@hosedandhappy: I didn't play The Witcherfor its combat system, but I really liked its combat, and an enormous number of people also do. I mean 2 and 3, and likely 4, and remake's. Not 1. Didn't like 1's. Maybe 2's was a little loose and could do with a bit of tightening up, but it was still good, and one of the devs released a mod to totally fix it. I played on "Dark" difficulty and after 3 hours or so got the rhythm of it. The story alone was definitely not the main draw. Stories in games do not attract those kinds of sales. The series became big after the combat change from 1 to 2. Not because the story suddenly got good in 2.
Great news. I loved 2 and 3, but could never get into 1 because of the combat. It was unique, and functional, but just didn't make you feel like you were in combat. If I'm honest it felt kind of lame and took me out of the experience. So a chance to play through the story in a tighter game won't be passed up by me.
I'm totally cool with that. RE4 is one of my favourite games of all time, and the most ported 3D game of all time. Its genre has "horror" in the name, but while tense it was rarely scary. I kinda like that. A horror premise is usually enough for me. Because even for a horror veteran like me, I acknowledge that there's such a thing as "prohibitively scary". Like I'm glad I played Cry of Fear for example, but I probably won't play it again because the intensity of the scares actually reached the point of negatively affecting my enjoyment. It's one and done. Even the original Dead Space, wasn't that scary, but the screeching, wailing "music" every time something scary was on the screen, was a little too much for me. I could only handle it in short bursts. I hope the protagonist isn't whimpering or crying all the time either. Having a voiced, badass protagonist in a horror game is much more fun, imho. If you can integrate good story or even strong characters into an average-scary game, that'll take you a lot further than just dialling the horror up as high as it goes.
Gotta love Kojima. His last game was a walking sim that put the "post" into "post apocalyptic" and he still somehow made it work. This kind of massive-risk-taking AAA developer is a dying breed. Before long there won't be any left.
I was in China for 12 years and the Steam prices there were so good I just made a second Steam account. (I tried integrating into my old account but they're really strict about stuff like that) They were like half what I was paying in the west, across the board, all the time.
@Barighm: There's a thousand different reasons he could be writing slowly. At 74 some people just die of old age. Have a little more empathy. It's not like you pre-ordered it.
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