If I had to guess I'd say that there is no current 4k build for ps4 pro.
All Sony had to do is say that the footage was recorded on an Xbox 1x and it wouldn't have been so bad.
No one was going to believe this was playing on a ps4 pro hell people don't even believe that it's running on an xb1x. It has been confirmed to be running on an xb1x not a pc.
@vanquishre: pcs frostbite engine doesn't support the use of checker board techniques so this is definitely being run on a console. Bioware has already confirmed this trailer to be running on an xb1 x.
@atomolog: true but as an upgrade you shouldn't have to pick between framerates and resolution. Sony chose to make a profit over giving you the best of both worlds. Instead of giving us a console that would beat the pro in both fps and resolution they decided to just slap on another gpu and call it a day. They screwed you over so that they can make a full mark up on you. You paid 400 bucks for a pc that cost them less than half of that. Don't support that practice because it is the cancer of the gaming industry. That type of lying is what caused the gaming industry to crash back when I was a kid.
@louixiii: yeah I felt the same way but that because I didn't understand it.
Always online was a good idea they just passed it off in the wrong way.
They should've showed us what kind of game play is only possible if always online was a thing.
I don't know about you but I'm only for supporting the industry.
I don't support the used games market.
It's a cancer to the industry.
It has forced devs to start making extra money through dlc and micro transactions.
Because of the used games market it has risen the price of a full aaa game to be over 100 bucks. Remember sometimes you have to pay to unlock dlc that's already on the disc.
Yeah the kinect thing.....I'd either it should've been optional.
Neoistheone's comments