That's actually pretty cool; I wish I owned this. And for people saying everyone's already played the game, that's not the case at all. Elden Ring has sold well, but it hasn't had a discount yet. I would guess there's at least as many people again who're waiting for that 50% or 75% discount before jumping in.
Cause if there's one thing we've learned since 2009, it's that Russian soldiers are all kittens and teddy bears that s*** rainbows. But good job censoring yourself Activision.
@dirtydyk: Right, you're the one running from a simple fact. I'm not sure what's more sad: That you were actually dumb enough to believe humans can't see >90Hz, or that you somehow think this little sideshow is doing you any favours.
I just want to know, in all seriousness, what did that random internet troll say to you, to make you believe something so brain-meltingly stupid? How did he sucker you in? Was it with the Hobbit line? Did you feel like an expert after learning it was 30fps? Did he play to your ego? Was that how he got you? You know you can literally see the difference in YouTube videos, right? You going to tell me that's the Law of Perspective, hmm? Every phone manufacturer in the world is adding 120Hz screens at the cost of higher price and lower battery for no benefit whatsoever? And you believed that? Are you ill? What else did he sell you? That dogs can't look up? That microwaving your laptop will charge it? You can't seriously be this stupid or you wouldn't be alive. No this has got to just be a sore loser thing. The defence mechanism of a uncommonly delicate ego. Yeah... that'd explain why you wrote all that irrelevant technical crap to feel smart. This all makes more sense now, and I just want to say, whatever made you so cripplingly insecure, I hope you get past it and move on. I promise I won't embarrass you by telling anyone else you believed something so thick, unless you really force me to, OK? So long, Dyk. Get well soon. Ciao.
@dirtydyk: Since you already know you're wrong, and are trying every trick in the book to avoid facing the fact at hand, how about this: I'll give you my best guess as to the totally irrelevant side show you've recently become so obsessed with in order to dodge the truth, namely the issue of 120Hz vs. 240Hz, if you admit that you're totally wrong that humans can't see more than 90Hz.
@dirtydyk: Logic? “I can see it therefore I can see it” is stretching the definition of a logical argument. It's so simple that it barely even works as a sentence. It's not even 2+2=4. It's more like 1=1
Meaning either, a) I don't have “human eyes”, or b) You're wrong. If we can't even get over this hurdle, a barrier so low that a dachshund could trip over it, there's no way I'm going to start discussing the anatomy of the human eye with you, or whatever it is you're going to try and distract us with next. Why are you so averse to just admitting you're wrong?
@dirtydyk: Hell no I don't want this monitor. I can barely tell the difference between 120Hz and 240Hz, never mind more than double that again. Maybe if that were your argument it would be less embarrassingly stupid. Maybe then you'd have a chance at being taken seriously.
And it's not just on my phone btw; it's on my computer too, in games and on the desktop alike. If I had the equipment to test it elsewhere I'm sure it'd be blindingly obvious there too.
If I can see the elephant standing in the middle of my living room, and my wife can see it, and my friends can see it, I don't care what so-called “medical facts” you pull out of your pants. I don't care if the most professional professional who ever professionaled walks in and says, “Umm, actually, your eyes aren't able to see that elephant.” I'm telling him to go get his eyes checked right after he gets the hell out of my house.
I'm sure a professional could break this down in ways you couldn't. Cause that's the thing about being wrong: There's damn near infinite ways to do it.
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