@Sozialminister: You sound like a pos. There's a reason why you don't like xbox. Good thing too I bet you're a pc only guy. the xb1 is a great console. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean the kids wont.
@beowulf1211: I have 6 different ps4 consoles. But to be fair 3 haven't been opened and one is a pro. You're right though. Every ps4 I've used is louder than a jet and runs hotter than a hot pocket. Great console though. It is great to see Sony dominating microsoft. If it wasn't for that I'd probably be playing only Sony just out of spite. I'm also glad to see that Microsoft is trying with the Scorpio. Games on it are going to look amazing.
@beowulf1211: @beowulf1211: haha good one my connection isn't the fastest in the world but I can download any game in under an hour. I'll be fine with what I have.
I'm just talking about how my ps4 magically doubles my latency. I range anywhere between 30 to 50ms on my xb1, faster on my pc though, and average around 60 or 70 on my ps4 pro.
You don't notice it because you have gotten used to it or you don't play games where every fraction of a second counts. It's not hard to get used to the lag but it does make a difference when your opponent can see you before you can see them. Play a game like rainbow six siege on ps4 for a month then jump on pc or xb1 and you'll see what I mean.
Call me what ever you want but it doesn't change the truth.
It's not real laggy just enough to wonder why. Even when it's a wired connection it's still slow. Idk maybe you're right maybe your wrong. I don't think it's the speed of the connection but the rent a cop servers psn rents.
Neoistheone's comments