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necorid Blog

quick refresher. I'm not dead, just laZy

Heyoo, I know it's been... about 300 hours since my last post so i figured i refresh with a short update cefore getting on to the good stuff. ok, here goes.

1. my computer still won't let me upload the pictures to the site so i may have to scrap that blog i had been PLANNING FOR A MONTH.

2. i saw E3 and it was cool, no real suprises except for David Jaffe at the sony conference.

Which brings me to number 3:


Hope you're not afraid of clowns...


N-N-Nooooo (with tasty cakes and updates)

So it's 11:38 and i'm a little tipsy but i just got a call from a friend who was watching EP and they said that PORTAL 2 WAS CANCELLED!!! valve said they had "something big" to make up for it though.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, although this could be very unreliable, but for now we pray.

OK HOLD ON. i was wrong. As Gelugon_baat was quick to point out, it was the E3 press event that was cancelled and the game is still in production. Thank Cthulhu for that

now here is this:

I made both the motivational picture and the cake :D

That was freaky! I need to change my pants (Updated for my amusement)

*this is not the blog that was promised in the one previous. this is something different. just saying.*

So, who here has read this recent "soapbox" blog post by 2K_fish? it's pretty interesting.

Anyhow. i just picked up Dementium 2 and, well. just listen to this

I was on lunch break so i popped out to the sammies shop down the road for a quick bite. I brought my DS and Dementium along and began playing it after making my order. Shortly after resuming my game, i was so involved with the game that i didn't realize that my order was ready. Truth is, i didn't snap back into reality until i was greeted by a grusome baddy lurking in a dark corner, to which i blurted aloud "Holy #*$@"

I love games that scare the everloving bejeebers out of me. and not just "quick thrill" scares, but scares that are built up, the kind that are built around atmosphere and images that will stick in your head. Scares that take me back to the Silent hill series or even the DarkSeed games.

"But wait Necorid, I've never heard of any games called DarkSeed! Are you making that up?"

No, i'm not, they are just really good games that no one has ever heard of.

( I realize that you "faithfuls" who read my blogs regularily are definately much more knowledgable, but the DarkSeed games are pretty obscure)

DarkSeed was a game developed by Cyberdreams. it was a point and click adventure made back in 1992 and it emphasized the use of disturbing imagery to create a type of lasting horror. The artwork for the game was designed by a fella name H R Giger.

*Giger is most well known for designing the aliens and some scenery from the "alien" series. quite the looker aint he?*

*this is just one of the many other lovely still-framed scenes from the first DarkSeed. poor poor Michael*


After snapping back to reality, i changed my order into a takeaway and quickly exited the shop. not because of embarrasment (I consider myself to be a professional clown and have no shame) but because while i was playing, i started to sweat profusely. Dementium 2 had me literally sweating bullets, and the shirt i was wearing became uncomfortably sticky. After arriving home later in the day, i first began to ponder. That tiny snippet of play, in a public place full of people, had me in an amazing state of terror. Was i like that when i play alone?

I have to admit, i don't have the strongest stomach, but games that have really disturbing aesthetics tend to be my favorite. A little atmosphere goes a really long way and i think games like Silent Hill and Darkseed really understand that, providing all the creepy, and varying it as well, changing things up. and then even when you turn off the game, thoughts will stick in the back of your head. thinking about what you saw.

Well thats almost a perfect segway...THIS IS ACTUALLY RELATED TO THE TOPIC

So as stated before, i recently got my new banjo. Epiphone MB-100. i am pretty satisfied with it. i've already scouted my next purchase, going back to my expertise, Bass Guitars.

in previous years H R Giger has teamed up with Guitar manufacturer Ibanez to designe a series of finishes for popular models as well as a custom laser engraved guitar.

So naturally to go in the collection among my two basses, my banjo and my guitar.




So it seemed that Rockstar's "Read Dead Redemption" would have locked up this years highest rating. that is until, Mario Galaxy 2 came along and destroyed Red Dead by a whopping .5.

At first i pictured a swath of steaming Rockstar developers but soon realized that Red Dead and Mario Galaxy 2 are marketed to completelty different demographics so chances are good that people who play MG2 won't touch Red Dead and vice versa.


Heyo. so i'm just putting this here to formally apologise. my computer is currently being a giant @#$% so i'm having some trouble uploading new things. i have pictures of my own for use in my next blog but when i go upload them to GS, nothing happens, i "uploaded" them on monday and they have yet to show up. it's not just GS though, any website that involves me uploading files from my computer to the site have been crashing and burning.

any how just throwing that out there.

Just a quick one. Fuse Achievements


By now you've probably notice that instead of "emblems" we now have "achievements". I linked my Xbox Gamertag. of my 30 plus games, it's only showing my achievement progress in two. Gears of War 2 and RockBand 2. However, if i click an individual game on the list to check the progress, after a few seconds to load, my achievements are shown. but only for each game individually.

But then again, this is a relatively new feature so it's to soon to say anything.

(P.S. my achievement info is open to the public now, so there is no point in feeling embarrased about all the Guitar Hero achievements :P

(P.S.S. speaking of stringed instruments, i got my Banjo last week. Epiphone MB-100, it looks great and the first thing i played with was the Song of Storms from Zelda. Did i tell you i was getting one? oh yea i did here: i'm kindof an over-achiever that way, i wanted to learn one instrument and now i play three.

(P.S.S.S ok so it wasn't really telling you about it, more like alluding

That orange guy (SUPER UPDATE, AGAIN)

Yo, i just have a quick question. Are you reading this on April 7th? If it is not, then i would like to point out that i have successfully sent this message into the future.

Any way...

So the other day i went to the comic store (called "Warp 1" on Whyte ave in case you were interested and also live in Edmonton) and got a little something. I really can't figure out why i didn't get it sooner, it's been around for seven years.

Necrid. Ain't he cute?

I've checked around on GameSpot and I am pretty sure that there are no users that are named Necrid, with any variations of spelling or numbers, except for me. People recognize my username and ask me why i have the o in there. Well i'll get to that.

Necrid is a character that does'nt really have any place in the Soul Edge series. His addition to SoulCalibur II was solely based on one thing, or person rather. Todd McFarlane. When SoulCalibur II was being developed, it was decided that each home console would get it's own unique character. Nintendo brought Link (of Zelda fame) to the gamecube version and Sony's version had Haihachi from Tekken. Microsoft was at a loss. they had no major character that could be integrated into SoulCalibur's fantasy setting. Instead of using a Microsoft staple, They brought in Spawn, the comic book character. This confused a lot of people including me, that is, until i looked into it. Namco (now Namco Bandai) had hired McFarlane toys to create detailed models and action figures of the characters in the game, so when Microsoft couldn't get a character to use, they decide to use a McFarlane character. It was this that led Namco to ask Todd McFarlane to create a character just for SoulCalibur II. He abliged.

I jump around a lot with my ideas don't I?

My fascination with this character is fueled by nostalgia. I love comic books, especially Spider-Man. (fun fact, who was a major artist for Spider-Man during the early 90's? Todd McFarlane. Ever heard of Venom? you can thank Todd McFarlane for that piece of gold) Necrid was a Comic Book stereotype. Soul Edge has always had some pretty ridiculous characters but Necrid stood out like a sore thumb. It looked as if aliens had landed in the middle of a fighting game. His fighting stance was literally a combination of the characters Voldo, Ivy, Nightmare, Cervantes, Talim, Maxy, and then a repetoire of original moves for spice. He was different, he was odd, he was my favorite. Soulcalibur II was my first entry in the Soul Edge series so i was unfamiliar with most of the characters, having something familiar was comforting.

Right, right. about my username. it's simple really, Necorid was my password for an old online game i don't play anymore. Why Necorid instead of Necrid? because the password recquired 7 characters to register.

Right, now the other half. as i unboxed the beautifully crafted Necrid fiqurine (Orange is not Necrid's default color, but it proved to be more popular) i realized that i have a lot of Video game and Comic book mercandise, not the cheap stuff that comes with those lame "Special Edition" packages that clog up the market either. Decent Mercandise that i had to go out of my way to find. So i figured, i'd take photos of these items and post them here, updating them every so often. I Don't kno why, i feel like i don't have much to do here anymore and i don't like that much.

Oh and i'm not a photographer so expect some pretty bad pictures.


AHEM. so it seems that Epic Games' late night reveal on Jimmy Fallon was pushed back to Monday. I'm just going to throw this out there. CliffyB did say it was going to be a three, so i'm casting my vote for Jazz Jackrabbit 3. I'm dead serious. Epic started production in 1998 and then stopped. CliffyB was nice enough to "accidentally" leak a beta but thats not enough. Also, when i express my thoughts about Epic's new reveal and how i want it to be JJR3, i get rated down. think about that


the other day, Epic games released a patch for JJR2, this could mean that the possibility of JJR3 is becoming all too real...

We will never forget you, good sir.

A dark cloud looms over the Entertainment industry as a hero passes away. Earlier this week, Beloved actor, Robert Culp passed away at the age of 79.

Culp had a long and distinguished career as an actor and director. Starring in television programs and films alike. His most notable role, in my opinion, was his work on the T.V. series "I-Spy" starring along side Bill Cosby. However, the role i will always remeber him best is not a film role, not a T.V. role.

Yes, Robert Culp supplied the voice of the Half-Life 2 villain; Dr. Wallace Breen.

Robert Culp is a true industry hero, one hero that i will never forget.

Cliffhangers are like Call of Duty players. Annoying


Who's ever played this game:

Metal Arms is quite possibly my favorite game of previous-gen consoles, having it on the GameCube. Metal Arms knew exactly what it wanted to be, a humorous and smooth third-person shooter with a decent multiplayer component to boot. Sadly there is only one thing stopping this game from being perfect.

Metal Arms had a lengthy campaign so when i had finished the game, i watched the ending cut scene and was a lil' miffed at what i saw. i don't want to spoil much so lets just say a cliffhanger ending was thrown in my face. Now this wasn't as big of a problem the first time i played through the game, i saw the ending and wanted more, the ending teased that a sequel would be made. but now i'm starting to get worried. maybe because thIS GAME WAS MADE 7 YEARS AGO. I am dead serious when i say that this game is way better than a lot of the shooters that clog up todays market but ending on a cliffhanger and having nothing to show for it in 7 years is kind of a dissapointment.

While a sequel will probably never happen, i do recommend that if you can find a copy of Metal Arms somewhere, you should grab it. it's a shame it wasn't released on PC, an online multiplayer would have really hit the spot.

On an unrelated topic. I think Bayonetta and Judith from Tales of Vesperia go to the same Hair stylist.

Annually? (BOYASHAKA!! LETS ADD TO THIS MUTHA!!) and now the explanation


i'm sure that most of you feel rather dissatisfied with the one or two sentences that i throw into these posts, but bear with me, there's more to this.

so i looked to the left. what did i see? my level, my rank and, what? What's that? It couldn't possibly be, could it?

YES IT" TRUE:!::!::arrow::!:

I have been on for one whole year! so to congratulate you(?) i throw these you way.

The following is a list of images that are related to things that have peaked my interest this past year:

Spyro. the first two games were masterpieces

Garry's Mod. in the running for best game of all time

Spidey is a believable character. despite the fantasticalness

Easily some of the most memorable atmospheric moments for me came from Quake

Flandre Scarlet from the Touhou series. Having one of the best battle themes of all time

Self Explanitory

Fatso. you will be missed.

Postal is good for two things. killing time and making me laugh while doing it.

and people think today's games were bad, GTA4 is nothing compared to this.

Tales of Vesperia is easily my favorite next-gen JRPG. i have a picture of Rita because she is easily the most interesting character.

At any rate, i'm here now so lets have fun. a game maybe? Make sense of these images, tell me what they mean. maybe it is a character from a game? Maybe it is a new game all together. These last two have the title of the the game on them, so ignore that and tell me who these characters are.


*The next day*

While i thought i got alot of what really had me interested last year, looking back, i think i need more so here we go again.

The Other M trailer at E3 made me die a bit.

Skimming over this image may make you think it's just GOW but you'd be wrong

With a cover like this, i wouldnt want my kid to listen to Iron Maiden. but for anyone who has actually listened to IM enough knows that Eddie was just for Shock value. IM's music is pretty tame but the lyrics of the songs is what made IM so contoversial

A speed metal band that makes Video Game theme covers? sign me up

Azumanga Daioh... What can i say? it's totally ridiculous but it knows how to entertain.

The love him/Hate him Necrid. i'm obviously the former. and my username is not a typo, i've had the o in there for years

Jonathan Coulton. Nerd folk hero. nuff said

Cutesy Cthulhu


i feel now that i have started this, i should spectacularily finish it. so i will add new pictures until next Monday. Why? because this is my space of internet

The contunues(?)i really do question how many people read these posts. Regardless. here dis stuff

We're BEST FRIENDS. Baman Piderman is humour i can relate with

I have also been watching alot of Pheonix Wrong videos. not Pheonix Wright, Pheonix Wrong. there is a difference

YES this is a game of Tetris being played

Looks... interesting



the Epiphone MB-100. 180$ Canadian, it'll look great with the others


Hmmm? spoilers perhaps.

Who's played an Assassins Creed game? don't be shy, raise your hand if you have.

I found this rather interesting.

The evil Corporation that held the series protagonist, Desmond Miles, captive is called Abstergo. Mmkayy?

Abstergo is really a facade for a Templar plot to take over the world. Alright?

The word "absterge" means "to cleanse", "to purge" or to "wipe away"

Abstergo, Absterge, Templars. See what i'm getting at? I don't

*Later that day*

there was an unrelated note to this, but it required pictures which apparantly cannot be acquired through the inter net.