its like if they just shove it down our throats well eventually be ok with it. i foresee people going to mobile, especially if we HAVE to be always online, or going to PC, ouya or even steambox where you only have to be online to download games updates and multiplayer, or people even leaving gaming all together. hear there's this great system called OUTSIDE, the graphics are supposed to be amazing and its FREE TO PLAY!
@OldSchoolPlaya its like if they just shove it down our throats well eventually be ok with it. i foresee people going to mobile, especially if we HAVE to be always online, or going to PC, ouya or even steambox where you only have to be online to download games updates and multiplayer, or people even leaving gaming all together. hear there's this great system called OUTSIDE, the graphics are supposed to be amazing and its FREE TO PLAY!
cant wait till xcrap requirse AOL - always online - AND also require face recognition, finger/palm print, blood sample, stool sample.... all just to TURN IT ON :P
Earlier this month, Microsoft creative director Adam Orth made headlines after saying, "Sorry, I don't get the drama around having an 'always on' console. Every device now is 'always on'. That's the world we live in." He then used the hashtag "#dealwithit." He is no longer with Microsoft. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... ha.....ha ha .... ahhhhhh
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