I don't think my point about the cultural diversity of Europe necessarily strengthens your point. Wars have been waged in Europe for thousands of years for numerous reasons - sometimes to preserve a nation's identity and sometimes to extinguish another nation's identity. Terrible atrocities have also been committed in the name of preserving culture. Anyway, there are many nations in the present day thanks to the dissolution of several empires. Europe is incredibly diverse, there's something like 80-90 distinct ethnic groups spread across the continent.
Again you are furthering my point. Europe is incredibly diverse, among Europeans. They have waged war for all of recorded histories as the reasons you have mentioned. To preserve culture. Europeans are similar in culture vs. Europeans/Asians or Europeans?Africans. Since this is the case, why do we STILL wage war? It is BECAUSE of CULTURAL/ETHNIC differences. If everyone could just get along, there would not be so much diversity in one continent....
As to international migration, this has been happening for quite a long time now. You're aware of the colonial empires many leading European powers operated throughout the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century right? People have moved here from colonies in basically every other habitable continent in the world. This was a particularly big thing shortly after WW2.
International migration during colonial era is not equivalent to migration of today. Britain was not importing Africans/Asians (unless they were slaves) to their colonies, it was Brits.
Well first of all communist EU? Let's be serious here dude. Anyway, I don't believe that it only serves the highest ranking nations, if that were the case then many of the countries which you may think are losing out would simply leave. Rather, they don't because it's a mutually beneficial organisation to be a member of. If anything, the smaller nations have a much greater voice relative to their size within the EU than they would ever have outside of it.
I am being serious. EU is as communist as the Soviet Union was. It is not mutually beneficial. EU decides what nations import/export, and what they produce. It controls production of a nation. I have traveled through many European nations that are apart of it, and the negative impact is there. Jobs are exported, cost of living goes up. Purchasing Power goes down. Poverty rates increase. What voice are you referring to? The EU openly states it is against nationalistic views and wants to focus on a global scale... Which clearly is not working. **** the EU.
Okay so you're anti-immigration in general, I see. And hey, I apologise for that assertion about skin colour. That was a baseless assumption on my part, and I realise I came across as a bit of an arsehole there so sorry.
All good, its just words.
Hmm, I do? And a walled off multi million dollar complex?! Woah... not quite lol. I have a flat in Cardiff, which is pretty diverse as far as Welsh towns and cities go. Guess I'm just a sucker for globalisation, would rather have Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese or Moroccan rather than being stuck with fish and chips or rarebit every time. If anything, it's usually the people out in the little towns having no personal interaction with immigrants who are scared of them.
I have seen this argument so many times, it is absolutely nonsensical. To enjoy food from another culture, you need to import the entire culture. Go look up a recipe or something. There's a reason they are scared of them.
You keep saying I don't know how the world works, but I think we are living in different worlds dude. And yes you're right religion can be an area of tension, I never said immigration was frictionless. However, most European countries are trending towards atheism or non-religious now, and basically all of them are secular governments. Why wouldn't anyone be able to live alongside people of different faiths? I think you're placing a bigger emphasis on religion than how much importance it actually has in most people's lives here in Europe these days. Well I guess we differ in that regard too then. I respect their right to practice it in my country, and the thought of someone praying to God, Allah, Buddha or Satan doesn't keep me up at night.
You don't. You are downplaying how much of an impact religion has on an individual/societal level. Its unfortunate Atheism/non-religion is growing, as their is a massive explosion of moral decay, but that is another topic. It does not matter what Europeans believe, but the people they are letting in. They believe in a different religion, and have a completely different culture. As their population grows, so will their influence on society. Pretty simple concept to grasp. Does not keep me up at night what religion they follow either. I respect their right to practice it, just not in my country. Go home and build your own nation.
Relax, I'm only pulling your leg. Maybe you are a cool Canadian, I don't know you personally. No loyalty to my nation or people? Hmm, well I'm not an ethno-nationalist no, that's true.
I'm cool, its a discussion with words, no one gets hurt. You don't have loyalty to your people or your nation. You have stated yourself you are willing to important other cultures just for sake of different food. That is a selfish act, and demonstrates no loyalty.
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