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ms_hijikata Blog

Foiled again.

Through advice from a friend, I signed up for Gamefly. Because I know there are crappy games that I would buy for 4 dollars if I saw them. This way I can rent them and spare myself some monies that can be otherwise used for food.

I started with the 360 section, because I know Note wanted to try Too Human. Uh-oh, that one was low avaliblity. Better put in a few more games. alright, looks good, let's head to ps3. This one looks good, this one looks good, this one looks like **** but I'm going to try it out anyway....ps2 time.

Holy Mother of God. There are 1600 ps2 games. This is going to be a long night.

I got to the G's, adding in Grandia 2, and clicked on Grandia 3 to add it to my queue. An ufamiliar box pops up. What's this....? ONLY 50 GAMES IN THE QUEUE AT A TIME!?

In about 5 minutes, I had 50 games. And that was only from the 360, ps3, and 1/3 of the ps2 section.

I am dangerous.

Silly girl, stop posting blogs.

Why, why do I feel the need to talk all the time?


I've decided something. I know I've never done written reviews on this site, and there are a few reasons why. I don't feel like sharing them because my brain's not working and I'm not sure how to word it. But this morning I was looking at reviews for Infinite Undiscovery, which as maybe some of you know, is a game I want to buy over buying food. But since reviews haven't been that positive, I've been holding off for a little while, maybe long enough for a price drop. So I was reading reader reviews, which are fun to look at. I seriously enjoy looking at a highly rated game and seeking out the low scores. or vice versa.

ANYWAY (I have a hard time getting to the point) the point is, the reviews are all over the spectrum. And there seem to be people who click on the little thumbs-up/thumbs-down bit like crazy. Now, today, I rated two reviews as helpful: one that gave the game a 4.5, and another that gave the game an 8. The reason why I clicked on the thumbs up was, plain and simple, they were good reviews that went over the good and bad of the game. I'm not going to click on the thumbs down because some guy gave it a low score, if I did click on the thumbs down, it would be because his reasoning made no sense and things like that. I like to hear the good and bad of the game, I hate reading reviews that are stupid and senseless, ie, "this game sucks". That tells me nothing.

Now, I've also been looking at Tales of Vesperia reader reviews. I know I already own this game, but it's nice to see reactions. There was one reviewer, though, that rated it super low (I can't recall the exact score) His review, however, spoke volumes to me about his character. He said very little about facts of the game and instead stated his opinions on how the art style sucked, how the characters were snotty, how the story was lame, etc. These things are all just opinions! I can form those by myself, thank you. tell me about the mechanics of the game, don't tell me about how you only care about blowing people up and this game just doesn't have enough action for you. (um, hello? That's what ACTION genre is. Why are you playing an RPG?!)

Now, here is one reason why I have a hard time writing reviews (I have tried it, words have failed me.). I like to be as factual as possible about the game. I'm not going to write "OMG THIS GAME IS SO COOOOOOOOL" and if I do write that, you will know why. Also, I'm hesitant to see the scathing thumbs down button. Obviously, it's going to happen, but still, once I gain enough courage and have some more rejection in real life, perhaps I'll share.


Such a sad time we live in when a college student's vomit can be considered hazardous material.

I am pissed. Tonight, I went to the dorm building I used to live in to visit my friends. We played some games and ate some food. Having a great time. Unfortunately, the dorm was FULL of drunk freshman. There was one girl who was living on the floor I was on, couldn't even unlock her own door.

But that's not the one that ticked me off. Another girl stumbled into the bathroom, and we heard her try to lock the stall for FIVE MINTUES. When there was silence, we figured she got it, but when I went in there, in turns out she had vomited all over herself and fell on the floor. So security was called, the RA showed up. this girl was plain stupid. She didn't know where she had come from, what her name was, who she was with, nothing. She couldn't stand on her own feet for two seconds. She had vomit all over herself and tried to tell the security that some other girl had vomited on her. It was very obvious she was a freshman, because she thought they were going to flunk her out of college for being drunk.

Well, when she finally shut up and started crying, she had a minor and a misdemeanor, because kept arguing with the guards about how she wasn't drunk, even though she reeked of alcohol. Turns out she lived halfway across campus and had no idea how she ended up in our building. Then she starts wailing about how she felt so stupid, about how if they weren't dealing with her, they could be helping other people.....

When you're so drunk you can't even stand up straight and take a step without falling, who could need more help than you?

I'm not even sure why I'm saying this. I bet half the college students who read this won't even care, because who the hell am I to complain about drunk people? Why should they bother listening to me? Why is this buzzkill preaching about alcohol?

Well, I used to be deadset agaisnt it. then I wasn't. And now I'm middling the line. I don't care if someone drinks. I don't care if someone gets drunk. For God's sake, though, use your head!! Don't kill yourself! Seeing that girl hunched over the sink, the toliet, leaning against the wall for support, I thought she was going to die. And last year, a good friend of mine drank himself into a coma. He was fired from his position of RA. Oh, did I mention he's the one who not only introduced me to alcohol, but pointed out to me his stash of pot? Great RA's my campus has. (Take me seriously when I say this: I've never done drugs. I don't desire to. I didn't even know what pot looked like until he set something in my hand and said "that's pot".)

I should take this moment to say I've drank all the fun out of drinking. I've never gotten sick, never thrown up, never had a hangover, but there was a point in my freshman year where I thought that drinking too much was ridiculous. Of course, alcholism runs in my family, from both my mother and my biological father. The way I see it, I don't have much of a choice, I'm bound to become an alcoholic. However, right now, I don't even feel like drinking. Right now, if I were to have a drink, it was be just that: a drink. I no longer see that glamour getting sick. Last year, I got drunk and couldn't unlock the door to my building. I had to ask a passerby to help me with it (all the while, that RA watched me act like an idiot....such a good RA, I say.) When we got inside, I insisted a hug from this stranger. And the next day, I saw him again, and he laughed.

Do you think I enjoyed that experience? At that time, yes, I thought it was hilarious. The next day, not so much.

So, I don't really have much of a point here. I guess I could end with your typical "Don't do drugs, kids!" but I can see one of two things happening. Either you'll tell me "Bah, people have been telling me stuff like that forever, I'm not gonna listen!" or you'll say "I'd NEVER do something like that!" with which I'll respond with "Hey, I said I wasn't going to do a lot of **** either, and here I am, doing it all." Except drugs. I doubt I'll ever do drugs, but I've learned to not say things like that.

and since I can't think of any way to really conclude this........

*insert witty phrase here*

My life became really boring suddenly. For a while, I actually felt pretty good, and now, my mood has crashed. I'm going to ramble like a widow again.

My classes are pretty decent. Here they are, ranked from favorite to least favorite

1. History of Rock and Roll, the most wanted class on campus. Seriously, everyone wants to take this class. And why? Duh! Rock and roll is awesome! (The teacher makes it amazing, but I think I'm the only one who likes him :() I realized the other day, sitting in class, that I could never go to this class and pass with a perfect A. My stepdad taught me everything I know about rock and roll and the blues. That's what this class is about. Thank you, pappy, for introducing me to the Blues Brothers. (Damn. Now I want to watch that movie.)

2. Ethics. I took a philosophy class last semester and hated it. So why am I excited about this one? I'm not sure. My teacher is from Tennessee and I love him to death. He's young and very good at playing devil's advocate, which is essential for a philosophy teacher. I guess, since I want to write about weird and interesting ethical things, that this was meant to be, me, this class, and this teacher with the amazing accent.

3+4. Sad. Here I have Writing Fiction I, and Social Movements and Change. The Writing class should be in the number one spot I say! But it's not. In fact, I DREAD going to this class. I'm not sure why. I want to write, I want to be better at it, I want to make millions of dollars off it and hide in a basement to play video games for the rest of my life, but I can't bring my self to like this class. I couldn't even decide whether it should be number 3 or 4. Speaking of 4, that other class. It's fun, but there's a reason it's tied for second to last: HARD. and taught by the craziest teacher on campus.

5. Astronomy. I should love this class a lot more, since Astronomy is the only aspect of science I like, but this class is so damn long and so damn boring. The teacher is the only thing good about it. He's so much fun. But I get so tired in that class. I haven't gone to it all week.

Now, to the video games. I reserved Stars Wars: The Force Unleashed with five dollars in quarters (the only monies I had). The manager at Gamestop was actually nice to me this time and talked and talked and talked. I think he's lonely, and now that he has that big breasted b***h working for him, he's going insane. Funny to hear both sides of the story though: she says "OMG he's like, in love with me because I'm sooooooo sexy and I'm his best worker." he says "she's not working out, boobs and all".

Anyway, VIDEO GAMES. Reserved Fallout 3. Got a copy of Fallout 2 so I got to get to that before October. Having a lot of fun with Disgaea 3, and I swear, last night, I couldn't stop playing Tales of Vesperia. Unfortunately we moved the 360 back to Note's room, so I had to stop playing it in order to go to bed. But the good news is, now I have the wii :P

I doubt anyone will read part here if I write anymore, so I'll quit for the day. This may be, though, my new outlet for writing, which may be why I dread going to my writing class, because now all I can write is blogs....

Part 2

Hm, let's see, where to start. I started a few more video games, played a lot of Heavenly Sword, and played Tales of Vesperia until my eyes started to bleed (jk, jk. This is from that Futurama episode where Fry wished that life was like a video game. The "Nintendians" were attacking, and Fry said he studied them every day of his 9th grade year. "Except that time my eye balls started to bleed" :lol: )

Anyway, I think once I beat one of the 3 games I'm currently playing, I'll continue with Beyond Good and Evil, just because everyone has told me it's so damn good. Also, after playing more of Heavenly Sword, I have decided how I felt about it. It is too beautiful for words, and while the story is a bit unoriginal, the characters are still interesting enough to me (being an English major, I nitpick about every story in every form of media.) The combat is nice and there's a lot to it.

Now, the bad parts: The Aftertouch crap. This is actually turning me off so much that whenever it shows up, I get angry and ornery and I quit playing. The motion sensing is too glitchy to actually work well, and while it's a good idea, it really f***s up the gameplay for me. Also, Kai's parts BLOW. I said this before, but they are unnecessary. And quite simply, they suck. Also, while the combat is interesting, there's so much of it that everytime I have to fight another bajillion enemies, I just hack my way through them with the power stance. Not very fun at all.


Anyway, sometime in the near future, I want to buy Enchanted Arms. I know it wasn't reviewed well, but I've heard from some people that love RPGs that it was really good. and I'm an RPG whore, therefore, I NEED IT. But here's the problem: xbox 360 or PS3?

The Great Game Marathon part 1

I'm going to take a break from ranting and complaining today. Instead, I'm going to ramble like a lonely widow about the silly thing I tried to attempt last night.

As you may or may not know, I am literally addicted to video games. And hell if I'm going to seek help. If I see a video game in the store that I desperately want, God himself could not stop me from buying that video game. Now, that means I have a pile of games I've beat, and an even bigger pile of games I have not beat (keep in mind, not all my games are in my online collection. there's about 137 games in there, but I have about 180, really.)

So last night, I was alone with Note, and I had an idea. I'm going to play every single video game I haven't beat yet! I'll just play to the first save point, I think. then move on. I'll just start every single one. Just so that I can gauge them and decide what I want to play from there on out.

Now, I have all my games organized--and these are the only things in my life that are organized--by both system and alphabetically. I have ps1 games, then ps2, ps3, then xbox, xbox 360 (since I just got my wii and have only 4 games, I won't be counting those) then up above those I have organized psp and ds games (I ran out of space :( and that's not even all my games)

Because there's only one ps1 games I haven't played yet (parasite eve, I bought it a few weeks ago) I started with ps2 games. I got to Dirge of Cerberus before I decided my ps3 was going to explode. And Dirge of Cerberus? God awful. What is wrong with SE? This game sucks! I mean yea, it's pretty, just sucks.

So I moved on to xbox. I played through all my xbox games, since I only have 8 or 9. Plus, There's a a few I already started/beat. I will say, what I saw of Beyond Good and Evil I loved, and Otogi is AWESOME. So is Ninja Gaiden. I had a dream last night of what my life would be like if Ninja Gaiden and Otogi somehow squished together and became reality. I liked it. (I can have some pretty trippy dreams sometimes.)

I went back to ps2 games at this point, because I thought I would be doing this the whole night. So I played through Drakenguard (right after Dirge of Cerberus) and thought "This sucks. I'm going to try something else"

I skipped right to ps3 games. But I didn't start at the beginning. I went right to the middle, to Heavenly Sword. All I can say is this: mmmmm. Heavenly Sword.

Though the logical portion of my brain kept pointing out things I shouldn't care about in a video games (Here's one: "There is NO WAY a girl could carry that sword. and if she could, she would not be sexy anymore. She'd be bulging with muscles.") But I still loved it very much. I do believe, once I finish with Persona 3, that I shall play this one. Perhaps sooner! But even though the game was awesome, I still have to say: Kai's parts SUCK. The aiming system sucks. Her movement speed sucks. The fact that I shot a guy in the head 3 times and he still kept moving sucks.

But after Heavenly Sword, I fell asleep. ASLEEP!! Not literally. It was like my brain just shut off and wouldn't think anymore. So I went to bed. My plan was continue today, but my roommate came back. And I think I can imagine her reaction if I kept popping in game after game. So....maybe later I will continue.

In other news

I'm going to reapply to Gamestop. Just because the manager is looking for some new people. See, if he had hired me last year, there wouldn't be this problem. Then again, he's just an idiot. He didn't hire me last time because the interview wasn't any good. But I interview terribly. You know what I DO do right? My job. See, if he's hiring and firing on a whim like I've heard, then it makes no sense to not hire me. Because if I don't do a good job, or if he decides that my boobs aren't big enough, whatever stupid reason, then he can fire me. But if I actually end up doing a good job, then what does that bastard have to lose? What REALLY pisses me is when I first met this guy, he was super flirty, and he always had something nice to say to me, and I ended up going to Gamestop to talk to his lame ass. But guess what?! I show up at Gamestop with a guy (and another guy, and another guy, and another guy, and another guy...) and all of a sudden he started to treat me like crap. Now when I come in there, he always says "Why do you come here if you're not going to buy something?" And I think "You jack ass, I come to your store 2 or 3 times a week and I always, always ALWAYS buy something. You forget that I've dropped close to 1500$ dollars here in the past year, don't you DARE treat me like crap." I must be their best damn customer, and out of all the people that could hate me there, it's the manager.

Here's another reason...he thinks that I'm not approachable enough, that I wouldn't be able to talk to people. Excuse me? I've been a waitress for two years. If there's any job that trains you to talk to people, it's waitressing, believe me. Now, I may not be pretty, and I may be kinda fat, but what do you expect? I'm a girl who would rather spend hundreds of dollars on games than buy food or clothes. I don't need expensive clothes, I don't want to spend hours on my hair, and for the love of God, I hate exercise, but does that make me unapproachable? That's such BS! I play a ton of and know so much about video games, and isn't that more important, in this job at least, than being suave and good-looking?

Ugh. I just cannot stand that man. But, I would like to have extra money, and discounts on video games. Now I can just hope that another year of being a waitress has honed my communication skills enough to stop shaking during the interview (I hate interviews that much, every job I've ever interviewed for, I've never got, unless it was a "see you on Monday" interview, which I've had three.)

One other thing unrelated. I got the good taste emblem, but my average score has been at 8.5 for like, WEEKS. Why did it suddenly pop up now? And why do I care what people think anyway? EDIT: ok, I sold soul Calibur 4 yesterday, so I took that out and replaced it with Tales of Vesperia. Now my emblem's gone. The weird part: both games were rated 8.5. DOUBLE EDIT: WTF? It came back! WHAT IS GOING ON!?

Words cannot describe my feelings.

Guess what this is? Another rant about my roommate? You're right! Except this will make you hate every casual gamer. And if you are a casual gamer yourself, you'll either want to hurt yourself, or become a hardcore gamer pretty damn quick.

I came back from my class to find not just my roommate, but two--yes, two--of her friends in the room. Normally, I wouldn't care, but these are the type of girls I hate. "OMG, let's take a quiz about our knowledge of sexual positions!" "OMG, did you see hottie on myspace?"

This isn't to say I don't like cute boys, or that I could care less about my sexual intelligence. No, it was something after all that nonsense that caught my attention....

"I wish they still sold 64s. Because, like, I have a ton of 64 games still."

"Really? How many?"

"Like, 12."

"OMG! Do you have Super Mario 64?"


"Is that the one where you save Peach from Bowser?"

I am not kidding you. She said that. What would have been the icing on the cake would be if the other girl said "Yea! Totally!" But no. She said "Um, you save Peach in every Mario game."

Of course, the idiot had to go and say "I know, but is that the one where you go through a bunch of levels?"

I have to live with this until May.

Changed my mind

I don't know what to think of my roommate anymore. At first she came off really timid, but everytime I say something she disagrees with, she HAS to have the last word. It's starting to piss me off. She called me easily amused the other day. EASILY AMUSED!!!! I see that as a nice way of calling someone stupid. Well, I may have rotted my brains with video games, but I'm not stupid. For the most part.

The good news is a good friend of mine lives down the hall. Her roommate is getting married and moving out next semester (hopefully). So then I'll just move in with her. The only conflict is us both being pretty hardcore gamers.

Now onto the good news: I played a demo Stars Wars: The Force Unleashed. I think it's AWESOME! This is the first time I've shown intrest in a Star Wars game (other than a mild intrest in KOTOR). I think I'll buy it.

Also, it turns out my roommate's brother is a huge gamer, and he invited me to join a gaming group on campus he started. The problem is, It's full of people I hate with a passion.One of the guys there is so full of BS I can't stand him anymore. There's a few girls, but only one I can see myself talking to about, you know, games. I just can't see it happening. but they're having a meeting on Tuesday, and I'm considering going--just to see how hardcore they all really are.

Vroom vroom and a new home.

I went to dinner with my step dad last night. It was awesome because we rode his motorcycle. I haven't been on one in a long time and it was nice :) It reminded me of the time when they grounded me from video games, and he drove me to the library every week on the bike. I checked out like, 20 books a week. Well, I had to. Had to fill up those hours of gaming. then I realized I could borrow Pinky's ps2 and hook it up to my TV and play Devil May Cry 3 in the wee hours of the morning. Oh yea. I was badass.

I'm all moved into my new dorm. It's hella bigger than my old room, and carpeted. I haven't met my roomie yet but she did message me on Facebook, and it turns out she's a gamer. Which is cool. I did tell her I would be using the TV 90% of the time though. So hopefully we get along good. My mom tried to help me unpack. It was awkward, because the biggest box I had was full of video games. Pinky was helping me put them on a shelf, and I said "And I only brought the ones I haven't beat." My mom was a little pissed about that. And then of course, she went into my bag--and found my dirty secrets. THAT was even more awkward. Other than that, I am doing just dandy. And the internet is as fast as it gets. I will be downloading anime episode after episode after episode.......