The way I see it, the unions are necessary to maintaining a balance of power between massive corporations and their employees.
Ubisoft is a another gross example of what can happen when a company thinks no one has the power to hold them accountable. It's not supposed to be that way. You need balance.
The combined influence of the employees is supposed to approximately equal that of the company. That's the best way to appease the most people possible. And whether you're a capitalist or socialist, the point of any system is to appease the most people possible.
Saying, “If you don't like the job, find another job.” is a socially irresponsible band-aid solution at best. “Hey if you don't like me playing loud music all night feel free to move to a different neighborhood.” You can play that philosophy out for a really long time, but by the time you realise you've run out of neighborhoods, you're in deep trouble.
Some companies have grown into absolute monsters under these conditions. Powerful enough even to bend the laws to their whims, and have governments scrambling for their favour. And every concession government grants them, only makes it harder for government to punish them for subsequent offences. They're virtually untouchable. In some ways they're more powerful than government. This is not how it was ever supposed to be.
People should have pressed their representatives to strip power from such entities as fast as possible regardless. If said power ends up in the hands of the workers that's just a bonus. Instead they are mocking and blaming workers for wanted pay rises, without even knowing what their pay is now.
This kind of reactive animosity towards the poor, coupled with an inflated sense of pride, is the result of decades of intense corporate propaganda that was only ever truly successful in the USA, and has put American working-class conservatives in a very difficult position. The policies they identify with so deeply, are hurting them more than anyone, but they're too proud to admit just how desperately they're struggling, and in their desperation turn to increasingly unhinged sociopaths to save them, (sociopaths who are of course on the payroll of those same corporations) rather than face the “shame” of admitting, they, the workers, need better jobs, not merely more jobs. Admitting, that they need help.
This is the danger of pride, and of identifying with a particular political stance, and it's these conditions that have led the modern American worker statistically closer to slavery than that of any other modern developed country on earth.
@asultana121x@illegal_peanut If I may just interject here. Arguing about whether gay people, etc. in film is good or bad, is a bit like arguing whether films in general are good or bad.
There's no right answer to it. No absolute stance to be taken. You have to just take it on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes it's art; sometimes it's propaganda. It all comes down to the intent of the director. That's why the issue is so annoying, because you can't prove intent unless it's openly admitted to. Just my two cents.
“ has been overshadowed by recent transphobic comments made by Harry Potter creator JK Rowling.”
I know I didn't just read that, because GameSpot is “just a gaming website”, and not a place for “political” comments, right GameSpot? That's what you said to me. So GameSpot couldn't have written that. That and the fact it's not true. Another reason I know I didn't read it just now. I really should get my eyes checked.
That's the first LoL cinematic I've watched, and anyone who says it's not boring is kidding themselves.
I'm not disappointed because I had no expectation, but if the purpose was hype, that was a complete failure. It wasn't even nice to look at. Just bits of crumbling rock and stuff.
@nintendians: There's definitely bad ones out there, for sure. I couldn't believe how bad the Razer ones were. But I've been very pleased with my Hori gamepads.
I haven't used it obviously, but this NYXI model has magnetic joysticks, so that should at least alleviate the biggest problem; sticky or drifting sticks.
My ideal gamepad —which doesn't exist yet— would be a wired Hori Battle Pad, with gyro, magnetic sticks, and two back buttons. Unfortunately it's hard to get high-end wired pads these days. You can use your wireless ones while plugged in, sure, but it's always just power, not data.
naryanrobinson's comments