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ms_hijikata Blog

Forever Sleepy.

Let's just say my new job suuuuucks.

I might get the internet soon! Our power bill was surprisingly cheap so we might be able to afford it. Which is good. My gamertag needs updating....I have a new 1000 points :|

I bought The Witcher 2 and it's filled my life with joy. Although they put way more emphasis on sex and "ploughing" as they like to say in this one. Which is kind of....distracting. But otherwise good.

And I've totally given up on FFXIII. It's just too horribly boring to try to play anymore. I mean, it's soooooo boring. I know I was happy about having this wide open space, but their inserting crappy cutscenes every few minutes or every time they think something interesting happens...I'm not even going to try to explain why I am so bored with this game. I could not give less of a flying **** about my party. There. That's how I really feel.

Otherwise my life has been boring. Work, come home, play games. sleep. I guess the biggest issue facing me is whether or not to start up wow again once I get internet........decisions.

Moar games!

I have been playing games like crazy since I haven't gotten a job yet. I'm still trying though, trust me.

Anyway I've been playing a lot of games both old and new. Like The Legend of Dragoon....this game has not aged well. It's basically reduced to me laughing hysterically over the god awful dialogue. Don't get me wrong, it's always going to be one of my favorite games since it was essentially the first rpg I played (correctly. I was terrible at them when I first tried them and always gave up). It's just so bad.

I also played more of FFXIII, this game makes me so angry. There are a lot of problems with it that a lot of other games have been making, such as when your party leader dies you get a game over. That's the most ridiculous thing ever. I have two other party members that can rez me. Nothing makes me more angry than this...I mean, all it takes it one unlucky hit or crit to ruin a battle that takes twenty effing minutes.

What I also hate about this game is that it took over thirty hours to make me want to play it. I kept forcing myself to play it (I took about 6 months to get past one part that I HATED.) Then finally I get to Gran Pulse and it's wonderful! Huge open spaces, lots of interesting enemies to fight, and...what's this? SIDE QUESTS! Finally. Something to do other than this terrible convoluted story that makes me cringe. (seriously I cringe during some of this cutscenes. They're terrible. This story is terrible. I've never skipped cutscenes before, but I'm doing it.)

So anyway, I'm in this huge open space and I'm having a great time. I have spent over ten hours just running around doing these side missions, that, despite being only one type of side mission, have almost nothing to do with the main story. Thank god. Then I decide to do more story stuff. This boss I'm on seems to kick my ass no matter what I try, and here's another gripe I have. Certain bosses and enemies seem to only be defeatable with the exact correct paradigm set up and that bothers me. I shouldn't have to keep guessing and checking and dying and retrying to beat a boss.

Alright, enough about that. The next fun thing I did was try to play Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. And I've come to realization.

Any Kingdom Hearts that isn't in the main storyline blows.


It doesn't help that I'm playing as Aqua and she has a terrible voice actor and is probably the most boring character I've come across in the KH universe, but I was running around in Neverland land when I suddenly realized that this game sucks.

I do not care about these people. I care about Sora. I care about the main storyline, but frankly I don't know WTF the main storyline even is anymore. Damn you SE, you are screwing up your franchises with these crappy games that you pour so much time into and they suck anyway.

I mean, I skip cutscenes in this game too. In the original KH, no matter which world you went to there was SOMETHING that had to do with your main quest. In this one, I don't know WTF Aqua is doing going around world to world. She goes, she talks to the inhabitants (which usually goes something like HERP DEEERRRRP MONSTERS HEREEEEEE ok thanks bai) which usually has something to do with monsters but they never mention WHAT it has to do with the main quest which I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.

Long story short I regret buying this game. I don't even like battling because of the insane loading times. They're awful and unnecessary.

So....I complain a lot but I promise I do play games that I actually like. I just don't talk about them because talking about things I like doesn't make me nearly as excited as talking about things I don't like.

And I got a kitten. He's grey and fluffy and I think he might be a crack head. He has soooooooo much energy. It's cute until I'm ready to go to bed. He bites everything, so I think I might call him Chomp. Also he likes to sleep on my head and play with my hair. Not just with it but in it. I have really curly hair so I guess it's like a nest to him.

I've run out of steam for blogging. So I'll talk the next time I come to the internet. Tomorrow! No that's unlikely. Probably monday.

Oh god I miss the internet T_T

Almost done.

I have one final left tomorrow. It's making my brain explode. For the record, I know nothing about Sociology. I'm trying to study for this test and when I typed something into google, the first website was Wowhead for a quest in WoW. I CANNOT ESCAPE IT.

But I have to, because we have no internet and it's 44$ a month to get it. WTF. They have dial up as well but who uses that anymore!? I give up. I'm going to have to live without internet for a while. Or I could beg for money. Or get several jobs. Speaking of jobs I have an interview on Thursday. Hopefully I get that because no one else has called me back and by god I DO NOT want to be a waitress again.

I have most of my stuff unpacked in my apartment, there's some things that I just don't know where to put (or that I would put somewhere but there's no ROOM) but the living room looks alright. I have a sofa that I got for free and it kinda smells like dogs, but it was free, so no complaining. It's kind of comfy and I can only smell the dog when I lay on it, which I do sometimes to play video games...but it's nice. I have bookcases filled with my games so everyone can see them :3 I didn't even bring all my games yet because I figured I wouldn't have enough, and I didn't. Seriously that place is a shoebox. I had to actually send my mom home with some of my stuff because there's NO PLACE TO PUT ANY THING.

Talking in caps is fun.

You know what's even more fun? KITTENS! I'll be getting one next month hopefully. We'll have to pay a little more for the rent but to have a kitty? Worth it. Probably going to get a black kitten since no one adopts those babies :( I'll do my best to not come home with all the kittens (but the price will probably stop me: 75$ for a spayed/neutered kitten with all their shots.) I know that little kitten claws are destructive but I won't declaw my cat. How would she defend herself if she got outside? Poor thing. Now I'm sad.

The best part about having my own apartment? A giant fridge with a full size freezer. Tonight I'm probably going to buy 8 gallons of ice cream. I'm an ice cream fiend. It just goes away so fast. My favorite past time in the last few days has become sitting on my crappy couch with ice cream and eating it while playing video games. I'm probably going to get significantly fatter, but I think I've come to terms with that.

So the only real problem I have with my apartment is the lack of internet (and the neighbors have their wireless protected....sneaky). I don't even care for internet to be on it all the time, I just want to download more games. Roar. And yay for Sony for giving me a free month of PSN+, but do I get to decide to use it? :| seems like a stupid question, but really.

But other than the internet being ridiculously expensive my apartment is nice. I have a fridge and that's the coolest part. And a couch. And today, I'm going to get a real bed (been sleeping on an air mattress. yuck.) Yay for real adulthood and being responsible for everything.

I wrote this blog because I didn't want to study for my final.

Sad panda

Psn has been down forever :( I wanted to download FFVII but now I can't so I'm sad. Been trying real hard to stay away from WoW and I thought FFVII would help, but since I don't have it, I played WoW again. I'm mad at myself! :evil:

In the meantime though I've managed to tear myself away from WoW so I've been playing FFXIII and FFIX. Not my favorite FFs but enough to tide me over. I'm moving to my apartment on Saturday and I won't have internet so WoW is out of the question. I will however have power so I'm going to reminisce like crazy with all my old FFs. And maybe some other games. Like Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. Also, I have to get a new job. Grrr. Working.

I applied around town and it looks like I'll be waitressing again. FML. But I need money and I'm soooooo tired of working at the library.

When I move in I'll totally post pictures. You guys are going to want to see my crappy place right? The fun part is I have no furniture. So it'll be an adventure trying to find places to sit.

I have one final paper left, then 3 final tests. They're going to blow and I might fail a class but otherwise I'm pretty confident about this semester. There was a moment that I thought I would fail everything this year but I don't know where I got that idea. Doesn't matter, no matter what I'm tots going to graduate in the fall *heroic pose*

Bye friends!

P.S. Blogging is fun :|

So there I was....

....not being here at all.


I miss Gamespot. I tried to bid farewell to Azeroth but it wouldn't let me leave. I'm lucky one of my friends asked me to download and play I MAED A GAEM WITH ZOMBIES IN IT! (or however you spell that) because it brokethe spell, at least temporarily. I have been playing my xbox a lot, and the other day I went to replayed through Castevania: Symphony of the Night on my ps3 for old times sake. Beat it in like 8 hours with the best ending possible. **** yea.

I have been considering deleting all bajillion of myWoW characters because I really need to stop playing. This semester has been a serious lolfest. I hope to graduate in the fall but that might not happen because I've been really lazy. I have a hard time giving a damn about my classes this time around. They're just so boring. And awful. But I'm so close to finishing!

I've been having a great time at work, too. *sarcasm* I'm quitting my job at the library because I'm sick of it. There's one girl thatI work with that never shows up for her shift. So I'm left running around like crazy which is bad because i use the time at the library to more often than not do homework, and how am I supposed to do homework if I'm doing my work? *jigglypuff face* I know, I'm a poor planner. It keeps me on my toes though.

Also, I'm moving into an apartment because I hate living in the dorms. I always sort of did, but this year has been a nightmare. My RA is a stupid bimbo and I live with the loudest people ever and no matter how many times I've told themthey need to be quiet, they don't get it. So now I just call security on them. A lot. So an apartment is in order. The one I'm moving into is really dinky but it's cheap and quiet and that's good enough for me. Also, I can have a kitty ^_^

So the moral of this blog is my life needs a giant overhaul.

Oh and I've been playing FFXIII. I have some serious thoughts on this. I'll share them in another blog. I've actually been taking notes of the things I hate while playing. So it'll be lots of fun.


Megamind is cool and so is Will Ferrell.

Guess what I'm *not* doing? If you said final papers, you're correct! I was in the middle of writing my aesthics paper on why video games are art AND entertainment when I needed to figure out how to spell something and I ended up here. The end of the semester is closing in on me and I am FREAKING OUT. I know that all my work will take maybe 1/10th of the time that I think I need, but still. Freaking out is the best way to get things done. I belted out a 1500 word essay in like half an hour just becauseI was like AAAAAAH NEED TO GET IT DONE NAOOOOOO ok all done due next tuesday ^-^



Random update-y bloggy thing time.

My college is cutting the funding for my very own awesome major so I'm thinking about quitting...but I don't know yet. I suppose I'll have to wait and see.

I started to try to watch anime again. So far, bleh. I'm usually too busy playing WoW. But I canceled my subscription for next month, so we'll see how that goes ...

And hopefully it'll stick for a while because I have games to play. I bought two games with my paycheck and now I'm broke. That adorable little final fantasy number on the DS, and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. SHUT UP. I couldn't help it. I had extra money and let's face it, I eat too much anyway.

And college is just going awful. The real reason I should be quitting school is because I suck at it and I'm really lazy. Like so lazy. It's not even funny. Well maybe a little...but that's it. Also, I haven't bought any games since August. I'm a little far behind.

Halloween is coming up and my roommate and I are going to hand out candy to little kids. I'm planning as dressing up as an Undead for that night. I think it will be pretty awesome. I am cranky to beginwith so I think I'll do a good job. Hopefully I'll scare away the little chilluns and I will be able to keep the candy to myself.

This is my fourth year working at my university library, and it's just awful. I get stupid people all the damn time. On one hand, it's refreshing to see the amount of dumb people and realize how much smarter I am. On the other hand, it makes me scared. Like people asking to check out books when they don't have their student id with them. Well if we could do that, then what would be the point of even having them? Grr. Also when people ask if we have magazines. Naaaaah. Why would a library have magazines? That's dumb.

I may be lazy....but at least I understand that a library has magazines.

Life x_x

O Hai dere.

I'm back in my dorm for now. I had a lovely 21st birthday which consisted of me drinking one beer and getting really silly. Twas a good night. But now it's time for school again. Bleh.

So I'm reaaaaaaaally enjoying my 360. Having a blast as a matter of fact. I'll always love my ps3 more. But the options....makes my brain kaplode. I just really love being able to replay games that I previously played on other 360s. I know that's weird.

Also I didn't stop playing wow. I know I said I would but....I didn't. You all think I'm crazy...

See the other day when I was at work, I had a really long blog typed out. And then it disappeared. So here I am at work again, avoiding homework.

oh I do remember one thing. I love God of War 3. So much fun. Since I'm playing real games again (kinda) I think I'm going to have to start putting games back in my now playing list.

This time I might actually stop playing wow for a bit.

I'm boring. I'm sorry for being so boring! :cry: I'll go away and maybe come back in a few days and have something more interesting to say.


Miss me yet?

No, I bet you haven't. Oh well.

this summer very little has happened. I turned down a waitressing job. But it's ok but i found another job thingie where I do random tasks for a few hours. So far I've done everything from shredding to copying to proofreading to cleaning to eating lunch with the boss. I haven't made a lot of money but I don't care. I don't really want a job at the moment.

I have been playing WoW....shocker. I got my 4th 80 though. A warlock. they are fun ^_^ but I think I'm getting tired of wow ~.~ which is probably a good thing.

Because I has xbox 360 now! Anyone who has one of those, feel free to add me. As long as I know you of course >.>

I haven't been watching a lot of anime....I don't know why.

I'm so excited to start a new school. In my last blog, I was all ok with living here. What the hell was I thinking? As soon as I got here my mom was all "IMA GET CHICKENS FOR YOU TO TAKE CARE AND YOU GET TO MOW AND DO ALL THESE THINGS" and I was like ".......dead." So less than a month and I'll be back to sleeping into stupid times and staying up late and playing games all day and junk.

I am going to try to move less crap to my dorm though. When I was moving out I wondered why the hell I had some crap I had. So.....dishes, clothes, shower things. All my games. Excellent ^_^

Just letting you know I wasn't dead....yet.

Guess Where?


anyway. My laptop! That's where. It's fixed (kinda). Wiped the hard drive and reinstalled windows XP. Installed a bunch of new drivers. WoW doesn't work yet (I believe it's the campus internet....damn!) but oh well. I'm just happy to have my lappy back (RHYMING!)

Normal things...I'm moving out in 9 days. So so so so excited! I'm already packing up the majority of my stuff. Which is a little silly. All my games and movies are packed, along with the majority of my cooking supplies (seriously, am I going to bake/cook anything important in the next 9 days?) I only have one final with a little bit of work so I'm basically going to be chilling in my room for another week. Not very cool, but whatever. I'm moving home with my mother and she's excited too.

Oh! And I've been thinking about career choices. My mom says I can live in her basement if I'm looking for work :P but as soon as I find a nice job I would need to pay rent :evil: But actually it wouldn't be too bad, because I like my house, I like my home, I like our property and whatnot. I know people who live with their parents are considered losers but my mom is cool! I swear! :cry:

Also I'm turning 21 this summer, which is going to be awesome because I can finally go with my roommate to bars. She's 24 and always going without me.

That's another thing I'm excited about! I GET MY ROOMIE BACK! ^-^ I've been so lonely in my room by myself. No one wants to talk to me because I get excited that people are actually listening to me and then I talk too much and they're like "Yea she's crazy I'm leaving". So with my roommate, at least we'll be crazy together. We're both nerds and junk so we're compatible or whatever. She's also a good reason to play games since she likes to watch. She's not a gamer at all so when I play something she calls it "a really long ass movie" :P

See, I'm just rambling to my blog because I'm lonely ._.

I've been watching more anime! What's the deal with Bleach? Besides the sexy man potential, I'm not feeling it. I've only watched the first two episodes though. So I'll watch some more of it before calling it lame. Also, One Piece, because it doesn't take itself seriously AND it also isn't a stupidly sexual anime. Seems that the majority of animes that are silly involve boobies....whatever.

I've been up since 5am! Don't ask why. Couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk in the cold, got locked out of my dorm hall and then froze half to death. When the doors unlocked at 7am I ran inside to shower. To eat today I've had two oranges. I love oranges! And with the money I got for selling my textbooks I bought good old Minnesotan wild rice. Tasty.

9 more days!

I'm random!

P.S. I bought my Japanese Coach! :oI learned my best friend is going to major in Japanese language to be an interpreter, so I decided that I should crack down on my Japanese as well. Our goal is to watch anime in Japanese without subtitles some time within the next few years. Also she's been buying her manga in Japanese. Silly girl.