ms_hijikata Blog
Lost Odyssey is pretty...
by ms_hijikata on Comments
It is. I haven't played too much of it, but DAMN it's pretty. I've been playing too much of FFXI though.
Yea...need to play some more video games other than FFXI....but my THF is lvl 34. I almost ready to get married ^^
So I joined FFXI
by ms_hijikata on Comments
Break was what?
by ms_hijikata on Comments
Yea, not too good. I got chewed out by the parents, but Christmas was okay, and now I'm back in the dorms, pretty much by myself and without food for two days until my friends get back. I'm okay with that considering there's video games to be played. I finished four of them, which is okay, I suppose. What's most important is that I got some writing done, since I've been slacking.
But about those video games....and that Xbox 360 I'm getting. I'm pysched for Lost Odessey in a way only an RPG fan can be. Also, I'm looking forward to DMC4. Yay. And a slew of other things that I strangely can't remember right now. Oh, of course. FFVII: Crisis Core. I'm hoping they'll be, you know, done with the FFVII spin offs now. Unless they were to remake FFVII....then Square Enix may continue.
I got a Wii!
by ms_hijikata on Comments
Life is crappy.
by ms_hijikata on Comments
I want a Wii really bad. My Gamestop is getting a few in tomorrow morning, but tonight is my last night time with friends...before I go home. and let's just say I don't think I'd be ready to wake up early and camp out for a Wii at nine o clock...or even ten. or eleven. Hell, I wasn't planning to get up until noon. But I have to have a Wii. So I designated a driver, and in twelve hours or less I will be sitting outside Gamestop, knocking on the door and begging for a Wii. "Excuse me," I'll say to the manager. "You might remember me. In fact, I'm sure you do. I'm that crazy chick that comes here every time my best friend is working, and I buy a ton of stuff. Think of me as an investment--sell me a Wii, and I'll come back and buy much, much more. SELL ME THAT WII...."
Hopefully, he'll say yes. In fact, I'm sure he will.
No more finals!
by ms_hijikata on Comments
End of semester!
by ms_hijikata on Comments
Finals are coming up tomorrow. I'm tired as hell, but once it's over then I'll be able to head home for a few weeks and be able to catch up on video games. Not to mention bond with my Ps3...but I've stocking up on games just for this. I'm excited to be able to forget about everything for a whole month. I might be moving to my own room next semester, so that'll give me even more time to play video games! things are looking up.
oh noez...
by ms_hijikata on Comments
Well. I gave in. I bought a PS3. What a bad-ass piece of machinery. (and I mean that in the best possible way.) I got it for 365 dollars, thanks to my beloved friend's employee discount. Hoo-rah. I also bought Uncharted: Drake's fortune. What a pretty game. Since this is essentially the first time I've ever played a game on the PS3, I'm going to have to say the graphics are pretty impressive. And yes, the 360's may be better...but I don't have a 360. Yet. Oh, how terrible. I do really want a Wii though.
But continuing with the PS3, think of all the games I'll be able to purchase. Metal Gear Solid 4 (squeal!). Devil May Cry 4 (not so enthusiastic, but still: squeal.) Disgaea 3. Assassin's Creed. Heavenly Sword. Kindgom Hearts 3 (squeal! ....ahem.) I'm excited for the future. And here I was thinking about quitting video games for good.
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