Until I hear a two-minute apology, in perfect mandarin, to the country of the ROC, I'm avoiding anything and everything featuring the spineless lapdog John Xina. I hope every freedom-lover in the west does to your career, what every freedom-hater in China is doing to Taiwan.
The reaction to this reminds me of that clip of a hippo casually walking across the road with 5 lionesses hanging off it trying to take it down and eat it. They so badly want to rip it to shreds, but there's nothing to really hang on to, because at the end of the day, it's a friecking hippo, just doin' what hippos do, and in their own words, not really any different from the last hippo. So it doesn't really matter how angry they are, in the end they'll just get bored and go home.
Also I thought the guy in the video was going to start crying. Maybe the Windows 11 desktop reminds him of the old family dog. In fact if you pretend he's talking about his dog the whole time it's much more entertaining.
@chaosbrigade: “But Beijing intentionally pegs the Yuan to USD at a 1 : 8.28 exchange rate” Aaaand that's literally what I said. They assign it a value (in USD). You just added reams more unnecessary information to feel smart, then insulted me to feel big. I don't know how you came to be this insecure, but I hope you're feeling all better now.
@chaosbrigade: Except I didn't say all money is fake, I said the number value of Chinese money is fake, i.e. It's assigned, rather than determined by market factors. meaning no one outside a handful in Beijing know with any accuracy how (bad) the Chinese economy really is, also meaning all investments in it are utterly blind, being based on confirmation bias rather than trends or insight, and also meaning the Chinese economy will be “healthy and strong” until the very second when it's completely dead, which could be 100 years from now or around lunchtime tomorrow.
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