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ms_hijikata Blog

Four days left in the semester

And I'm almost all the ways caught up. Just got a load of quizzes in Mythology, and then I have to keep up in everything else. Simple, right?

Dear God, then there's another semester with Satan. And I found out that my friend is going out with another friend who I asked to movies recently. If I would have known, I wouldn't have asked him, but I feel like a backstabber now.

Other than that, the life is going decent. Everyone's telling me not to give up on the issue with my parents, but I'm such a quitter *hides in shame*

It's offical, my school is the worst.

They blocked Gamespot, Gamefaqs and Gamestop! How incredibly stupid is that? And then they let morons go on and play games right in front of their eyes. Morons!

We had a bomb threat in our school on Thursday! My first real evacuation! Of course, it turned out to be the idiot of the school thinking it would be funny to write a note saying that a bomb would actually go off in the school. Where do stupid people come up with stupid things? I feel so terrible for his parents, because they're incredibly nice people, and he's just...stupid. The unfairness of society.

Other than that, my life is fairly uneventful. The end of the semester draws near as I hurry to finish all my crap I have to do. Which is alot, but most of it is pretty fun and enjoyable. Hopefully, I won't get too far behind.

Dude, and I found Disgaea on and got my mom to hand over her credit card! It shipped the other day. Man, I've been on a rare game spree. First Gitaroo Man, Then La Pucelle, and now Disgaea, which some guy at Gamestop told me I'd never find. And I found it. My life, at the moment, is great.

Oo, wait. I'm giving up on going to Iowa. I know, I'm a wimp. But I'm so sick of headbutting with my mother over it. I can't stand her sometimes. Whatever, I'll get there eventually.

Back to school

And it sucks. No problems, though, semester ends in eleven days. Then I go on to a breezy, three class second semester. Thank goodness those credits stacked up over the years. Still have Ap Lit. Freaking hardest class I've taken. EVER. And I'm so far behind in mythology. Stupid homework and video games keep piling up.

And as usual, the attention draws to the video games. I am a major procrastinator. I will get it done, I promise. *fingers crossed*

Moving on. More school tomorrow, but I haven't been able to sleep well since the jerk broke up with me. Saw him for the first time in five months and I almost passed out. This too, shall pass...

The New Year

Holy eff. Time for resolutions, maybe? Alright, so I resolved to beat more video games. I also resolved to take better care of myself and also to keeep up my good work in grades so I can get plump scholorships. And I resolved to write more. Hopefully.

Back to school on Wednesday. Stupid. I can't stand school. Especially since they blocked so cool a place as Gamespot. ^_^ They were thinking about blocking Gamefaqs too, but then I would have really freaked out at them, since I already had a talk with the Computer Adminstrator. He's cool, though, since whenever somewhere I want to go is blocked and it is school appropiate, he lets me hop on his unblocked laptop. Yea. He's awesome.

I've been really, hm, what's the word? Rude and borish, lately. And I know I've been eating too much. Not that that has anything to do with my attitude. Maybe I'm just tired. I've actually been playing Elite Beat Agents so much that when I stop I can see little circles in front of my eyes. But I'm okay with that for now.

My life is crap

Yea. My boyfriend broke up with me today. (technically, yesterday.) Either because he's gay, or he's having too much fun with me being 300 miles away. *sigh* At least, that's the cynical way I see it. Maybe I'm just a horrible person, and going straight to hell. Fhaa.


Goodbye Holidays. Got a DS and FFIII! I must say, I always thought the little people on the PS 1 were adorable, but the little chibis are beyond cuteness words. My friend bought me Okami, and man is it gorgeous. And addicting. Maybe this will help hone my art skills. Yea...right...

Kinda lost the spirit to write for the moment. I mean, of course I want to, but I get there and it's so...blank. My mind, that is.

Onto my true Christmas break. I have several video games to play (ie, twelve, at the least), four books to read, about eight movies to watch, and a novel to finish. Otherwise my only two friends will destroy me. I'm expecting to get very little sleep (it is, after all, one o clock and I still plan on playing Okami a bit more.) I better get to it. Happy Holidays to all.

Ah, Christmas

It snuck up so freaking fast. I can't believe it, two days and it's Christmas. I'm hardly ready. I begged my parents for a DS, and that's all I really want. Oh, and FF III, of course.

Okay, so my boyfriend's supposed to be home, but I haven't heard anything. Lazy bum.

I am getting an immense amount of writing done! Minus the smut, thankfully. I finished a short story I'm dying to let my friend read. And others, as well. I have alot writing I want to do, and thank God, I've finally got the time to do it.

So, Christmas break. I promised Satan--oops, I mean my AP lit teacher--that I'd get a crapload of work done over break, but I don't see it happening. Good thing he's an understanding fellow who "cares". Seriously. I think this guy is going to hell. Straight there. He IS an excellent father, I'll give him that--he actually reads girly pre-teen books so he and his daughter (who lives with his ex-wife) have something to talk about, which I think is a great way of swallowing the massive amount of pride he has.

I have a pile of books to read, video games to play--I decided since it's the end of the year, I'll spoil myself and play some classics--stories to I'm making a resolutions list. I also, at last, started reading Eragon--on tape. But I'm still reading it. It's not as dazzling as I hoped, but it does have me slightly captured and bound...


I got my acceptance letter from Iowa finally, and a scholarship way bigger than the one I recieved from BSU. But all my mom did was stare at me like someone sort of mindless...thing. Even when I told her I was uber excited and that the scholarship would make it almost affordable. But no. She stared at me like a gaping fish. Frustrating, she is.

By the way, the original Star Wars rocks. Yea, Harrison Ford was a BABE. Gorgeous. And now he's old. Don't even get me stareted on Indiana Jones.

Awfulness: apparently I'm a great smut writer. Whoo! Well, it's a start. Hm, not even sure how that happened, but my friend has decided she has to learn how to draw naked men. But, um, I guess we won't go into it. Really, I'm just glad I'm a great writer. The smut could stay out, but it doesn't have to. ^_^

I think I might be going to hell for that. There is church coming up in about, oh, eight or nine hours though, so hopefully there's still time to save my soul.

I haven't talked to my boyfriend for two weeks. My stepdad grounded me from calling him because he hates him, and the a-hole is too lazy to call me. He's busy playing video games. Upsetting. I guess I don't really care anymore. Really.

Moving On.

I am STILL sick. At least all I've got now is a cough. And I sit here eating carmel corn...mmm, delicious corn syrup and sugar...

My mom truly believes FF XII made me sick. Fhaa. I think it's been the stress. I hope. *crosses fingers*

I'm replaying FF IV right now. It's probably one of my favorites, along with FF tactics and VII. Yea, VII. I know. I don't really care, though. Yea, it's overrated, and I think all they did with it lately is too much, but the game is good. Movie was decent. Dirge of Cerberus...not so much. I'm interested about Crisis Core and Before Crisis, though. I love the Turks, but then again, what sort of teenage girl who thinks men in suits are sexy doesn't?

So, I got accepted at the college I don't want to go to, but the college I NEED to go to hasn't said a word yet. Man. And it sucks even more that my mom wants me to go to the college I don't want to go to. So I can be 'close to home'. Fhaa.

Well, what am I doing to do about it, anyway. I think she's incapable of loving anyone but herself sometime. She and my stepdad have been getting in agruments lately. I just hope they don't get divorced.

Sick again--*cough*

I've missed about eight days of school already because I keep getting sick. It sucks! I'm also missing out on cross-country skiing, which is even more crappier. I'm so behind in all my classes, especially Chemistry. But I hate science anyway, so everything works out. But man, I wish I could get back on track.

And I wish I would quit playing so many effing video games. Or at least, I wish I had the will power to put them down. They're just so amusing...

Later on in my life when I have nothing to do, I want to get FFXI. But I don't want to get addicted. I do want to get married though! I want a sexy elf husband, preferably a ninja or some other sort of sneaky job. Yes, I know, I don't have a life.

I think the people I respect most in the world are those wicked-fast illistrators who can draw things right off the top of their heads (RIP, Bob Ross). I have a friend who can draw super fantastic, but nothing pleases me more than looking at a great work of illistration. Hers included.

15 days until the man comes home.