@mogan: GameSpot is now an ideology factory, aimed at steering the minds of the young towards leftist ideologies and away from anything else. Don't even bother denying it. It is frankly shocking that they would openly block discussion under only the articles which contain their political propaganda, 100% of which are ideologically left-leaning. Never mind posting hit-pieces on their political enemies to their front page then claiming to be nothing more than an innocent gaming website. Again do not mangle your integrity any further by even attempting to deny it. People have eyes. They already know.
So if I ever do post on that useless “feedback board”, (which I have no doubt exists now merely as a means to take heat away from here, and has about as much impact as mailing your complaint into a trash can) it won't be as a replacement; it'll be complementary. You may as well post on the feedback board of Exxon Mobil politely asking them to stop making record profits during crises.
This new propaganda/censorship tag team is here to stay at least as long as RED VENTURES controls GameSpot. I'm not going to be quiet or go away, as per your invaluable advice, so don't bother telling me how to stop the evil while working for it. You say whatever protects GameSpot's interests. That's what you do. You do it actively, and you've never said anything contrary to that. You are incapable of criticising anything they do.
People should call out blatant immorality as and when they see it, among other places. Let them feign blindness if they want, but visitors will have GameSpot's practices and reputation laid bare when they read the comments.
@mogan: What a nice insight into your indifference towards immorality.
“Hey if you don't like slavery, just leave the USA. You're only increasing the demand for cotton by being here after all. So if you think about it, it's your fault.”
Come on guys. I thought we'd figured this out by now. Games do not start at 10, then get their score reduced accordingly. They start at 0 (or in this case, 1, for some reason) and have to work for every point. Basic critical thinking.
Maybe to help alleviate these comments every single time, just stick in a “bad” on every review which reads, “Not all goods were at their theoretical maximal goodness, especially goods good enough to not be bads, but not good enough to be goods.”
@rodoxthedark: Yeah you say that, and yet you're still here insulting people who had no interest in talking to you in the first place. Mr. Getalife here has come back to comment the same thing on the same article 4 times now. Wow! Such busy! Very life! Wow!
@rodoxthedark: The world has got to where it is, because of every time someone twisted the truth, just a little, to suit their own ends. Not even lies, just little mistruths, or omitted truths, or exaggerated truths. Millions of times a day around the world. They accumulated and turned into lies, which require bigger lies to cover up. That killed trust and lack of trust has decimated global stability.
I honestly don't know if this was an honest mistake or not, but they've used their journalistic responsibility to twist the truth so many times it hardly even matters any more.
naryanrobinson's comments