"On top of this, the group seeks to require game retailers to "conspicuously" display ESRB ratings at the point of sale. These retailers should also develop, maintain, and display their own policy on selling M or AO games, the group said." OH OK SO LETS HAVE A "DEVELOPER POLICY" AND A "STATE POLICY". JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!! WHEN DID FUCKING MORONS TAKE OVER!!! WHATS YOU NAME SOLIDER!? MAJOR SIR! MAJOR ASSHOLE!!!
"The first regulatory action the group recommends is requiring minors be accompanied by an adult when purchasing games with an M or AO rating, as judged by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). The task force also recommends a "request for identification" for the sale or rental of games with M or AO ratings." AHHH PRETTY FUCKIN SURE THAT MINORS ALREADY ARNT ALLOWED TO DO THAT!!!
my point is people who live 24/7 in cities often have ABSOLUTELY no idea whatsoever how people out side those large population areas live. they also usually are totally coincided and think that its the rural areas that cant survive without them, HA they have a rude awaking coming if the system ever comes undone
thats cause these fags never step out of their goddamn urban empires. you know statistics say after only 2-3 weeks of a large metropolis losing its food supplies people would turn cannibalistic? and after only a month its likly 50% or more would commit suicide.
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