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Holy diversity (Batman)

Looking over my recent ratings list, i realized something. then i went to my game hub (the room with the tv and consoles)and looked at my game library. The realization is that amidst my X-box 360, my Wii and my PS3, is that holy crap. my game library is diverse. i never thought about it but i got. shooters, RPGs, racers. beat em' ups. adventures, platformers, horrors, party, arcade, J-RPGs, All rated from E to M. How the hell did i buy all these?

they'll never see it coming (a transformers topic)

just to add more chaos to the world. i'm gonna reveiw a movie on GameSpot. a website that clearly has nothing to do with movies (or does it)

the movie is...

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

verdict: 2 allspark fragments out of 5.

Reason: plot holes big enough for Optimus Prime to drive through


Is it just me or is an awful lot of racing games being given one syllable word names.

Dirt, Pure, Clutch, Fuel, Baja(not really but it's one word), so on. Its weird.

i wants it, bad...

I wants Prototype...

I wants it so bad that for every second that i don't have it, a square foot of land will be lost to pollution and urban development.

Do you wants that on your conscience?

is that spelt right?

i wants it...

April fools

so apparently the new announcment sony had planned is that the PS2 is dropping to 100$, April fools

Those little details that sell games...

Hear me out for a minute...

What is it about the little details that makes the clever consumer buy a game?

So you can see the protagonists Pefectly mapped-out wrinkles, so you can hear the squishing sound of the insect your character stepped on, so New York has athousand NPC's on screen at one time, so you get to play the beutifull cutscene instead of watching it. well who cares? do details as refined as this hurt or help game sales? doubt my opinion all you want but the answer is a spitefull no. 34% of game sales go to young kids who dont care what they buy as long as they play. and parents and reletives who buy for kids. the other 66% of gamers make up the educated "Clever Consumer". people who know what they buy, and why they buy it. now my question to you as a Clever Consumer is when you buy a game, is it the little details put into it or the overall gameplay that is the selling point?

Multi-Platform Gamer in a Next-Gen world

I don't know...

Even with the economy in its current state. The game industry is doing well, which is my problem. I own every next-gen console and one handheld (Nintendo DS). And the problem is that the choice of games on the market is overwelming. i've found that the X-Box 360 has the greatest selection but the PS3 has the best original, exclusive games and the WII has the best party and casual games. I have online support for all three consoles but i find X-Box 360 is the most reliable and has the most players but PS3 and WII have free online support. Do i pick a favourite? Do i continue haveing to choose? What?