Yep. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that's maybe the scariest trailer I've ever seen. Pinpointed exactly the spot in my subconscious and repeatedly hammered a nail right into it with a brick.
Must be because your brain knows it's closer to real and therefore possible, than whatever hideous monster/alien/gore effects you usually see in films. It's weird the things that can make your brain freak out.
Wasn't there another horror film just recently where the gimmick was smiling? Also, good to see Caitlin Stasey again. I wonder would it be more or less scary to see yourself looking like that on screen? lol
Ugh. I hate titles like this. Disrespectful clickbait. It's a terrible representation of the information, even within just a handful of words. Things to watch for when ingesting news like this, semiconductor shortage aside:
1. This is over an arbitrary 7-day period. Why not 7 hours? Or 7 minutes? A quarter, or at least a month, might've actually meant something.
2. The XBOX Series S is a far cheaper console than the PS5, further reducing the value of the information and thus the article.
3. The audience for a product like this is finite so watch out for confirmation bias. i.e. If everyone already has a PS5, sales drop to zero and it looks like a failure.
@deth420: While capitalism eventually betrays everyone, what it's doing right now while it's betraying the west, is lifting people out of poverty across the rest of the world at an incredible rate. “Unprecedented” doesn't do it justice. “Mind-blowing” is closer to the mark. Dollar-a-day poverty is on track to be eradicated by 2030. Yes, a mere 8 years from now. Three-dollar-fifty-a-day poverty is obviously behind but falling at the same rate. It's harder to gauge with longer timespans, but experts reckon an additional 10 years should do it for that category.
So while capitalism is slowly putting 99% of westerners in poverty, it's an altogether different and better class of poverty than the poverty that it's searing through in the rest of the world, where, it's important to note, the majority of humans live.
So while we obviously need something that looks more like socialism in the long-term, I wouldn't say it's time for a wholesale replacement just yet, especially since capitalism-driven technology is slowly turning the utopia from “possible” into “easy”.
When a company goes public, it's required by law to do whatever it takes to maximise shareholder profits. How can that be anything other than a prescription for evil? It's basically written into law that your immorality is a contributing factor to your value.
So when they find someone with so little conscience, they gotta hold on tight to him. Nurture and condition him to be the very worst he can be. So he'll do the dirty work for them and they can stay “clean”. That's what attracts investment. It's frankly amazing America has lasted as long as it has.
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