If you don't have a wireless router already, then purchase one when you get your laptop. Instructions to set it up will be inside the box. No internet searching required. On top of that, your laptop will (get ready for this!) let you know that a wireless network is detected. A bubble in the lower right corner of the screen will show up, all you have to do is click it and you'll know what to do after that assuming you set up your router yourself. Select the right SSD and put your security password in, click connect.
Wouldn't really call BenQ or Hanns-G bad companies. I also wouldn't buy monitors for gaming which have their MS rated in GTG (GTG G2G or G-to-G). Don't be fooled by high contrast ratios either. Not going to make a bit of difference during gaming.
It's going to show up regardless. At least for me it does. I haven't had a floppy drive for a long time now, however it still shows up as a drive in My Computer. It doesn't cause any problems.
You're not using a gaming video card. Quadros are for workstation, and on top of that, it's a low profile workstation card. Just to put things in perspective (I couldn't find complete specs on the card) it's memory bandwidth is only 6.4gbs.
If you're getting the same benchmark scores after overclocking your GPU, then apparently your CPU can't send enough data to the GPU for the overclock to actually do anything. CPU bottleneck.
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