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ms_hijikata Blog

Some serious business, yo.

Nah, not really. Just wanted to let everyone who reads my blog regularly, that I have a new blog over at The reason why I tell you this is because it's a blog for class, and my teacher tells me to be sociable and get comments (lame). So I thought it would be freaking sweet if you all dropped by once in a while and made a comment or two. I think you might have to make an account to do so, but it's easy and you don't have to keep a regular blog to do so.

My new blog

I don't really expect everyone to read, after all this is a blog for school and I imagine they won't want me talking about video games all the time. I do think it might get boring.

Still, it would be awfully nice of everyone to maybe leave a comment once every so often :D:D:D:D I warn you though, right now it's still young and rather boring. And if you're wondering why there's a random link to the homepage of Facebook, it's because we were supposed to create a link in the blog and I didn't know what to link to.

Oh, and that damn professor emailed me back. ("I approve of you being in this cl.ass even though you're past the registration date..." !? WTF crazy lady, check your email and your damn phone more often then :evil: ) I had to contact another woman to get in the cl.ass so I looked up her office number and headed over one day.

Apparently that's not her office number anymore.

If anyone doubted the stupidity of my university, there you have it. They don't even update the staff's office and phone numbers anymore. bleh.

Worst Campus Ever.

I can't believe how stupid my university is and how badly they train workers.

Today I went to the health services to ask if they accepted my insurance. The stupid girl looked me right in the eye and said "You'd have to call customer service of your company to figure that out."

You stupid moron. Type the damn company into your computer. They don't accept you, you accept them! Idiot.

Seriously. The majority of the students have no clue what they're doing. They basically sit there and tell people yes or no, yes or no. If you ask them to do anything remotely helpful they'll turn you away and tell you some BS about how you have to cal numbers or talk to someone else.

Funny also how the health services claims to be free for students but every time you go there they tack 20$ onto your tuition.

This place sucks. I'm literally sick to my stomach right now because of everything that's gone wrong today that's related to this godforsaken campus. I'm blown away by the stupidity in this place.

And it's only the second day of Spring semester. boooooo.

edit: Forgot something else that blows: I have to get an ok from a professor to join an Independant study with her, but she's been on Sabbatical since September last year and the university has made it IMPOSSIBLE to contact this woman. Seriously, you **** Don't schedule a class I need an ok for only to put the professor on Sabbatical and reject every single phone call, email and message I send her. F*** you guys.

Holy Grades, Batman!

I think my university is doing this for kicks and giggles. But somehow, I managed to get all B's this semester.

Why is that a big deal?

Well, for one thing, I pretty much BS'd the entire semester. I slept through half of my History of Rock and Roll class, I skipped the majority of Ethics, I skipped the majority of my Social Movements and Change, I churned out pages of crap for Writing Fiction I (Couldn't skip that one, unfortunately) and while I did skip only half of my Astronomy class, I played video games the other half.


I'm blown away by how this could happen. Maybe somewhere in the recesses of my brain, there are still brain cells left. I don't know.

B's are so much better than what I was expecting. Although I did expect an A in my writing class. My professor said that if we turned in 35 pages of work, we were guaranteed an A. I turned in 38. Where's my A!?

At this point, I am so freaking thankful to not have failed. I got a 3.0 for this semester, and my overall GPA has gone up (yea, it was a rough first year). The really good news is, I have one freaking general left to take. No more math, no more science, no more sociology or psychology. Nothing left to take but writing. And that one's a philosophy class and I made friends with the tutor >_>

See, kids! It's possible to do good in school while getting a healthy dose of video games!

No thanks, I'd rather die of boredom.

I decided to go to the library today so I can get my case study done distraction free.

Yea, right. Where there's the Internet, there's distractions.

I hate writing papers with a passion. But of course whenever I say that, people always retort with something along the lines of "But you're majooooooooooring in writing!!1!" or "What kind of English major are you?"

1. Case study =/= creative writing. Dumbasses.

2. Just because I'm an English major doesn't mean that I'm Jesus. I still make mistakes and get ornery when I work too much.

3. I also don't care for reading. So bite me. I burned out on it as a kid when I brought home 30 books from the library and read them in 4 days. I didn't just do this once, I did it for about 3 years until I discovered video games. (though I am *trying* to get back into reading, if not slowly. Feel free to recommend some books if/when you comment).

Good news is, I'm almost done with all my generals. Just one left after this semester, assuming I pass Social Movements and Change (bleh) and Astronomy (not as fun as it made me believe) of course.

I hate case studies. I can't wait until I'm writing nothing but fiction all semester. Mmm...fiction.

Finals are looming.

Yep, finals start in about a week. My first one is on Monday, then I don't have anyway until Friday, which is pretty nice to have a few days off. Still, I'm freaking worried, I haven't been doing all that great this semester and my Social Movements and Change class is kicking my butt. Unless I ace everything left I'm getting a D or worse. But now it's been established: I suck at Sociology.

My Thanksgiving was alright, my granpda was in the hospital so we visited him. I ate a lot of food, which is bad, somehow, even though I'm starving in college, I've been gaining weight. That doesn't make any sense to me but who knows, along with Sociology, I also suck at math. Or science. Biology. Whatever that is. 

I have a friend that as of late is taking advantage of me. Whenever she wants something she tries to guilt me into helping her get it, but when I ask for a favor, she's got other things to do. Oh yea. That typical old chesnut. It's starting to piss me off.I've already made it clear to her that she guilt me into helping her all the time. She wanted us to start going to the gym together, which is cool, so when I asked her today if she wanted to do that, she's all "I have a paper to write...suddenly."  Yea, me too, but I'll still be fat when I finish it. 

This is the same girl who quoted Socrates when I said I considered myself more mature than the majority of people my age. "Those who think they are wise, are not, and those who think they are not wise are the smartest of all." So she just called me immature, but the next day claimed she was one of the smartest people in her family. 

So.....anyone see the issue here? 

Other than that, we have video games. I've been playing a lot of Valkyria Chronicles, which is awesome. I have maybe two complaints about the whole thing, but they're minor, things like "Either I suck at aiming or this aiming system is ridiculous" and "If I'm behind a dude, holding my rifle to his head, why does it take 34 shots to the head to kill him? It is because he's crouching?" 

There's also Star Ocean on the psp which isn't that spectacular but still fun, and Tales of Symphonia 2 which...oh wait, I already stopped playing that. Prince of Persia comes out on Thursday, so hopefully, I can finish Valkyria Chronicles before that happens. Either way I'm going to finish VC before I even start PoP. It's the right thing to do, so VC doesn't get forgotten. 

I started out doing my case study homework and I ended up writing this blog. Procrastination to the rescue! 

*insert topic here*

I really don't have any new or special to say, but I figure I should post another blog anyway. I'm lame.

I'm going home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday morning. I might be working 20+ hours until then though, so it will be a nice needed break. I saw and talked with my mom this Saturday, and she seems a lot less crazy than she was before, so this break might actually be bearable. Although, she did tell me this Christmas we're not buying each other gifts. She's basically regifting things she doesn't need. I don't know how to feel about this, because I don't really have the money to buy them real gifts, but of course, what can I give them from my collection of crap? It's going to be a lame Christmas indeed. 

I haven't even talked to my stepdad in weeks....

My friend made me and roommate sit down and have a talk with the RA. Turns out she's just bothered that we don't talk, because she feels that she did something wrong. I was a little shocked. I could have sworn she hated me. Maybe she does, and she's better at hiding it than me. It's still kinda awkward to talk to her. 

So I almost have all of my pre-orders paid off....for this year. Next year is a different story. Although, there are only a handful of games I see myself needing immediately. 

I also started my own game in Fable II. I am a female, of course, so I found the first lesbian and married her. Turns out she was a meanie though. I took her back to my Gypsy caravan, and she didn't like it. So she was unhappy. We got divorced, but not before she said "Mother was right about youuuuu!!!" which was odd because we had been married for 5 minutes. Then I tried to hit on a gay guy, but that just made him hate me (I was curious!) so for now I'm just going to stay single, even though there's at least four people that love me and always tell me where they'll be waiting for me. Sad. Still hilariously fun. I haven't even done a lot in the main quest yet.

That's all, folks! :P 


Tales of Interest--Stupid Edition.

Let's get one thing straight. It's 5am. I haven't slept a wink tonight, and I probably won't. Here is your reason why:

My university is the stupidest one in America. It must be. By some strange twist of fate, between them tearing down the freshman dorm hall to make more parking spots for more students coming in (WTF? Seriously?)to sticking a freshmen in an upperclassmen dorm even though there was open spots in the new freshman dorm, I ended up with a freshman as a roommate. I hate freshman.

And while that may seem stereotypical of me to say that, I don't give a damn. I was once a freshman, and looking back, I was painfully stupid. So painfully stupid, that when I see this stupid girl making my same stupid mistakes, I want to hit her in her stupid face. They say you learn best when you experience it though. Let's hope that load of crap proves to be true.

I went to bed at 1:30ish. I'll only get 6 hours of sleep, but I'm okay with that. I had a nice day off, a good night's sleep before, and I should be thankful. 

Well. This stupid freshman gets a text at 2am. Whatever. 

Turns out her phone beeps annoyingly every 5 minutes until she reads that text. 

Turns out she's one hell of a heavy sleeper. 

Turns out I'm one hell of a light sleeper. 

Well, around 2:30 she rolls over, rustles around. Good. She got that text. Sleepy time. 


I turn on my Ipod. Loud. 1/2 an hour later my album ends. Sleepy time? 


Without thinking I grab my PSP, and my blanket, and my keys. I go to lounge, play some Star Ocean. I find myself starting to pass out. Good. I go back to my room, wait a little bit. Nothing. Aaahh. Sleepy time. 


There are 3 people I will harm directly and several hundred more I will harm indirectly. 

1. My roommate. Stupid freshman. Why the hell is she in an upperclassmen dorm? And why in my room, of all places?!

2. Whoever sent her the text. I don't care who it is. Her brother, mother, boyfriend, professor, prime minister of England, or Jesus Christ himself, if I find out who it was, I am going to tear off every appendage they can text with. 

3. The dumbass who, when designing a cellphone, decided that "OMG!! When they get a text, their phone should beep every five minutes until they look at the text!" 

Everytime I hear that beep, hate in me grows. It grows so much I'm tempted to light something on fire to set off the fire alarm just so she will wake the hell up and check her texts. 

Either that, or flush the phone down the toilet. That phone was deprived of so much sweet sleep this semester. I hate it. 

I plan on talking to my RA today, perhaps to get a restraining order or whatever they call those stupid things that they use whenever roommates get hostile. I think now, though, I'm going to study for my Ethics test, which is TODAY. 

What a great night for my stupid roommate to get a text. 

A bunch of stuff

Today is the day we go to get the new Xbox 360. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. Also going to get a few games, and a Dualshock 3 controller since Note stepped on my Sixaxis (Which is alright, because I was looking for an excuse to get a Dualshock 3 anyway).

For the first time in my life I watched live election coverage Tuesday night. I never really cared for politics, but this, being a very historical event (not to mention this being my first year of voting :D ) I had to watch it. I will say I'm ecstatic about the outcome, and this is huge step America needed to take in the right direction.

And then of course, I got my schedule for next semester, sorta. It consists of 2 writing classes, a literature class, and a British film class. I need one more class, and I want to take an independent writing class with this one crazy lady I had as a teacher last semester (good crazy). Apparently she's on Sabbatical though, so until I can get a hold of her I'm stuck with another monotonous class.

That is, if my mother will even let me stay at this university. I don't really care either way, to be honest. If she keeps me here, whatever, if she kicks me out, I'll just move in with my sister and work my butt off.

I'm starting to like my Gamestore more and more--one of the employees gives me pre-order bonuses and old strategy guides for free. Today, I got the art book for Valkyria Chronicles (feh, art "book"....more like art pamphlet.) even though I'm going to buy Valkyria Chronicles today at Best Buy.

Other than that, my life is as the usual. Sleep, go to class, video games, scrounging for food, cartoons, rinse and repeat. *sigh*

Well I guess that's the definition of...iiiiironyyyy......

Long story short, Fable II killed me and Note's xbox 360. I'm sad. The good news is that Best Buy is refunding us a full 419$. Yay for two year warranties. We're going to buy an arcade 360(since they let us keep the hard drive), another warranty plan, and other stuff. Like games. Maybe anime.

Anyway, it's ironic because we finally get Fable II, and the damn thing dies. Also very ironic: stupid Gamefly sent me Too Human. Damn this crazy world!!!

I picked up Castlevania and Star Ocean yesterday. OMG. Can't wait to play Castlevania. Trying to beat DQ4 but the final final boss is kicking my butt super hard. But I have to do it.

Also, I lost a lot of money paying my tuition. But tomorrow is a new payday! Of course, I could put all of it into my savings. Or I could buy video games.

Decisions, decisions.

My week in a nutshell...a big nutshell.

It's been a busy week. I've had a lot of projects and stuff due, and I think I passed my Ethics test with flying colors. Only, not really. I was supposed to write a 8 page story for my fiction class, started two different things, and then scrapped them for something completly out of the way. Overall it was about 11 pages, but I don't care. Surprisingly though my teacher liked something I turned in last week, even though I wrote it at 3 in the morning. I was proud of myself.

So, I haven't been watching a lot of anime because I made friends with this crazy girl who's in love with Stargate. And by crazy, I mean insane, and by in love, I mean obsessed. This was the kind of obsession I had when I was 12 (she's 22). And she tells everyone about it. I'm like, wow. I feel that way about video games, but I stuff it down inside so no one can tell. and then when someone asks me I ramble nonstop for a few minutes, just to let some pressure off, and then the process repeats itself. She never stops talking about Stargate.

So yea, that's what I've been watching is Stargate. I've also been watching a few episodes of anime, like Tales of the Abyss (mmm....Jade....).

I've been playing lots of Dragon Quest IV and Castlevania:SOTN on the PSP. I've been playing Xenogears too when I had the time, but you know...tonight is the Fable II release. I doubt I'll be playing anything else or even sleeping for a while. I will have to go to work, which sucks. But I need these monies to buy video games. I do get a big fat paycheck on friday though.

Oh, and My Japanese Coach = awesome.