It makes me absolutely furious like few other things do.
They actively tried every trick in the book to addict an entire generation of children, millions and millions of children, to gambling.
They deliberately targeted the vulnerable; the innocent. It's obscene.
That's a crime against humanity as far as I'm concerned.
Right up there with the Sacklers.
I hope those EA executives know their pit in hell is booked. I hope they're terrified.
There's just too much money in it. Vast, vast billions. The spineless corrupt politicians who all parrot “family values” will say nothing until it's game over anyway, then they'll hop forward to take the credit.
In one day I read Tom Hardy is a tournament-winning martial artist and Brad Pitt is an amazing sculptor. Nice to read. I don't like any demographic of people being labelled lazy or simple offhand.
Given that I'm currently based in the UK, I honestly don't know if these cards make sense for me. The prices are a bit much to swallow considering how little mining is going on these days, the exchange rate into GBP is annoying at best, finding one at MSRP is probably still going to be tough with all the bots around, and then there's the enormous power draw on these things. Couple that with the 60% price increase on my already ridiculous electricity bills, (come October, unless you believe in Liz Truss that is) and these things are going to cost a fortune.
I really wanted to like these games, but ended up getting impatient with them. I felt like, "Yes, you're witty and charming I get it, but can we hurry up please."
@Barighm: People need a strong connection with something. If it's not with people, it'll be with something else. And because it's almost never as meaningful as a relationship with another person, it will get carried to excess to compensate.
Some people definitely get "addicted" - for lack of a better term - to video games. But only because they're lonely. The same reason people get addicted to almost anything, including hard intravenous/oral drugs. Many people in hospital take morphine (heroin, essentially) repeatedly, often, sometimes for months on end. As long as they have loving friends/family waiting on them / visiting them, they don't get addicted. The data on that is absolutely overwhelming. If this works with heroin, you would think the default assumption would be that it would work with pixels on a screen. And hey, if you're going to legislate against video games, then you definitely need to legislate against chocolate too, right? And about a million other things. Loneliness is the pandemic of the information age, not video games. You can blame the people themselves if you want, or their coping mechanisms if you want, but that's a hollow victory even if you're right. Everyone likes to act so competent and independent these days, but the fact is, our entire species is a complete noob to this kind of hyper-interconnectedness; we don't know what we're doing and we've only barely started to care. That's why we ran into this trap. We're a fundamentally social species, and we mistook this for an upgrade instead of a fallback. Can you really blame us for meeting in-person less often when we just invented communicating instantly, for free, across the globe, from under our bed covers? Let's fix the disease, not the symptoms. There needs to be more groups, more societies, more clubs, more community-building, a clearer focus on those in society who are poor, as opposed to this or that colour. A shift away from the pressure we feel to act tough and hyper-independent all the time, more practice opening up, sharing fears and weaknesses, less emphasis on how we in a vacuum feel at every second of every day, less fear about being "politically incorrect", less blaming as a hobby, even when we know we're right. Less pretending to be something we're not, be it fake competence, or fake righteous anger. And if we can't manage any of that, then honesty. You can manage honesty. Focus on honesty and I guarantee our foundations will never crumble. Less emphasis on rank ordering different forms of entertainment by their effectiveness for purposes of political blame games and angry clicks please, and that includes GameSpot writers. Civilization is on the brink of collapse here. Prioritize.
@s0ldier69: It's mainly ballooning budgets that do that. You're risking greater financial loss. The obsession with bleeding IPs dry (sequels/prequels) doesn't help either.
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