It snuck up so freaking fast. I can't believe it, two days and it's Christmas. I'm hardly ready. I begged my parents for a DS, and that's all I really want. Oh, and FF III, of course.
Okay, so my boyfriend's supposed to be home, but I haven't heard anything. Lazy bum.
I am getting an immense amount of writing done! Minus the smut, thankfully. I finished a short story I'm dying to let my friend read. And others, as well. I have alot writing I want to do, and thank God, I've finally got the time to do it.
So, Christmas break. I promised Satan--oops, I mean my AP lit teacher--that I'd get a crapload of work done over break, but I don't see it happening. Good thing he's an understanding fellow who "cares". Seriously. I think this guy is going to hell. Straight there. He IS an excellent father, I'll give him that--he actually reads girly pre-teen books so he and his daughter (who lives with his ex-wife) have something to talk about, which I think is a great way of swallowing the massive amount of pride he has.
I have a pile of books to read, video games to play--I decided since it's the end of the year, I'll spoil myself and play some classics--stories to I'm making a resolutions list. I also, at last, started reading Eragon--on tape. But I'm still reading it. It's not as dazzling as I hoped, but it does have me slightly captured and bound...
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