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what you make of it (and Cthulu)


i guess i'm done thinking about this whole "greatest Game Hero" shtick. yelling about it is frustrating.

So the last epic battle commences, Mario against Gordon Freeman, and for the first time in the entire competition (i think. i havn't done my homework on this one, so this statement may be wrong) Mario isn't dominating his opponent in the polls.

I think. I think it may be a good will gesture towards GF for making it this far, it has to be right? i mean, if Iwata had wanted Mario to win, he would have programed every computer in Japan to vote for Mario, right? Right?

Probably not, its lazy sunday, i'm stuffed full of turkey(tommarow is Canadian Thanksgiving) and i'm not in the mood to think, instead i turn the keyboard your way. Why do you think GF is winning now? Is GF gonna win? what part of Japan will Iwata destroy if Mario loses?

also, as the title promised: ph'nglui mglw'nath Cthulu R'yleh wgah'nagl fhtagn

4 remain, 3 nintendo.

Here we go again...

Like the swarm that follows, Nintendo will consume evrything in it's path. I'm not suprised that of the four that remain, three are characters created by Nintendo. I know you don't care about me or my opinion because i side with Gordon Freeman, but why should Nintendo get a free ride. I own Super Metroid, Supe rmario 1, 2, 3, world and I own Legend of Zelda and Legend of Zelda: Link to past, each for NES and SNES respectivley. I like the three remaining Nintendo characters, I like them enough to buy an N64, a GameCube and even a Wii( working in the same office doing the same thing in the same desk for ten years but having three different buisness cards getting paid all the same). just to play all these characters' 3-D adventures.

All that being said, I hate Nintendo. The Wii. Oh dear God, the Wii. When i bought the Wii, i had two things on my mind, What nintendo could do with this innovation and what they had planned for us. What a marvelous peice of video-game heaven, allowing you to move and act like your favorite Nintendo characters. atleast, thats what i thought. Nintendo has betrayed me, i feel. Playing all of it's next-gen games is like eating a thumb, Sure it's pretty and it's fun and happy, so was the NES and i still prefer that over my Wii. The Wii is often reflected upon poorly for controls that work as far as they go, but don't go far enough. I strongly disagree! Wii controls go too far and expect to much, why should i have to flail my arms like a madman to kill a SkullTula when a perfectly placed B-button worked just as well. It's all about the immersion they said. Well no, Ocarina of Time had no Painful controls and it happened to be one of the best games ever made. There was a time when Nintendo made similar games, good games. Games that gave Nintendo the established title of Biggest Game software Companies.

I guess i'm being negative.

I'd like to change the pace to a degree. Gordon Freeman. A man who receives so much hate for seemingly no reason. No thats wrong. Gordon Freeman gets all the hate because he is a threat to Nintendo and Fanboys (and girls) can't accept the fact that a non-Nintendo character has gotten so close to the final spot. Consider Half-Life, this isn't a game that set out to hurt any one, it just wanted to be good, it was good. if you were to check the comments supporting Half-Life or Gordon Freeman, you would see they are almost always marked down by thumbs down. Even if Gordon Freeman can't win, he can still be remembered for a number of things. He beat out 61 other characters for his spot, he could be known for things like; being the best mature rated game hero, best PC game hero, best character to sport glasses.

I guess what i'm saying is that i give up the ghost. Gordan Freeman is without a doubt, my favorite game hero, he's even personal hero. Gordon Freeman is a hero we can relate to, The job, the glasses, the humanity. When i was a kid video games were mere play things, i felt no emotion for games of my youth, now all Nintendo games feel this way. But PC games, Hardcore games, the first game to make me feel emotion for a game is Quake and there wasn't much story or character development to it, but still i feel for Ranger( the Quake Protagonist's name is Ranger according to Quake 3: arena.) over Mario.

What i'm saying, i guess, is that there are things better than Nintendo. Better games worht defending, Better games worth playing. But even as you read this, Nintendo will rake in more money than most of us will ever see. Money the will use to secretly fund a war on the XBOX or use to develope more hardcore Wii games to draw people like me back into the Wii whirlpool.

No. Thats not quite right


Ever read a copy of Nintendo Power? I picked one up for my nephew and couldn't help but flip through it. Of the things I read, the summary of previous reveiws caught my eye. In this section, all the games NP has reveiwed are put into a list alphabetically, and their given score is included. Because the games are in alphabetical order, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic and the Black Knight and Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, all for the Wii, were placed in order.

Now, this is what sets me off. The scores.

Sonic Unleashed: 8.0

Sonic and the Black Knight: 8.0

Spider-Man: W.O.S: 6.5

I have not played either Sonic game and I own Spider-Man for PS3 so I have no proof to argue these scores but to me, they seem odd. It's no secret that Sonic's Next-Gen titles are garnering little positive reception. And in Spider-Man's case, as far as multi-platform games go, The Wii ports tend to do the poorest, this isn't always the case but it happens often enough.

Now here's the thing. I have been enthralled with both Sonic and Spider-Man since I was a kid and I have been disapointed with both their recent attempts to continue their respective legacies. Sonic games of the past five years seem utterly ridiculuos and after One More Day, Spider-Man has gone to the gutter.

My real beef with all this is the scores. I guess i'm siding with Spider-Man cause even though the Wii version of W.O.S. was pretty bad, I can tell it was better than Sonic's afformentioned games. I have no proof to support my feeling, only oppinion.

I have reveiwed Spider-Man: Web of Shadows for PS3. If you curious to see what I thought of it, check it out.

so i bet you Snake fans are upset...

So Gordon Freeman defeated Solid Snake after a close neck-and-neck battle. Now i bet some of you Snake fans are upset, you have every reason to be. I don't mean to be snide or anything, i thought once or twice that I would be in the same boat as you are in now.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Snake, I like where he comes from, I like what he does. But he's just not a personal hero. He's so overbearing, to me he feels like a cliche. But take Gordon Freeman, the everyman-turned-hero, he has no bland one-liners or odd manerisms. The Freeman is a mute hero like Mario or Link or DOOMGuy but unlike all these characters he does'nt even make a sound, no grunts of pain or jumping sounds, the only noise he makes is the sound of a crowbar smashing a headcrab or crunching legbones if he falls too far.

I respect Konami, I respect Valve. Both Producers make quality games with detail in all aspects of a video game. But as far as they go, I have to side with Valve.

On a side note: if a tie between Solid Snake and Gordon Freeman occured (or was even possible) i'm curious to see who would win in a fight. Valve's Death Squads or Hideo Kojima's personal Task Force

I had an N.W.O. dream

Not a nightmare, though. Nightmares for me are usually resolved with some benefit to my well being. An N.W.O dream is the dream that you don't win, you just accept. N.W.O. stands for "No Way Out" and the symptoms of an N.W.O. dream are the easily recognizable signs of losing horribly, death by a relentless force or the ever frequent "yellow bed sheets" I guess i never really interpreted the dream, i just know someone died or i died or something...

it isn't clear.

Anyway, I've been on a Half-Life binge for the past few months and it's the only game i can play right now. What i mean is that i have gotten so into Half-Life 2, Half-life 2: episodes 1 & 2, that i cannot effectively play anything else. I tried playing SSBB with a mate the other day but the game doesn't feature G(ordon Free)man so i had to play as snake because he most resembles him . i tried to play Banjo Kazooie and became frustrated with the lack of crowbar. In Halo, a rogue grenade knocked some barrels in to my path and no matter how hard i tried, i had no Zero Point Energy Field manipulation Gun to move the barrels.

but any way heres my favorite Demon:

Guess it.

$20 CDN says i can stump you. guess the game.




Physics gun


Giant insects

Laser-Guided Rockets


(the following clues were added 7:09 PM, September 14)

Editing tool

Driving sequences

Confusing but good plot

Set-peice battles

Protagonist wears eyewear

Antagonist is a doctor

Dementium 2 (will be sweet!!)

I like the survival horror genre. allthough lately the genre has devolved from "survive" to "kill everything like it's goin out of style". i'm not sure if dementium 2 will be any different but i do know this:

I havent played my DS in two months but i have a feeling this game will log alot of game hours afteri get it.

I just gotta say

i am a nostalgic gamer. i loved any N64 game developed by Rare. now, in the age of the mega console. banjo-kazooie has made a next-gen oil change. Thats all i have to say, no real point.

oh yeah. the new banjo game has a pretty decent physics engine, by which i mean, realistic enough to warrent a few accuracy points but at the same time awsome enough that driving over a felled tree at the right speed and angle will send you flying to the moon

Say it right or don't say it at all. (Halo: ODST topic)

This has been anoying me since ODST was announced. When someone says this i have to call them on it. It's not Halo 3: ODST. the 3 doesnt belong. Sure it has the gameplay of Halo 3, but it is not Halo 3. if anything it is more like Halo 2: ODST because it takes place during the time period of Halo 2. people don't believe me when i say this but it's true. Watch the "keep it clean" video and you will see a massive explosion happening among some sky scrapers. That blast is the one caused by the prophet's ship hovering over New Mombasa. you know what i mean. The few levels that take place on earth in Halo 2 are resolved when the prophet's ship jumps from earth to the second Halo ring. Anyway, i digress, next time i catch someone say to me in person, their toung is mine.