I think the Switch will be to the 3DS what the DS was to the GBA. Nintendo will continue to support the 3DS as a budget device, now that it's like $100, but if the Switch is a success, and if people are using it as a portable device, there will be no successor to the 3DS.
@CatCouch: Yeah, only nowhere does this article or video shame anyone, or talk about representation or sexualization or objectification, or talk about Peebee's level of attractiveness being a deliberate decision, or any of the other perceived SJW crimes people love whining about. It's just the actress talking about the character. But that's enough to send the anti-SJW crusaders into paroxysms of righteous indignation against feminism or political correctness or whatever they think is ruining the world.
You create a false dichotomy between art with no attractive women and art with only attractive women. How about this: art with SOME attractive women. Spoiler alert: Andromeda is going to have more than one female character! If literally every single female character isn't designed to be sexually appealing to you personally, that is somehow "ruining it" for you? Well, get used to disappointment.
Nowhere did I say I "don't like it" when there are attractive women in games; this is a pretty bizarre assumption. If I am bothered by many of the commenters' implications that literally all female characters should be designed to be titillating, it must be because I don't like attractive women? Huh?
Nobody's trying to eliminate all attractive women from games. Nobody thinks it's not "okay if there are attractive women in fantasy entertainment." You realize there's a difference between appreciating diversity and hating attractive women, right? I rather like attractive women; I mean, that's essentially a tautology. But that doesn't mean I require literally every female character in everything ever to be sexually appealing to me; I don't consider it some kind of grave injustice if this isn't the case. And what if I find Peebee attractive the way she is? If she was changed to be more attractive to you or someone else, and therefore less attractive to me, wouldn't that then, by your logic, be "ruining it" for me? Just because you're a member of the audience doesn't mean you get to determine who else gets to be in the audience and what they're allowed to look for in the game. And getting upset at the developer for taking other audience members into account is just petty and solipsistic.
The point of the porn comment wasn't to compare the game's characters to porn stars; it was to point out the ridiculousness of the commenters' apparent expectations.
But to my original point: the video and article in question don't talk about any of this stuff! It's two minutes of the actress talking about the character and her (non-physical) traits. How anyone gets from there to "get the SJW off me!" is baffling, and depressing. To walk around with such a persecution complex and interpret everything that doesn't cater directly to you as some sort of attack must be goddamn exhausting. (And I mean the royal "you," not necessarily you personally.)
Ugh, the comments in this thread are so depressing. You literally cannot post a video that has a woman in it, regardless of what she's talking about, without all the 14-year-olds going on rants about "SJWs." Guys, there's infinite porn on the Internet. If there is a female character in a game and you don't want to bang her, don't worry, everything's going to be okay!
If only there were some way to gauge demand before a product launches. If only it were possible to find out how many people want to buy a product by getting some of them to partially pay for it before it releases, so you can adjust your supply accordingly. And if only there were a massive network of communication devices with which people discussed their enthusiasm for a product. And if only these enthusiastic statements were somehow linked to publicly available profiles for the users of these communication devices, from which a company might be able to glean some demographic information about the people who are discussing their products. In such a world as this, Nintendo might have been able to measure demand for the NES Classic and then manufacture enough of them. But, alas, we do not live in such a world.
Myrmecophagidae's comments