If you buy a new TV today and it 1080p then you should stick with the xb1s or ps4 slim. If you buy a 4k TV today then you shouldn't waste you time with the older consoles. Get the console your TV supports. I just don't see someone buying a 4ktv then cheap out when it comes to the console.
You can't expect people who hate Microsoft to know what's up with its products.
They hardly ever say anything positive about Microsoft everything they do say always comes from other sources.
There is a reason why Microsoft GA e gamespot the cold shoulder when it came to Scorpio. They completely cut them out of the loop.
I know they are supposed to be professional but I think they down play Microsoft in order to get more traffic on the website.
Well maybe the it'll change after scorpio.
When ps4 pro games begin to get out shined the xbots will go and make fun of the ps4 ponies.
Negatively against ps4 will keep this vicious cycle going. No one will ever win the console war until WW3 comes and the economy goes down the drain and no one makes games any more.
WW3 might be the end of Sony.
Microsoft will probably be taken over by our elite and the industrial military complex. They'll survive and make games once the world recovers.
@clay544888: unless you have a custom mother board with at least a few titan x on it then you aren't pc master race. You're just a peasant pc player that buys parts of the shelf. You aren't mater race until your rig exceeds at least 20 grand in cost. You're probably more like a pc pro race or a peasant pc elite. How much have you spent on your current pc set up?
Neoistheone's comments