I haven't seen an elf yet that looks even half as elfy as the least elfy-lookin' elf in the entire Jackson trilogy.
I am the furthest thing from an automatic bandwagon hater. But it's just profound how wrong these characters all look. I can't even put it into words... it's just... all wrong...
@dirtydyk: lol, OK I wasn't expecting something that dumb, but let's look at that together shall we? So I'm a flat-earther, because I say that the horizon looks flat. And you're a scientist, because you're saying it's impossible that the horizon looks flat. You're saying, in all your professional eye doctor wisdom, that human eyes can't see flat horizons. That is gold. Good job. Didn't think too long about that one, did you?
A better analogy would be, everyone can see the elephant in the room, but the blind man can't, so he denies that seeing elephants is possible.
Or perhaps, that the blind man has already come to the realisation that the elephant is real but refuses to admit it, so rambles off a bunch of mundane crap about The Hobbit and flat earthers and helicopters in numerous desperate attempts to distract from the crystal clear fact that he was hilariously wrong when he said 90Hz is the most a human can see, because he's the world's sorest loser, and is physically unable to admit defeat, no matter how monumentally stupid his comments were. Yeah. That analogy fits better in this case I think, lol
@dirtydyk: I see you've written another essay about something besides how human eyes can obviously see more than 90Hz. Do you always regurgitate reams of irrelevant nonsense when you're wrong?
@dirtydyk: Yeah I know all the words you're saying. I'm a long-time cinematography and PC hardware enthusiast. That's what makes this whole thing so funny, and that's how I know that no combination of the words you keep smearing around negates that when you said humans can't tell beyond 90Hz, you were monumentally, hilariously wrong. Keep talking in circles about software and screen tearing and The Hobbit if you feel like it's making you look less wrong.
@dirtydyk: I'm surprised you're still finding so many words for this. It's really very simple: You said human eyes can't see past 90Hz. You're astoundingly, astronomically wrong. The End.
@dirtydyk: No no no. You've got me all wrong. I'm right because 120Hz clearly looks better (strictly provided that one is human and has working eyes). And if me being right makes you wrong, then you're wrong because I'm right.
@dirtydyk: I'm saying, regardless of what you're talking about in that long rambling comment (and god knows what your point was) 120Hz looks way better than 90Hz. And if you're saying in some obtuse, garbled way that it doesn't, then you're wrong. That's all. And if you're not saying that, then OK.
@cboye18: Exactly. Couldn't have put it better myself. But younger players will whine if they do it these days. They'll say it's not realistic you can't aim and shoot at the same time. When in fact it's the exact opposite of realistic to line up a head shot while running.
Very exciting. Although I hope they don't lean so hard into the survival horror this time. i.e. not lean as hard into it as RE2 Remake. One of the best things about RE4 was its combat flow. It felt deliberate, arguably even slow, but it was so smooth, and felt great. The melee attacks drew you into the action, like Glory Kills from Doom Eternal.
People like to say RE4 wasn't horror, they like to say it's a 100% full-on action game, but I think that's low-resolution bandwagon thinking. While it was far more action than any RE game before it, it was still more survival horror than action, in many ways. Horrific enemies with one-hit-kill moves, extremely tight situations that can take several do-overs, light puzzle elements, strategic ammo use (with magnums), can't buy ammo, can only buy one health item, able to run away from almost everything, many situations where you're clearly meant to, resource /treasure hunting, knife reliance. Especially back in 2005 when no one knew the tricks and secrets. The way we play this game has been hyper optimised over the past 17 years. If you can find videos from back then, most people looked like they were playing the game with one hand.
We actually have quite a lot of survival horror games these days, believe it or not. I really hope RE4 Remake doesn't just turn into another running-away simulator. Besides, it doesn't have the level design to do it well. At least the original didn't.
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