"Games that are meant for older, more mature audiences have no place in places where children can easily access them. Video games alone do not influence violent behavior, but they can play a role. Some of the most prolific mass shootings not just in this country, but in the world had links to violent video games," Stender said in a statement. "The longer a child is exposed to video games where killing is the sole objective, the greater the chance that he or she will become numb to this type of behavior and even consider it acceptable. This bill would ensure that video games with graphic adult content would not be available to children who are not old enough to make a distinction between fantasy and reality." for every study that supports this crap there is one that denounces it.
heres a thought you ass hat wearing fucktards, is that violent enough, maybe we should stop bombing/invading countries, glorifying war/soldiers with marine commercials and take that money and spend it on BETTER public schools/teachers aswell as after school programs. IDLE HANDS ARE THE DEVILS TOOLS!
" "Our recommendations are provided cognizant of the fact that violent media has received a great deal of blame for youth violence in the recent past, but most people agree that exposure to media violence alone does not cause a child to commit a violent act," the group wrote." about the only half intelligent thing in this whole article
"Concerning education, the task force said it recommends that the Department of Education (or another appropriate agency) help educate parents about how to make "healthy" media choices for their children. On top of this, the group said it advises industry associations within the state to conduct a comprehensive public information campaign to bolster understanding of media ratings systems" ARE YOU SHITTING ME!!!!!?????
Another bullet point on the task force's recommendation list to Christie is the removal of violent games from state property, namely highway rest areas. The appropriate authority with jurisdiction over such property should "consider the practicality and feasibility of regulating those video games to ensure that violent games are not made available to children," the group wrote. ." yea cause your kids gonna go get a job at the age of 12, save up buy a console, tv and game. Jesus lets just take any responsibility completely off all parents...WTF
HAHAHAHA you guys wanna know whats really funny about all this? Even if they pass all the BS policies they want they still have to rely on some zitty punk at gamestop to enforce any of it :P
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