mucgoo's forum posts
That because the 2600k is a much much better CPU than the 945 so doesn't limit the 580 as much. There no correlation between video card and cpu brand in performance.
exactly amd evildead was telling the dude 2 get a amd and yea i agree its really really cheap but what performance do u get from an amd? u dont thats y i would get a 2500 or 2600 cos its fast at pretty much doing anythink its faster then current 6 cores not just for gaming but for files tranfers etc etc and be overclock at a silly amount without a sweat
yah getting an amd chip at the moment is a joke. You could get a dual core i3 sandy bridge from intel and it would out perform AMD's best 6 core processor. I wouldn't get any cpu from amd until bulldozer comes out.
An pheonem 4 core/ i3 2100 + mobo cost nearly exactly the same.
Single threaded=i3 wins handdown
multi threaded=amds wins
Hoepfully bulldozer will correct this problem as lack of competition is always bad for consumers.
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