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ms_hijikata Blog


I'm really glad it's the weekend. I pretty much lied to my mother that I had to work so she wouldn't force me to go home. Yes I know it's Easter but the week has been rough and I don't want to travel x.x

In other news, I haven't played games in weeks. You think I would be doing something productive but all I've done is watch a ton of anime. Remember those things I posted in my last blog that I had to do? Yea, I finished maybe a third of them. I'm so unmotivated.

So for Easter weekend I plan to be sleeping and watching pokemon and eating vast amounts of sugar. Mainly puppy chow and Tang. It's just kinda one of those weekends. Maybe I'll do some homework here and there. I do have a portfolio due sometime next week.....ack.

My laptop is still dead but I finally got a few offers from strange people to fix it for free O_O so that's nifty. In the meantime I am using my desktop from the prehistoric age. It's slow and horrible and stupid but it's better than being internet-less.

I haven't beat any news games....unless you count sudoku. I kicked an expert sudoku's ass this morning in my freelance class and told all my classmates how awesome I was. They weren't really all that interested but I was quite proud of myself.

And I still haven't bought FFXIII. The willpower!!!

While at work

I am wasting time I should be using to do my homework. Want to know all the homework I have to finish?

1. Write a full article and query letter

2. Prepare a presentation on leveraging skills and knowledge needed for freelance writing

3. Write 2 essays about american literature (vomit)

4. Write another essay about experiences in Tutoring Writing

5. Make some project for some class last year about stuff (I'm really excited about this one...)

6. Write 4 more short essays for Creative Nonfiction

7. Finish 3 papers for Contemporary Authors and Theory

8. Set up schedule for Contemporary Authors and Theory independent project

Wheeeeeee sounds like fun. I think I'll waste more time on Gamespot looking at games and complaining in my blog about nothing.

I finished Kingdom Hearts *insert bad math here*. While the battle system was pretty fun and the panels were interesting to mess around with, the story made me want to throw puppies out a 12 story window. I don't know why I bother with Kingdom Hearts anymore but I still do. I guess I'm just waiting for it to get better.

Devil Survivor and I tried to make things work again. It's wonderful, but every once in a while they like to throw in a ridiculous hard battle that seems almost impossible. Then I get angry and level for a long time and go and whoop the difficult battle's butt because I over leveled just a little. Fun times.

I'm not buying Final Fantasy XIII!!! Not until the price drops! I promise. It is tempting though. To be honest, with the lack of information SE has been releasing about it, it hardly even feels like a new Final Fantasy game is even out right now. And where's Final Fantasy VS XIII? Or Agito XIII? Wtf. It's not like I need any new games anyway. I have a big stack of DS games that I started and never beat. Except my DS is dying I think...makes me sad.

I guess I'm going to pretend I'm doing homework now...


I bought Muramasa the other day because it was 30 darrah instead of 40. But I have a feeling I shouldn't have, because my mom's birthday is soon and I'm taking her out to a fancy restaurant because I have to....being her spawn and all. But Spring Break is soon, and guess what I'm doing!!!



I might buy a 360 if I make enough money because I want one for some reason. To play games on, assuredly. I needs more money. But I'm not getting a tax return this year. Lame.

My laptop is still broken so I'm still playing console and handheld games for the time being. Since I'm not working until midnight this Saturday night (Finally >.>) I'm going to have a little game marathon. With popcorn and such.

AND OMG I FINALLY BEAT THAT STUPID CHAPTER IN VALKYRIA CHRONICLES. HOLY ****. It took me like a year and a half. So hopefully I can finish that tonight and then be free of it once and for all.

I also reaaaaaaaally want Katamari Forever. I'm going to get that eventually. I loves Katamari.

My ps3 is running low on hard drive space!!! D: What should I do? :cry: I suppose my only option is to buy an external hard drive thingie, is that possible for a ps3? I dunno, I'm kind of an idiot about stuff.

Hopefully I graduate from college next year and get a shiny job :D

And pole dancing as an Olympic sport? Wtf. Whatever.

End random blog post.

p.s. sorbet is delicious.

Indulge me.

Pretty please. I finally have the energy to do this blog :D

1. I'm the biggest dork you'll ever meet. I don't know how to explain this. If you ever meet me in person, though, you will within ten minutes think "Oh THAT'S what she was talking about..."

2. I love cartoons, and not just cartoons like The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, and American Dad (Although those are also totally awesome).

3. I'm actually a really shy person, but if someone is nice to me, I am very friendly and talkative.

4. I have anger issues and don't like to take BS from people. Like when I played WoW, one of the tanks in my guild was a very bad person, and I often said very bad things to was fun.

5. ICE CREAM!!1!

6. I hate picking favorites or limiting my selection. This involves everything: music, video games, movies, books, even people. I don't like to say "Oh I like *insert genre here* the best" because that usually changes within a day or two anyway. I like everything, except the things I know I don't like. I'm just very indecisive.

7. However once I make up my mind, I am stubborn as all hell.

8. I'm majoring in Creative and Professional Writing and despite the fact that the further I get into my major the less I feel I know about it, I love it.

9. I don't like sports, I don't know why. I just find them dull, and they make me hurt. Plus I am so competitive. This goes along with the angry thing. I hate losing. MORE THAN ANYTHING!!1!!

10. I love food. This may seem weird since some people may know I have an eating disorder. But seriously. Food is yummy.

11. I'm looking forward to turning 21, but not so I can drink. Mainly because 99% of my friends are 21+ and I feel sad when they go out and leave me behind ._.

12. I am so girly. I really like it though. I like pink and cute clothes andsmelling pretty and junk.

13. I am not fond of science or math because things are exact. Writing is easier for me because it's all objective and opinions and whatnot. I'm good at opinions. Plus I suck at finding answers.

14. I quote lots of things. My memory is weird, I can't remember schoolwork for the life of me but if I watch an episode of the previously mentioned cartoons I can remember so much and I often repeat it. My mom hates it more than anything. So if I say anything really awkward and weird, just remember: I'm quoting. Except when I'm not.

15. The future scares me, but also makes me excited.

Ta-da! I did it! Now soulless4now won't tell Sega on me....I hope o.o

I'm boring!

Yea I haven't blogged in a while. I got sucked back into WoW. But now my computer is in a coma so I can't play it....probably a good thing.

So I've been spending time with my ps3. I played Batman: Arkham Asylum a little bit. And I played the crap out of Infamous. That was awesome. Been doing some Uncharted 2 multi-player, which is fun but Co-op is hard as crap when you only have two people.

Classes started up again and I'm already tired of it. Ugh. All I want to do nowadays is read and play games and sleep. I rarely sleep anymore. And I eat like a piggy. oink.

Um. So. My life is still boring but at least I'm playing regular video games, right? WoW is bad for the for soul.

Right, I was tagged like a really long time ago by soulless4now...I'll get to that one of these days.

Dear Square Enix

Contrary to popular belief, spending 5 minutes to hit a pillar halfway across a room only to find out that the switch is on THE OTHER SIDE is not really all that exciting. It is neither a puzzle or fun, it is hard labor and I have to do enough of that in my real life. You are lazy and need to take hints from other video games companies that know how to make solving puzzles fun. Love, me.

Hard truth is hard. Kingdom Hearts on the DS made me angry this morning.

I broke my laptop while playing WoW.....yea.....I need a new one.

So for now I'm using my crappy desktop. I need money to get a new computer but luckily I can retrieve all my stuff off my laptop, so right now I'm not super worried about getting a new one.

It's freezing in northern Minnesota right now. There's like a blizzard going on outside. I imagine I'm going to have to sweep the deck several times before the day is done. Oh well, I'm going Uncharted 2 in between sweepings ^-^ Hooray for video games!

OMG I want Assassin's Creed 2, hard. But I have little monies right now, it will have to wait ._. since I don't have a job right now I have no money :cry:

Send me monies O_O


I was totally tagged by soulless4now....but I'm lazy for this blog. I'm totally going to do it eventually though.

I'm finally starting to play video games again ^_^ Mainly because I went to inpatient treatment for my eating disorder and it was boring as hell ._. played my handhelds and read and wrote a lot. But now that I'm released (I basically ran away o.O) I'm totally going to overdose on console games. Yay.

So yea. that's my life right now....

Taking a semester off from school...going to live with my mom for the next two months. Video games and writing and TV abound!

I need another job so I can buy more games ._.

Watch me tumble!!!

From the movie Horton Hears a Who....ehhhnn? Good movie. Especially the anime part.

Uncharted 2!!!!!

So I got the two Katamari games, and I played and beated them both. Thinking about going and getting the new one, but meh. It's 50$. Grrr. Maybe I should get Mini-Ninjas instead. So cute!

I also got the new Kingdom Hearts. It's alright. Too much tutorial and cutscenes! Not enough playing! :x

Also got Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time as a very late birthday gift from Tommy >.> late but nonetheless appreciated :P

I've been watching movies and junk like crazy. Haven't done a lot of school work. It's like the worst semester ever.

Uncharted 2!!!!

Oh. I have a little confession. Yep. You know all that weight loss? Eating disorder. Yay! Mine's called EDNOS: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified-similar to Anorexia with binge and purge tendencies. In English? I'm anorexic, but too fat to technically be called that. So yea. I'm hungry a lot. And dropping pounds. But I'm slowing down. I might be getting better....yea. Don't worry though, because I still won't be underweight for another 30 pounds. And there's no way I could lose another 30 pounds because people are starting to notice ._.

Maybe I should go rent games!!! :o Like Mini Ninjas and whatnot. That way, saving money. And stuff. More money for girl things!

Uncharted 2!!!!!!

Nathan Drake!!!!


So, I've kinda been playing games? Yea.

I was afeared that I'd never want to play games again. Then I had this urge to play Klonoa, so I did. And I enjoyed it much.

Then I got depressed and played Me and My Katamari...I beated it within 24 hours and then bought the first two. *waits for a week to play them :cry: * Damn I'm angry about the new being 50$ :x I don't have that kind of money! Well I do but come on I'll beat it in 4 hours and junk. 30$ maybe. But not 50.

Also played some more Devil Survivor, got back into it and then stopped caring again.

This is sad ._.

OH EM GEE October 13th Uncharted 2 Nathan Drake omggggggggggg

/New blog

I know I said I would have pictures, but...I don't. So deal with it. Next time. I promise, and whatever.

My first week of classes is over, please shoot me now. I have SO MUCH reading to do. Holy cow. The crazy good news though: In my tutoring writing class, I actually get PAID for the practice hours of tutoring I do. Freaking sweet.

Update on my game plan: I beat Daxter. Yep, that's it. Then Note bought me Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 2, which I FREAKED OUT over because he imported it and yea. Makes me happyyyyyyy. It's all in Japanese though (duh) and it took me like 3 hours just to figure out how to get to the damn world map.

But then after that school started and I've barely played anything. Urgh. I hate this mood. I want to play video games so bad, I just don't feel like it (make sense?) I'm wondering if I'm depressed or something (cause you know, depressed people stop liking things they like and whatnot).


And my weight loss? up to 50 pounds. On one hand that's like "HOLY S%*$ awesome!!!" on the other hand it's like "eeeew omg can't believe I was that fat".

Yea. I have issues.

Edit: also omg yay my ps3 is up and running again. the power cord was just being a deusch. All better! :D