already breaking my heart. I read a really good book by John Green, called The Fault in our Stars, and I pretty much just cried from start to finish. I have really sensitive pathetic feels and I just kept crying. I'm really glad my husband was out fishing that day cause I just.. ugh. So much sobbing and blubbering. Get it together.

So, yea. I also felt like writing, so I wrote a short story, and lots of friends and relatives expressed interest in reading it, but then when I sent it off, no one read it, or, they read it and didn't provide feedback, which is really the #1 way to destroy my self-esteem, cause why bother writing if no one is going to tell you that you have this amazing gift and need to go out into the world and rub it in people's faces!?

 That was also heartbreaking. Really the only person who ever gave me any feedback was my mother in law and she will just read everything anyway. So that warranted more chocolate and crying on the couch. 

OH MY GOD and I'm so excited for Bioshock Infinite. I need it like normal people well I have no idea, I haven't been normal in so long. But mark my words. I'M EXCITED. 

Late to the party

Some of you may know I spent a good few years entrenched in World of Warcraft, first because I loved Arthas and when there was an expansion dedicated to him I needed it, and when that ended, because I am a loser and a completionist and did you know I have all 11 classes to 90 and all professions maxed and hundreds of thousands of gold and I'm amazing at everything?

Well now that it's over and I've grown fed up with the crappy community, I FINALLY bought Borderlands 2 over the weekend (for 24$ no less. Commence dance party! *wub wub wub wub wub wub*). 

oh my god why didn't anyone tell me this game is a million times better than the last one!? Everything the old game does right B2 does better. I mean I loved the old one but this one makes me weep with joy. In the last 5 days I've accumulated 40 hours (Don't worry I have been making it to work) and I'm just so happy with it I'll probably play it another 100 hours because these side quests are so long and some main quests are frustrating and I can't stop playing. 

And of course Handsome Jack is very handsome. I mean, I know he's not, but, there's something really irresistible about a rich snarky guy who murders left and right because he feels entitled. In fact, he's edged out some other handsome fictional murderers and claimed a spot in my "Attractive fictional psychopaths who kill innocent people in droves" (I already know something is wrong with me and I've stopped denying who I am). And besides in my imagination, there's only a more handsome man underneath his mask. 

Don't ruin this for me!! 

But seriously the game is super fab. Except for some frustrating crap and getting stuck on random environment parts I'm happy as can be. I picked Axton as my character because I thought he was the most attractive (pretty much how I choose all my characters) and now he has a rugged beard and war paint and it's too bad I can't play in third person but I guess that would take away all the magic. 

Long story short I'm super happy I got it and I imagine we'll have a long fulfilling relationship. Oh, and I'm playing it on the PC with all my graphics cranked up, and damn. 

I feel like Ubisoft is jumping the gun with another AC game already, it looks pretty neat, and I liked the trailer, until the naked women showed up. Whenever that happens in movies or games I just think, I am a grown ass lady and am capable of finding my own porn, thanks. That sort of thing really shuts me down because I play games and watch movies primarily for story, and when there's needless sex in something, the inner writer (you know the one with a BFA that needs a real job where I can get my literature fix) comes out and demands a perfectly good reason for it. It's my main reason for not watching a lot of stuff people tell me is awesome.

I will stick with My Little Pony. 

That's not all I watch, I swear. 

I still have my eye on Ni No Kuni which I really really want but I have yet to see it under 50$ so it may have to wait. I also need to get my hands on this new DMC if not that it's a good game, but that yes here I am being a OCD completion freak but I need it for my collection. I need lots of things. 

Another long-ass blog brought to you by too much coffee and a wrenching desire for human interaction. :cry: 

Still boring.

I didn't die. 

I just don't care. 

Ok, I do. My life doesn't really require updating anymore, to be honest. Here's basically what I'm doing though, if you're interested. 

1. Work

2. Work

3. Sleep

4. Work

5. Video games! 

6. Sleep

7. Cake (seriously how amazing is cake? Or pie, if you prefer.)

Can I just say? I've gotten overwhelming angry at online communities as of late. Seems like you can hardly play an online game without running into a person who is either too full of themselves to say anything nice, or someone who has nothing better to do than to harass people. Seriously, a few months ago in WoW I ran into a full-time stalker who wouldn't leave me alone cause I told him I was a woman and I didn't like being called "Bro". Which lead to him armorying all my characters and whispering me every time I logged in about how he didn't believe I was woman because I had male characters. 

I just like the way armor looks on a beefy man with no wrists and huge gorilla shoulders, ok!? 

Yea he didn't buy that excuse either. 

The point is I've taken a hiatus from online gaming to do some regular gaming. I already have a really long and expensive list of games I want to buy. The first being the new DMC cause SERIOUSLY I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHEN THIS GAME WAS COMING OUT AND I SAW IT IN TARGET TODAY AND WHAT'S UP WITH DANTE!?

The next being Ni No Kuni which looks really adorable and I love rpgs and I have never not enjoyed a Level5 game. 

I played through Assassin's Creed III, and I have this to say about it: PFFFFBBBBT. It took me a really long time to warm up to Connor and by the time I loved him the game was almost over. I enjoyed Connor's story but the present day plot had me going " is this...." which is what I've been essentially doing since they released the first one. I love the Assassins' struggle, Desmond, not so much. You're boring, Desmond. As a result I've been replaying the older AC games and I think I have to say the games centered around Ezio are my favorite, mostly for the Italian accents. Another thing that bothered me about AC3 was that the side quests felt utterly pointless. In AC2/Brotherhood, at least the side quests really help you in terms of money and experience and general helpfulness. 

So, yea. After going through my old wishlist of games I wanted, I thought, never mind I need to find new games to buy. Being that I'm broke and I have things to be responsible for (rent, bills, cats YES THAT'S RIGHT I GOT ANOTHER ONE), I doubt I'll be able to buy them at my old rate, but in the meantime I'm going through all my other games I haven't played and giving them a try. 

Every time I visit my mom I go through all the crap I left in her basement. Every time I find like 4 or 5 boxes packed with video games, and honestly, it's starting to DRIVE ME CRAZY. WHY DO I HAVE THIS MANY GAMES!? I've been thinking of selling them, through craigslist or something else less weird, cause I could probably make some extra money, and also because I will never play these games. My mom tells me not to do that though, but she also told me not to buy them all in the first place, and I didn't listen to her then either. She mostly just tells me to not get used to selling my stuff because eventually I'll run out of stuff to sell. Because I'm going to sell everything I own. Whatever, mom. 

Oh I also have other hobbies that don't involve video games. I've taken up knitting and sewing. I know right!? I told my grandpa I was making pillow cases and he told me to get started on diapers cause he wants great-grandkids. Jesus. My husband and I have barely reached that mature age where we can take care of ourselves (seriously we can't) and cats are the only thing I want to take care of. Ever. 

Welp, I'm going to try to start posting again at a regular rate, cause hopefully maybe I'll start playing video games like a normal person again. Hahahaha! 




I totally graduated from college. Woo! Time to find a real job. You may think that's what I've been doing this whole time, but it's not. Sitting on my butt, watching TV shows from the 90's, playing games that came out months ago that feel brand new to me (like Batman Arkham City. Yea I'm still going through that whole PC phase. Controllers are weird.) I'm still jobless and worthless. I've been applying places like grocery stores and junk, but even my awesome shiny degree isn't good enough for them cause I usually get turned down before I can even ask if they're hiring. Rude. No one wants me. And all my friends moved away or aren't my friends anymore, so basically when my husband's not home I clean the house and make tasty food until he gets back. Omigosh, I'm a housewife.

I'm pretty much posting to hear myself type ^^

I don't know if you know this, but....

I'm totally a ninja. I've been here all this time and you guys haven't noticed. I'm that sneaky.

or I've just been playing lots of WoW. You guys pick. I quit though. Lots of reasons. Removed it from my computer. I mean, Mists of Pandaria? No thanks. And I just played with the talent trees. I was like, I'm out of here. And I was.

So in the meantime, I've been sitting in my apartment getting ready for graduation (only 12 more credits provided I don't fail this semester) listening to my neighbor's dog yap (I like pounding on the wall and telling it I'm going to eat it--shuts it up pretty fast) and reading books. I've read about 40 books in the past few months and I'm much smarter now. I've also been yelling at my cat to get off the table. He's pretty cute. Here's a picture.

Eeeee. Kitty.

I'm going through a phase where, if I'm playing a video game, it must be on the pc. games are much more fun on the pc. You usually use most or all of your fingers and I find that strangely fun.

And that's been my life. Maybe it'll get more exciting once I'm done with college and am out in the real world with a job and income. Won't that be exciting? I think so too.

Blog Time

I figure I should tell everyone what I'm up to lately.

I can't remember if I said this the last time, but my job made me so crazy I quit. Now I'm job searching again and it's going horrible. I have an inabililty to kiss ass apparently. I don't know what it is but no one wants to hire me. I keep telling them I'm a good worker, but I guess I come off so .... I don't know. Anti-social? That no one thinks it's worth it to hire me. I guess they would rather have someone who would lie about how awesome everything is and be a bad worker than me, who knows how to do things real well but has an honesty problem. Like, I tell them my actual downfalls like "I get frustrated easily" instead of "I'm such a perfecionist lololololol." Man I'm sick of this bull.

I also play a lot of WoW, of course. But I recieved Catherine as a gift from my husband when I said "I want that game!" and he said "Omg I buy for you nao?" and I said "No! Too expensive!" but one day he went for a motorcycle ride and when he came back he had Catherine in a little gift bag with a fuzzy lion on it! Anyway the point is he never listens. But I get stuff. So I've been playing Catherine sometimes and it's fun, but so hard. I think I'm just stupid. Cause when I figure it out, I'm like....*facepalm*.

My sister's getting married in September. She's going crazy, so I've distanced myself from her. She wants a fabulous wedding with sparkles and celebrities. I got married in my mom's backyard :| Well ok it was the front yard. You should see some of the stuff on her registry, it's redonkulous. Like an 80$ trash can. Who needs an 80$ trash can!?

I've also finally decided what to name my cat. His name is Monster now. He was being a terror and tearing things up and on the brink of tears I asked him "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A MONSTER!?" and I was like ......YOUR NAME IS MONSTER.

Classes start in like a month. Ewww. It should be my last semester but hell if this university is letting me go without a fight. I mean, they took away my major. What more can they want from me? More money!? Forget it.

I'm significantly more riled up now than I was when I wrote this blog. :evil:Blogs make me angry! I play WoW now.


I has it. And it's wonderful. Although, I have been playing WoW again. Don't scold me, I know my mistakes.

I also have an interview at the Gamestop in my town. I know that Gamestop is evil and immoral, but I think that I'll like leagues better than the job I'm at right now. Which I quit last week. Because I hate it.

I'm also horribly poor. After working our butts off and running all over the northern part of Minnesota we ended up having to pay full price for our marriage license. Which was 115$. Which came directly out of my savings, which hardly had any money to begin with. I mean, if you think that two stupid people come trying to get a discount and they don't know how, you'd tell them all the things they have to do to do that, amirite? But no. They told us every time we there step by step what we should have done. So finally I said "**** this. Just take my money. now I have to be a prostitute to buy food this month. I hope you're happy."

Ok, so I didn't say that. But I did swear a lot of her.

And yes, I shouldn't have gotten internet if I'm so poor. But my mom is going to pay my internet bill next month. And as far as that WoW thing....yea.....

I also spent my paycheck on some booze. Because my job drives me to drive. I gots me a bottle of moscato wine ^_^ I could drink that in like two days. Don't worry, I use a glass.

Right, games. Well, my gaming habit has been pretty sporadic lately. I've been playing this and that and then I had an urge to play FF6. I'm not sure why. So someday when I'm not powerleveling my 10th level 85, I'll have to go do that.

So that's my life right now.