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ms_hijikata Blog

Aw, I'm sad.

1. I have a roommate. I know that doesn't seem huge, but unfortunately, I make a terrible roomie. I stay up really late (like, 4 or 5am) I play video games ALL THE TIME, I eat food ALL THE TIME, and if you wake me up at 6am, I am really cantankerous. My roommate last year moved out.

2. I haven't seen or talked to my stepdad in forever, so when he called yesterday to wish me happy birthday, I was like "yay!" He also asked if he could take me out to dinner tomorrow, and not just to dinner, but dinner to a fancy place AND we're gonna ride the Harley there (I love motorcycles :D ). So I tell my mom, "Doug's taking me to dinner at 6 on Thursday." She says "Fine. Is he going to move you in the next day too?"

****ing A. Why can't I go eat food with a guy she hates? I'm not inviting her, I'm not asking her to love him, I'm not demanding they remarry so that the delicate fabrics of my mind can stay sown together (Long story short, when they announced their divorce, I started getting drunk and...well, fornicating).

That's why I'm all sad like. Also, there's like, other weird things, like that ex-friend I mentioned some blogs ago is the ARHD of the dorm I'm moving into. And that means I'll have to talk to him on Friday when I move in. Bleh.

I'm Golden! ('s my birthday)

I wonder if that has multiple meanings O.o

The point is, today is my birthday. And not just any birthday, oh-ho....(I find a reason to make every birthday fun)

Today is my golden birthday. That's right, I'm the bigt 1-9 today. (that's 19, for people who are too lazy to check their calanders....or the post time.) And yes, people have asked me, when I told them my golden birthday is on the 19th, "How old will you be?"

Which is why I love/hate people.

So......I'm off!

P.S. I hate Gamespot's wide "add game" function. Even though I have my preferences set to just bring up the window without adding the game to any of my lists, it ALWAYS puts it in my tracking!!! : (

All done

No more work! Though I keep having dreams about bad waitressing. With the whole 38 dollars I made, I bought 3 video games. Yea, I need to learn how to save monies.

Now I can go back to my job as a lowly librarian. Which is cool. As long as my mom doesn't do anything else stupid for the rest of the school year (like, say, making ME take out a loan so SHE can wire the house with surround sound and satellite) I think everything will be fine.

The new Gamespot is kinda odd. But, I just need time to get used to it. I don't like the level meters. The old ones were cooler.

Ooo, funny story. The other day my mom needed a receipt from me. So I grab my purse that's on the table she's sitting at, and I reach in and take out a handful of receipts--and two condoms.


200,000 miles.

My car hit 200,000 miles today. It was epic. It's not even that old. We bought it brand new in 2000. I love that car. Sadly, this is the last day I will fill it up with gas for the summer.

The weekend was crazy. I worked almost 14 hours on Saturday. I had time in between shifts to eat an ice cream cone and take a bath. Then I went back to work. Speaking of work, I only have 3 days left.

I had a really bad head cold yesterday. It's gone for the most part today. I did a lot of nothing, including sitting in bed and play Wii/DS. On Wednesday a friend and I are going to Brainerd to get her laptop and stuff like that. Also, I'll be gone most of this weekend, because Note and I are going to his house to 1. go to Valleyfair (which i haven't been to since I was like, 14) and 2. Go the Renaissance Festival (which I haven't been to since I was....14) yay mini vacation.

So....that's my world in a nutshell right now. I haven't been doing much else. I tried to write, but I'm having issues with writer's block and such. So I guess I'll just not write until I feel like it. I'm never going to get anything done with that attitude. *sigh*

Dear readers, the things I have in store for you...

This is going to get really long.

So, this weekend, in my town there is this thing called Harvest Festival. As chipper as that sounds, it's a big excuse for everyone in the town to get drunk and dance in the streets (Ha, you all think I'm kidding....)

This morning I wake up, go outside for a walk, come back, and realize there is a note from my mother. It reads "My darling baby girl...(she wants something) Clean the bathroom, clean the stainless, clean the floors, clean this, clean that. Remember, we have company coming! love, mommy."

Who could this be, you say, that needs everything cleaned? Dear readers, company is none other than my sister. Before you brush that off like no biggie, let me compare and contrast the two of us:

Sister: short, chubby, blond, likes rap, loves to watch movies even the bad ones, is sociable, hates video games.

Me: tall, voluptuous, brunette as brunette can be, likes old school 80's rock, only likes good movies, hates people, lives for video games.

What a weekend we're going to have. My sister loves Harvest Festival. She's 23 now and just loves the drinking, loves the dancing, loves the everything. I've hated Harvest Festival for a long time now. But since she's coming up, I know she's going to use it as an excuse for us to have "sisterly time." First of all, I don't really like her. Second, she thinks because she's 4 years, 6 months, 3 days, 3 hours, and 43 minutes older than me (I figured that out about 7 years ago, when math and I were still friends) she has a right to invade my life. Here's an example.

I'm coming out of the shower. I love showers. I love to be clean. After I take a shower, I don't want to get sweaty, i don't want to do work, I just want to relax. So I go downstairs to the basement, where my room is.

There, on my bed, is my sister. Not only did she invade my room (which is my mind in realized form, all messy and personal and stuff) but she is ON MY COMPUTER. and not the one I don't really use anymore. SHE'S ON MY LAPTOP. So what, you might say. Here are three reasons why this is offensive to me:

1. All my writing is on this laptop. Everything, from when I was 12 to now, is contained here. Every embarrassing thing. While some people still coudn't see why this is bad, I protect my writing with my life. I only let my closest friends and my stepdad read my writing (more on that later)

2. Um, I never delete my internet history. Yes, that's just as dirty as it sounds.

3. I have all my passwords saved on here, because I'm kinda lazy.

So I say to her "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" She kinda looks up, uninterested.

"Checking my email."

"You do realize, MOM has a compute you can use?"

"Yea, but yours is faster." At this point, I could put my fist through a wall.

"You didn't even ask!!"

"You weren't around." Ok. Queen of the "don't touch my stuff, ask me first, and wait until I get home to ask me" has broken her own rule. She has violated her own personal terms of service by saying these things. So I freak out some more and tell her to get out.

That is my sister for you. And she's coming to visit me. ME, THE MISTRESS OF ALL EVI--

That, dear readers, is only the first part of my story. Here is the second:

My mother is 51 years old. She looks like she's 30. People have mistaken the two of us for SISTERS. She's a bartender, which means she's spends a lot of time with drunk guys, all who, for the lack of a better term, want my mother. She weighs about 40 pounds less than I do and makes it obvious. That being said, no one is harder to live with than my mother. This is not to say she is a slut, or anything like that. It's just that, for a woman who is 51, she is a very beautiful woman. And me, who is supposed to be in my prime, is nothing but an unhappy fat mess to her.

Now that we have some background on that relationship, let me start.

My mother asked me months ago what I wanted for my golden birthday. I said I wanted a prime rib dinner. Not from a restaurant, mind you, but I wanted my mother to buy a hock of prime rib and make it for me. Because, she is, the best damn cook I know. And her prime rib dinners are out of this world. My mom loves to cook, so it's not like I'm asking her to do anything she hates. It's her day off as well, so I'm not asking her to do anything impossible. I want a nice dinner for my golden birthday.

Well, being the person she is, she finds a problem in my request. "But, prime rib is so expensive. It'll be 80$!" So, 80$ may be a lot to ask for any other day. But this is my birthday. my GOLDEN birthday. I'll take this time to tell you, my sister got for her golden birthday: a limo ride, a slumber party, a pizza party, and tickets to a professional basketball game with like, 8 of her friends. (we may have had a little more money at that time, but my mother is excellent at budgeting.)

So I, the reclusive nerd, ask for a dinner for my birthday. I could have asked for really outrageous things, but I didn't.

Moving on, my mother says she'll think about it. About a week later, we're sitting at the table, eating lunch on our day off. (we work at the same restaurant) she sighs and says "I think I'll buy an HDTV this fall."

"Whoa. Those are like, 700$ for a decent sized one. Are you sure?"

"Yea. I just want one really bad." So, she can buy herself a TV she doesn't need, but I can't have a prime rib din-din on my birthday?

About another week passes. We're eating lunch again. Another sigh.

"I really want lasik eye surgery."

"...That's a few thousand dollars. How are you going to pay for that?"

"I think I'll save up some money for it. Maybe this winter I can get it."

Whoa. Now she wants lasik eye surgery. I'm still waiting on that dinner, mom.

Here, let's paint another picture. I'm going into my second year of college. This was my mom's deal: Go to college right away after high school, finish in 4 years, and I'll pay it for you.

Obviously, we're kinda poor. No, we're really poor. For some reason, she started making me pay for some my college--which is no biggie, but it bothers me that she's going back on her sworn word since the day I was born. Not only that, but a while back my stepdad and I were going to sign adoption papers. Since I'm an adult, we don't need permission from my biological father. But when my mother found out, she threatened to make the two of us pay for my college, which at this point in my own life and my stepdad's life, is impossible. Needless to say, she hates my stepdad (they were married for three years)

That's my story, dear readers. Now that I've wasted your time, I'm going to finish cleaning for my VIP sister. Enjoy your weekend!

Idiocy Reigns

My friend and I tied our shirts around our heads and ran around my house like ninjas. Needless to say, this did not impress the old people at my house at the time. Plus, my grandpa practically told my friend she was ugly. (she has hot pink hair right now).

I wish I was a ninja :(

Anyway, I found out one of my friends doesn't love me anymore. He does this thing, when he gets mad at people he just won't talk to them. He won't tell them what's wrong, he won't try to fix anything, he basically acts like a child. He even removed me and my other friend from his friend list on facebook (ooooo, big deal). It just bothers me that he acts this way. I love him to death as a friend. He basically saved me from killing myself in my freshman year of college (of course, he doesn't know, and I've never told him, and now I wish I had...), but if he's going to act like this, I just don't know what to say to him. It's going to be really awkward, though, since he's the ARHD of the dorm I'm moving into in two weeks (whoa, two weeks....sweet.).I just hate how he acts so immature when he's angry. I really, really, hate it. I wish he would talk to me, and tell me what's wrong. Because I'm obviously making either the same mistake or a more offensive mistake than the last time he was mad at me, and how am I supposed to know these things if he doesn't talk it over with me?


Onto happier things. My pink-haired friend and I are working on our manga! hoo-rah! Of course, she's doing all the drawing, and I already wrote the story, so I kinda have nothing to do but tell her how to do things. Which is cool. It makes me feel all important and stuff.

There are 12 days until my golden birthday. I only have a few days left of work, and then I'm going to move in. I shouldn't be this excited for school. Of course, it's not school I'm excited for...

EDIT: I should mention my pinky haired friend bought me a prinny at the anime con she went without me! It makes up for her not inviting me in the first place, even if it doesn't explode. :D


I'm feeling a little....down. Not sure why. Maybe it's the fact that I only made 200$ this weekend. And the fact that I have to pay a 130$ ticket (my mom's not going to be happy about that....hopefully my car insurance doesn't go up). Let's not forget: I went to play FFIX the other day for some good old nostalgia and for some reason, not only are all my ps1 memory cards empty, (no biggie, I got them backed up, but.....) when I tried to copy them back onto my ps3, my adapter thing didn't show up anywhere. I could have sworn, that when you plug the little bastard in, it pops up on your screen. Well I looked, and I looked, but nothing happened. Not only that, but when I asked for help on the ps3 forums here at Gamespot, some guy said "You need a hard drive in your ps3. Read the manual."

--begin rant--

Okay, jackass. I'm not stupid. Obviously my ps3 has a hard drive in it, how else would I save and where would my ps2 memory cards go? THOSE are on there. The ps1 memory cards as well, they just magicially became empty. What does it take to get some help around here? At least I'm not like "omg my ps3 is teh suxxors halp plz lolololol"

I know how to use my words, and when I use them to ask for help, I don't want a smart ass response. If you have something to say that may be helpful, say it, if not, DON'T **** SAY ANYTHING!

--end rant--

Moving on. It feels like I've been playing Makai Kingdom FOREVER. It's so damn hard. And I love SRPGs. But this one makes me sad. I just want to beat it. Or stop playing it for a while. Problem is, it's hard for me to do that, to move onto another game when one is not yet beat. But...but...I want to play other things. :cry: Should I do it? Should I play something else...?

I has a friend code

Mario Kart DS: 339455-541235

There you are. That's for anyone who wants to play Mario Kart DS with me while I still can. Just be sure to tell me who you are ;)

I ran away last night!

Well, not really. I guess, being an adult and all, I can't technically run away from home. It's not even really home, since I don't actually have one, but at 1am Friday morning I gave a big "eff you" to my life and drove a whole hour to Bemidji, where my university, Note, and the Wii was. I made four dollars that night at work because my boss is a deusch. And if he ever schedules me to bus again, I'm either quitting....or asking him nicely to not have me bus. Because I didn't apply to be a bus girl making 4 bucks a night because everyone forgets to tip her, I applied to be a waitress and deal with cranky, unhappy people who have to tip me no matter what.

That's how exciting my life is. I stole my mom's car and drove to B-town. whoo-hoo. I figured if my mom can stay out all night and have fun, I should be able to at least TRY to have fun.

Also, seeing as how I have 17 days left of work (18 until my birthday, 21 until I move away!) and seeing as how 1. I have a plethora of writing classes fall semester and 2. I'm majoring in writing, I've been trying to coax myself back into writing little by little when I realized: I am writing! I post in this unread blog pretty often! And that's writing! That makes me feel better on the inside. Of course, blogs don't really count towards my grade (not yet at least) BUT I have already been recommended for the annual publication that my university releases, so considering that I am pretty much a lazy person and do nothing but play video games, I am doing fabulous ; )

I got mah Wii!!!

I got a Wii!! :D

Also, I went to Target to buy Soul Calibur 4 (I know it's supposed to be two words, but I just can't get used to that), and the guy who was working treated me like an idiot. I asked him if I could buy Soul Calibur for the PS3, and he scoffed and was like "But what about Yoda?" I told him I didn't care about Yoda, because I'm buying the game....for the fraking Soul Calibur stuff. Not for the Star Wars characters, because I could care less about them. And the rest of the time that me and my friend talked to him, every time I said something he either ignored me or gave me a weird look, like "why are you still talking, girl fiend?" that ruined my whole experience at Target, and I hope that guy explodes.Personally, I think he was sexist. Confronted with a girl thing that played more video games than he did, I'm sure. When we were talking about online gaming, I said I preferred the PS3 to the 360, because the PS3 is free and I like that. I don't want to pay a monthly fee for something I might play like crazy one month and ignore the next. And he looked at me all rude like and said "You don't do a lot of online gaming, do you?" Well, what does that have to do with anything? I told you I preferred it because it was free and it has never given me any problems. And you reject my opinion for no good reason? You sir, suck. If anyone cares, I don't do a massive amount of online gaming, but when I have gamed online, I have had a good experience. Nothing has gone wrong for me. And hey, it didn't cost my poor, cheap ass a dime.

Other than that, it was a good day. I got Mario Kart DS (which I refuse to play until I'm finished with FFIV) and Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon. Which isn't that hard, I've gone through like 5 dungeons already, but I did die once. So yea, it's a little challenging, and not for everyone, but dayyyymn is it cute.