I gave her a fair shake. Benefit of the doubt. But she very obviously and deliberately led everyone to a false understanding. She's just your common, garden-variety liar.
I like both the normal and the green look. The normal look doesn't bother me so I won't bother changing.
The only thing I don't like about the current Steam client is how the tiny icons beside the names of the games in the library list, load in so sluggishly. Can't they just store that stuff locally after the first download? Makes the whole client feel lethargic.
@Akriel_Boulve: 1. You ever heard of YouTube? Not very bright, are you?
2. Her face is significantly more different than between 1 and 2, where she looked pretty much identical. And yes she sounds noticeably different. Anyone with working ears can hear it.
3. DmC was openly a reboot of the franchise. Not only was he supposed to look different in a reboot, but it didn't affect the original universe at all. Bayonetta 3 is the one and only Bayonetta.
4. It seems you're suddenly having a hard time remembering what you said. Here I'll take your advice and show you with the actual quote: "So most of that money they earn ends up being eaten up in medical fees later in life." So, it's "most". You said "most" of the money. Now let's look at the lie you tried to spin when I called you out: "...they end up paying vast sums of money in their treatments" Oh interesting. The key word suddenly disappeared. How about that? Funny how you can change your story while harping about the importance of accuracy. So are you dishonest, or just stupid?
5. You've just tripped over your own logic. You said things are getting harder these days, which is true, and yet the entertainment industry is bigger than ever and shows no signs of slowing down.
I'm done here. I won't be wasting time reading anything else in this thread.
@Akriel_Boulve: You've said a lot of things there in your three separate and relatively simultaneous responses. Some of them reasonable, others wildly wrong.
1. I haven't even played the games and even I know there's a lot more than just sexy grunts in the game. I don't like the hyper-sexualisation of the series, but I can admit when there's some good character work in there. Accuracy should be higher up on your priorities. 2. I hadn't read anything about Bayonetta 3 when I first saw the trailer, and the two things I remember thinking were, "Oh Bayonetta looks kinda different", and "Oh she sounds a little... flat." Then I found out Hellena Taylor was replaced by Jennifer Hale, one of the biggest names in the business, and one of its most talented. Yeah she did a fine job, but not as good as Taylor, but more to the point, not the same as Taylor, which leads me to... 3. You're recklessly underestimating how important the character is to these games, seemingly out of some kind of bitterness. You remember what happened with DmC? Fans were furious not because someone made a bad game (it's a great game), but because someone messed with their character. A consistent Bayonetta is very important to Bayonetta fans. We've seen how hard sales can be hit for this kind of perceived trespass. You know this entire genre is called "character action games", right? 4. No the average athlete doesn't spend "most of their money on medical bills". You just made that up. Some go broke paying for wicked injuries but its far from the norm. 5. "When the good times stop rolling" there will always be clowns. In fact until things are apocalyptic, people actually turn more to escapes like music as the situation deteriorates, which is why the modern pop music landscape is so insanely lucrative and sexually aggressive. We're taking harder drugs and killing ourselves at unprecedented rates because life is hard right now. A bigger itch needs scratched harder. Short of global nuclear war, the times will be good enough that clowns won't be short of opportunities any time soon.
@Vodoo: Yeah maybe you're right. I can't really comment as I haven't played the games.
And I agree with another commenter on here, total series revenue should not be tied to income.
I remember when I was teaching classrooms of students in China how their mothers would come to me and complain that the price for their one kid was too high because I was making ¥XYZ for the whole class.
I'd just tell them to leave then. Used to really piss me off, lol.
@MigGui: First, I never said we should just take the situation as is but then dramatically decrease their payment.
Second, society has decided a lot of things. That doesn't mean those decisions are good ones or even conscious ones. As I said, like most things, it's on the heads and hands of the general population how things go in their own country. Everything is as it is because of their choices.
And third, the point about reach is a fair one, but in my opinion just highlights how much more evolved the entertainment industry has become in light of the Niagara Falls of cash pouring into it every year.
I imagine the teaching landscape would look radically different if we valued it even equally highly, and consequently spent as much on streamlining it, improving it, and expanding its reach. And the music industry much more primitive had it only access to a typical education budget.
I find it very upsetting for example how many young black boys in the US spend nearly their every waking moment training to become NBA clowns because they figure they've a way better chance of making a living that way than by trying to get through college. Millions of kids, staking their lives on becoming clowns, and fully abandoning any notion of education, for the most misinformed or selfish reasons.
On the one hand, I view all entertainers, of basically any kind, be they comedians, athletes, actors, artists, singers, etc., as clowns. In my mind I sort of categorise them all as clowns, for perspective. And I'm not trying to be derogatory. We need clowns, for relief and for reflection. But clowns should not be the highest-paid demographic in society. A far, far too big proportion of society worships them like gods, and they get paid accordingly. Modern western society is a pyramid with the clowns at the top. They shouldn't be making hundreds of millions of dollars, Something has gone very wrong when the clowns make more than the doctors.
On the other hand though, Hellena Taylor is very good at what she does, and therefore she should be able to live a comfortable life, which $4,000 definitely doesn't provide. A footballer complaining about getting $1m when they say they're worth $10m gets way less sympathy from me. Our society should be valuing a really good, skilled clown at hundreds of thousands, not hundreds of millions of dollars. And yes bankers make more than clowns, but the difference is, that makes us mad.
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