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lol, my friend told me about this last week.
I had no idea I would be seeing it in international news.
The CCP is desperate for money at the moment.
Because the value of the money and therefore the economy is completely fake,
it can be hard to tell, but if you know where to look, it's obvious.
e.g. They raised the retirement age last month.
That's one of the very simple things everyone in China can understand.
(Unlike, say, imprisoning and seizing the assets of billionaires.)
Therefore, one of the things they would always simply swallow the cost of themselves.
But now they're pushing these fundamental expenses back onto the people.
And people are noticing, and it's creating cracks in their big strong image,
because there's absolutely no reason they'd do this if they didn't have to.
And now they're seizing Japanese trading cards.
Ooohhhh boy.

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I'm sure that “fundamental difference in philosophies
has nothing to do with the fact that Dwayne Johnson is a gentleman; honest, incredibly hardworking, polite, devoted, intelligent, humble, and insanely grateful.

Whereas Mark Sinclair, is utterly self-obsessed, hopelessly insecure, refers to himself as an icon of masculinity, walks out of restaurants without paying, regularly talks unintelligible nonsense, wears special boots while filming to make himself look taller (he's really short, despite the 2nd sentence in this article), makes his female co-stars almost as uncomfortable with his unscheduled Facebook livestreams as he makes his female interviewers with his unwanted sexual advances, frequently keeps the entire cast and crew waiting on set while he sleeps in, and demands ridiculous camera trickery to make himself look bigger (Google Image search “rock vin diesel camera angle”). To name but a few.

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@gunnyninja: “You are confusing me with you.”


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No wonder you didn't make the Olympic Criticising Team with... zingers... like that.
I mean... yikes.

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@jenovaschilld: Yeah I'm with you on most of that. For example I've recently become sick of wireless controllers. I just can noooot be bothered any more. I genuinely felt relief when I went back to wired, although the choice is admittedly sparse.
Maybe the PS5 controller on my PC will change my mind again. I'll wait for a v2.0 internal hardware revision and give it a try.
For the meantime, I use a Gamecube-esque Hori Battle Pad for DMC.
Or a PS4 controller if the layout really is impractical for some games.
I still really want to try out a Steam controller.
I need a mouse for RTS and anything with shooting. Everything else is a gamepad.
Thanks for the tip about the Luna; I'll look into it.

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Edited By naryanrobinson

Razer makes the most unreliable controllers I've ever used in my life.
Over the course of a year I bought 4 because they were improving my DMC game,
and every single one broke and got returned within a month.
It was like a conveyor belt. They were absolute trash.

Look up complaints about their Blade laptops too.
Even Linus Tech Tips briefly mentioned how like a third of their staff got one,
and almost every single one of them broke in some way within a couple years.

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Ooooh I can feel a rant coming on again.
Maybe it's a “more positive message” or an “evolution” if completely taken out of context.
In context however, the message is:
Even if you are just a normal, vulnerable, human girl,
you should still sexualise the hell out of yourself to get things moving.
Just be a piece of meat for now; you can humanise yourself when you're famous,
(which of course 99.9% of you will never be,)
or when your sex appeal runs thin anyway on account of age,
(i.e. when you can't any more even if you wanted to).

I'm tired of reading lines like, “Her power is in her sexuality” or “Sex empowers her”.
They're always so careful to get the word “power” in there, for rebranding purposes,
when what it actually means is,
“She's really good at manipulating men by objectifying herself.”
When you objectify yourself,
you by definition deemphasize your character, making it impersonal,
and when you make it impersonal, you reflect not just on yourself but all women.
Then as a result other women feel pressure to sexualise themselves also,
and pretty quickly you've got an oppressive downward spiral.
If with great power comes great responsibility, and they feel “empowered”,
then it's up to sexy girls to use that “power” more responsibly,
and not objectify themselves. And not just for the benefit of the other 95%.
But this is not something which we're not even close to achieving as a society,
because we're so hopelessly far down this hole, that a sexy girl objectifying herself,
can get almost anything she wants with a mere smile. It's a golden ticket.

You can punish men for bad external behaviour — what they say and do —
but controlling their thoughts, or making them control their own thoughts,
in the privacy of their own head, even if they want to, is infinitely harder.
Girls, conversely, are in direct conscious control of their clothing and make-up,
despite how it may often seem.
Why does showing more leg and breast “look better” though?
Why does flushing your cheeks “give [you] more confidence” ?
Stop sleepwalking and think about what you're actually doing here.
It's not right to demand someone control what they say and do,
while simultaneously and deliberately dragging their thoughts in that direction.
And again if it's not deliberate, well, ignorance is not a strong defence.
You shouldn't be repeatedly doing anything if you don't know why you're doing it.

I look at it this way:
Question: Is the sport of basketball, on the whole, empowering black men?
Answer: A small fraction? Yeah, sure.
But the millions upon millions who have sacrificed huge amounts of time, money, energy, sanity, or even their education to the doomed fantasy of being noticed by a big shot? No, not at all. All it's done is consolidate them under the power of some guy. For them the whole thing was one big coordinated trap.
Well that's how I feel about female “sexual empowerment”.

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@gunnyninja: With COVID running rampant? Are you kidding?

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“Far Cry 6 Is A Game Of Contrasts”
You thought it was going to be different.
But it's actually the same.
Boom. Contrast.