Let's not forget that a bunch of different AMD CPUs and GPUs come with a free version of the game, and that AMD's CPUs are the best for gaming right now, and their 7800 XT GPU is the only well-priced high-end GPU on the market right now.
I just looked it up on YouTube, and yes, it's pretty bad, and yes, it's worse than the other characters. It's also quieter in the mix than the others for some reason. Look it up before saying that it's fine and it's merely people hating on Megan Fox.
There's a disconnect between what your eyes are telling you and what your ears are telling you. Your eyes are telling you there's a ferocious beast-warrior-princess-looking thing, and your ears are telling you there's a tired girl reading lines in a recording booth.
Kinda like the Beyonce thing in the 2019 The Lion King reboot.
@aaronlav: For example if you play MOBA's or competitive RTS, it's going to be virtually impossible to keep an eye on the map while you play. It's just too long for your eyes to do the round trip. In competitive FPS if it's vital you keep an eye on your map or even bottom HUD, checking it could easily get you killed. And there's many, many more examples that just won't be thought of until someone is actually faced with the problem in person. With 21:9, support for adjusting things like that has been trickling in. With 32:9 that kind of support is virtually non-existent.
You're going to run into a lot of potentially unforseen consequences gaming on a monitor of that width-height ratio. Go beyond 21:9 and you're asking for trouble on that front.
“We are convinced that the synergy, in-person discussions, rapid iterations, and a sense of belonging that happens more in person will help us be more effective and agile together, and achieve our business goals.”
When you treat people like crap and constantly lie to them, the only way they'll have a “sense of belonging” in your house, is if they think they aren't worthy of respect and dignity to start with. People who feel like human trash will feel they “belong” at Ubisoft.
Also, it's you that has “business goals”. Your workers don't have “business goals”. They have “development goals”. At least 95% of them anyway.
“According to the report, some employees speculated that Ubisoft changed its work-from-home policy to force employees to quit, cutting costs without the fees and bad press of layoffs.”
Sounds very plausible. But didn't exactly work out that way, did it? No, this lie is going to cost them more than if they'd just laid them off openly.
@kutraz: • You wasted your money. • I didn't waste my money. • You paid $70. • I paid $30. • You got a bad product. • I got a good product. • You financially encouraged broken games. • I financially encouraged fixed games. • You slacked off and got screwed. • I did my homework and got rewarded.
No matter how you look at it, you did the wrong thing and lost out. And I did the right thing and enjoyed the benefits. These are the facts of the matter. Crying about it in public isn't going to change anything. If you want to keep doing the same stupid thing, I say good, you don't seem to deserve your money anyway. Keep wasting it. And if you fix your spoiled attitude and do your homework instead, then that's admitting you're wrong, and a good first step.
I'm not wasting any more time on you kiddo. Try again when you're older. Later.
naryanrobinson's comments