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ms_hijikata Blog

I totally love Gitaroo Man

I beat the third level on master' play! Yea, I know. I'm only on the fourth level. *tears* If I worked harder, I'd be farther. But holy cow. I'm proud of myself.

Man, and I still have freaking homework to do...I'm procrasting by posting. Curse you, posts!!!


So my family's poor and I'm in college. What do I do? Preorder games for my PSP. Heck yes.

I'm currently working on getting a job. I got an application from the manager at my local Gamestop. Whoo hoo! He said he'll probably hire me first because apparently I know alot about video games. And my mother said video games would get me nowhere...

And she might be right. After all, waitressing is a better job, and on top of that, work study takes no taxes out.

Like all times before, I will not listen to my mother. I'm going to submit my application to Gamestop today. And then I'm going to get some ice cream to celebrate .my roommate's absense this weekend.

Once again: Heck yes!

Nothing...just nothing...

Sometimes I feel like the most boring person on earth. I actually quit video games for a while to do nothing but read, and my homework.

But my buddy convinced me to play Silent Hill 2 and 4. Silent Hill two was awesome. And that's saying alot considering that games like that scare me. I'm still in the midst of Silent Hill 4, but I definitely want to play it alot more.

I graduate in about two weeks. From there, I'm headed off to college for a double major in Creative and Professional Writing and Psycology. Something tells me I might have to quit video games again...

Movies I'd otherwise never see...

Saw Zodiac this weekend. Jaw-dropping. Literally. I know alot of people will say it's too long, but I loved it. Not because Jake Gyllenhaal was in it either, but there were parts that my friend was seriously writhing in her seat over. I couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. It was good.

In video game news...well, there is none. Beat Rogue Galaxy, bought Brain Age for the DS (I figured out how to play Sudoku, FINALLY) and that's about it. Yea, pretty much it. (So life...)

Go me.

Not like it's anything special, but I finally got around to beating Yiazmat in FF XII. What a pain. Seven and a half hours, 36 stages, what was Square thinking? It was fun, though.

Up next (When I get the time, of course ^_^): Omega Mark XII.


So, I read this article in EGM about Jack Tretton, the new CEO of SCEA. I have to admit, I think he's having an effect on me. Not only do I feel empowered by his confidence, but I think maybe he's pulling me out of the rut. The rut that made me believe Sony lost it. Seriously, this guy wears the pants. He's amazing and so good with words. I want to talk like him when I grow up...all full of false hope and BS...but it keeps the dream alive. And not only that, but other things are helping me love Sony again too.

Such as....*dun dun dun* The remake of Castlevania Dracula X!! Heck yes! Except I don't have a PSP. But it's closer to me than it's ever been before. I'm psyched. I'm one of those nerds who owns a retro Castlevania shirt, so this is news to me.

Other than that, I think Sony really lost the touch. I've been so faithful to them since I was eleven (whoo, six years) and now...the PS3. I was bummed to hear that DMC 4 wouldn't see the light of day in 07. And FFXIII? I'm kinda unimpressed. They're too flashy now. If FFXIII has been pushed back to 08, then FF VS XIII is 09. And I KNOW it'll get worse. That's a big EFF. None of the good games come out for years. Will the PS3 even be alive in that time?

One the bright side, I recieved Rouge Galaxy from my parents for Valentine's Day ^_^. I'm estatic to try it out. Looks awesome. Graphics are sharp and everything.


Well, my grades weren't as good as I hoped, but that's to be expected when you take a class with Satan. On Tuesday, however, when the coronation for Queen (I lost, by the way, but I am so okay with that, otherwise I would have had to go to all the..."events"....thank goodness.) totally got to me and was starting to make me crazy, he sat me down and let me rant about how my parents make me want to destroy...anything. He patted me on the shoulder and told me everything was going to be alright (probably gave me a disease.)

But anyway, moving on to those video games, I'm now offically addicted to Disgaea. There's something hellishly funny about it, and I even got permission from Satan to use it for my Ap lit assignment. Yes, sweetness. That's the good thing about him, he lets me use video games for my homework. So nice.

 Oh, and college? Probably not happening this year. Maybe in the years to come. I might be able to steal away my bestest friend, though, and go live in Japan. And even though I don't know alot of Japanese, my friend is about...half-way fluent, which will really help. God knows what I'll do for a job. I'll have to go to college over there. I've already researched a few that look good. Time can only tell.


Passed Chemistry final with flying colors. Bamalam. Not so sure about Mythology though. A whole new semester, just me and Satan. Whew.

Three classes this lovely semester. Time to play more video games! I hope I got at least a 3.8 GPA this semester. With Satan breathing down my neck, it's not likely, but I know I have A's in my other classes.

I have a craving to buy a PSP for MGS: PO. I hope it's good. Also, LocoRoco and Katamari. Duh, and Gitaroo Man. I like the DS better, I'll admit because it has more unique games. Hail Nintendo. I always thought I was a daughter of Sony, but recently I've been giving my love to Nintendo . They want to adopt me, and it's working.

Ah, sweet high school

Dude. I am one of the queen candidates for Snodaze at my school. WTF, who are they electing to these things nowadays? I am frumpy. Oh well. I never knew I was so popular. No, I'm not, really. the real candidate gave it and handed it over to me, the next in line, not even kidding.

But now I have to go shopping for a dress...and that's awkward beecuse I don't wear dresses...I am a redneckish type of girl, that sounds bad but I do live in the boonies. Cursed small town mindedness.

Well, semester is done in two days. Whoo! Going to fail final Chemistry test. Whoo! Do I care?...No! Props for those who know their way in life. Like me: I'm there to make everyone else feel better about themselves.